Quiz: How and Why to Stop Smoking for Good
Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on October 07, 2023
Question 1/11
Which is more addictive?
- Nicotine
- Heroin
- They are equally addictive
Question 2/11
Smoking can cause eye problems.
- True
- False
Question 3/11
Menthol cigarettes are safer.
- True
- False
Question 4/11
When you stop smoking, your blood pressure begins to drop in:
- 20 minutes
- 3 hours
- 24 hours
Question 5/11
Most smokers want to quit.
- True
- False
Question 6/11
Kids whose parents smoke around them are more likely to get:
- Ear infections
- Chickenpox
- Diabetes
Question 7/11
Smokers who try to quit are most successful when they:
- Use medication and counseling
- Go cold turkey
Question 8/11
Most people who quit smoking gain 10 to 15 pounds.
- True
- False
Question 9/11
Quitting smoking can cause sadness.
- True
- False
Question 10/11
People who smoke have more wrinkles than people who don’t.
- True
- False
Question 11/11
Kicking the habit may gain you how many years of life?
- 2
- 8
- 10