Smoking Cessation Slideshows
Vaping: What You Need to Know
- What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking
You know that smoking is bad for your health. But did you know that your health starts to improve within a half hour of quitting? And it typically improves more with every passing day, month, and year.
- Smoking Triggers: 10 Tips to Overcome Them
Certain situations can increase your urge to light up. Learn about some common smoking triggers and what you can do to avoid them.
- 9 Body Parts You Can Damage by Smoking
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Here’s how it damages different parts of your body.
- Slideshow: Surprising Ways Smoking Affects Your Looks and Life
Pictures of twins show how smoking dramatically speeds up wrinkles and aging. Also covered: sagging breasts, early menopause, hair loss, cataracts, infertility, and other effects of smoking.
- Quitting Smoking: Tips for the First Hard Days
Giving up cigarettes can be hard, but you can do it. WebMD shows you some hints and tips to help you make it through the first tough days when you quit smoking.
- 13 Best Quit-Smoking Tips Ever
Quitting smoking is not easy, but the many health benefits are worth it! Use these practical tips to kick the cigarette habit for good.