Description Capital of a country, province, Largest Area of a Place: location of its governing head Represents capital city (Q5119) , administrative centre (Q1306755) , chef-lieu (Q956214) , centralort (Q52152600) , centralized bureau (Q16534478) , national capital (Q108178728) Data type Item Domain
According to statements in the property:
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) ,
human settlement (Q486972) ,
island (Q23442) ,
fictional country (Q1145276) ,
municipal corporation in the United States (Q3327870) ,
area (Q1414991) ,
geographic region (Q82794) ,
fictional planet (Q2775969) ,
real country in a fiction work (Q57663042) ,
fictional geographic region (Q20750954) ,
fictional administrative territorial entity (Q64034456) ,
metropolitan area (Q1907114) ,
historical country (Q3024240) or
nation (Q6266)
When possible, data should only be stored as statements Allowed values human settlement (Q486972) , mainly capital city (Q5119)
(note: this should be moved to the property statements)Example Estonia (Q191) → Tallinn (Q1770) Russia (Q159) → Moscow (Q649) Saint Petersburg (Q656) Italy (Q38) → Rome (Q220) Vatican City (Q237) → not applicableBolivia (Q750) → Sucre (Q2907) La Paz (Q1491) Regenkreis (Q2137422) → Straubing (Q7027) Regensburg (Q2978) Tracking: same no label (Q42533365) Tracking: usage Category:Pages using Wikidata property P36 (Q27478256) See also headquarters location (P159) Lists
Proposal discussion Proposal discussion Current uses Total 130,377 Main statement 130,316 >99.9% of uses Qualifier 49 <0.1% of uses Reference 12 <0.1% of uses
Search for values
create Create a translatable help page (preferably in English) for this property to be included here ]
Qualifiers “start time (P580) , end time (P582) , point in time (P585) , replaces (P1365) , replaced by (P1366) , determination method or standard (P459) , nature of statement (P5102) , reason for deprecated rank (P2241) , reason for preferred rank (P7452) , object of statement has role (P3831) , statement is subject of (P805) , latest start date (P8555) , earliest date (P1319) , earliest end date (P8554) , latest date (P1326) , applies to part (P518) , time of earliest written record (P1249) , end cause (P1534) ” : this property should be used only with the listed qualifiers. (
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Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P36#allowed qualifiers , SPARQL
Type “administrative territorial entity (Q56061) , human settlement (Q486972) , island (Q23442) , fictional country (Q1145276) , municipal corporation in the United States (Q3327870) , area (Q1414991) , geographic region (Q82794) , fictional planet (Q2775969) , real country in a fiction work (Q57663042) , fictional geographic region (Q20750954) , fictional administrative territorial entity (Q64034456) , metropolitan area (Q1907114) , historical country (Q3024240) , nation (Q6266) ” : item must contain property “
instance of (P31) ,
subclass of (P279) ” with classes “
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) ,
human settlement (Q486972) ,
island (Q23442) ,
fictional country (Q1145276) ,
municipal corporation in the United States (Q3327870) ,
area (Q1414991) ,
geographic region (Q82794) ,
fictional planet (Q2775969) ,
real country in a fiction work (Q57663042) ,
fictional geographic region (Q20750954) ,
fictional administrative territorial entity (Q64034456) ,
metropolitan area (Q1907114) ,
historical country (Q3024240) ,
nation (Q6266) ” or their subclasses (defined using
subclass of (P279) ). (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P36#Type Q56061, Q486972, Q23442, Q1145276, Q3327870, Q1414991, Q82794, Q2775969, Q57663042, Q20750954, Q64034456, Q1907114, Q3024240, Q6266 , SPARQL
Value type “administrative territorial entity (Q56061) , human settlement (Q486972) , political territorial entity (Q1048835) , fictional administrative territorial entity (Q64034456) , capital city (Q5119) , geolocatable entity (Q123349660) ” : This property should use items as value that contain property “
instance of (P31) ”. On these, the value for
instance of (P31) should be an item that uses
subclass of (P279) with value
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) ,
human settlement (Q486972) ,
political territorial entity (Q1048835) ,
fictional administrative territorial entity (Q64034456) ,
capital city (Q5119) ,
geolocatable entity (Q123349660) (or a subclass thereof). (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P36#Value type Q56061, Q486972, Q1048835, Q64034456, Q5119, Q123349660 , SPARQL
This property is being used by:
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la:Formula:Capsa civitatis Vicidata , la:Formula:Capsa subdivisionis Vicidata , la:Formula:Capsa circuli terrae Germaniae Vicidata , la:Formula:Capsa civitatis Vicidatorum , la:Formula:Capsa subdivisionis Vicidatorum
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ru:Шаблон:Регион Киргизии
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ru:Шаблон:Аильный округ Киргизии
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Would County seat be classified as capital for the purpose of Wikidata? kevmoo (talk ) 13:22, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
I would think not. An example is Olympia , Washington which is the county seat of Thurston County and the capital of Washington state. Allen4names (talk ) 13:33, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
Perhaps the property should be changed to "Capital of Administrative Unit" with the ability to refer to the administrative unit. Certainly there are cases where one city is both the capitol of a state/providence and the national capital. Handling this duel purpose would be goodness. kevmoo (talk ) 13:42, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
Sorry, I was thinking of capital as an item not a property. Perhaps "capital city of administrative unit" would be better? Allen4names (talk ) 15:30, 5 April 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
Yes! "capital city of administrative unit" as a property. (I'm very new to this, so item vs property is new for me.) With the ability to specify which administrative unit, etc. kevmoo (talk ) 15:34, 5 April 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
I tried to finish with Constraint_violations/P297#Item_P36 . This listed items like: Gibraltar (Q1410) and Hong Kong (Q8646) . What should these use? As the "location (city, municipality) of governmental seat of the country, state or administrative subdivision" including e.g. Gibraltar (Q1410) for Gibraltar (Q1410) could be consistent. -- D o c u at 09:41, 9 June 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
Frequently P36 is used for administrative units of lower level (districts, provinces and so on). For them center ("capital") has not to be capital city (Q5119) itself, so I suppose that this constraint is superfluous. Infovarius (talk ) 12:09, 10 October 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
Tentatively requiring the target item to be of type "capital" brought too many violations (see table below). Suspending that, since I guess another scheme should be use to indicate that a given settlement is the capital of a territory. LaddΩ chat ;) 14:51, 15 March 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
{{Constraint:Value type|class=Q5119|relation=instance}}
I suppose that we cannot use any similar constraint, because any (doesn't depend on its status) populated place can be a capital (administrative centre) of some administrative unit. --Infovarius (talk ) 19:34, 15 March 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
If instance of (P31) is a Wikimedia disambiguation page (Q4167410) the presence of capital (P36) is prohibited
see: Wikimedia disambiguation page (Q4167410) with capital (P36) . Usualy there might be more possibilities:
a) Please identify the non - ambiguation page (WD item) where the property capital should be moved; "normally " no other statements should be left at the disambiguation page. It can happen that a set of properties should be moved to another (a second) WD item, another set to a third WD item etc.
b) (recomended method :) Verify which language is a disambiguation page and separate it from the rest. Please use Gadget-labelLister.js can be activated at preferences#gadgets to remove all faulty (disambiguation) descriptions after the disambiguation page is separated: Verify the descriptions for the following languages: de, en, fr, es, pt, pt-br, ru, sv which where added by bots long time ago and take a short look at the other language descriptions.
c) If method b) can not be used because all linked WMF-project language pages are (local) disambiguation pages please create a new WD item and add a proper description in your native language and in English .
Thanks in advance! gangLeri לערי ריינהארט (talk ) 18:18, 22 June 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
What property is to be used for non-administrative units as target like a village as seat of a municipality? --JulesWinnfield-hu (talk ) 21:05, 24 June 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
I removed the constraint to extend the domain, with reference to Wikidata:Property proposal/Archive/9#Administrative center . Also, I think that contains the administrative territorial entity (P150) and contains settlement (P1383) should be the same property which only the constraint prevents it. --JulesWinnfield-hu (talk ) 11:06, 5 July 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
In several languages, the equivalents of "capital" are only used for capital cities of countries, for "capitals" of administrative units are named with a different word. This kind of distinction already exists in some cases, for example located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) must not be a country so it cannot be applied for highest rank administrative units. Distinction in case of located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) and the lack of it for capital (P36) is not based on logic or data structure but on English language only. In languages expressing this distinction with different words it is very difficult to describe and correctly use capital (P36) .
Peyerk (talk ) 12:46, 16 April 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
The label of the property is not necessarily a single word. For example sex or gender (P21) had 'sex or gender' as its English label. The Dutch label for P36 is 'hoofdstad of -plaats', which encompasses both larger and smaller units and places. Other languages could use a translation of the word 'or' as well. Wouldn't that solve the problem?
I don't see that the distinction here is based on a distinction in the English language. In fact, Americans seem to reserve the word 'capital' for the capitals of countries and federated states (like Texas) and not for the seat of government of subordinate units, so in English there is a distinction as well. Bever (talk ) 00:19, 30 July 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
Why is it not possible to choose another word for smaller administratives units ? Like chef-lieu in french, english or spanish or capoluogo in italian, and pennlec'h in breton... It seems to be a neutral word which can apply to different administratives units. Kadwalan (talk ) 14:02, 20 July 2022 (UTC) [ reply ]
South Africa (Q258) , Union of South Africa (Q193619) , and Kingdom of England (Q179876) each have multiple capitals listed in Wikipedia. Indeed, for the first two, those countries have multiple capitals not just by convention, but by their constitutions, with government functions split among the capitals. What do we do in cases like this, in the presence of the single value constraint, and the constraint on qualifiers? Note that this is not a case where a federal system has many state capitals (i.e. it is not like Edinburgh, London, and Cardiff), it's a case where a single country has many capitals. See also: w:List of countries with multiple capitals --BurritoBazooka (talk ) 17:14, 15 September 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
Add them to "|exceptions=" in the template? --- Jura 19:44, 15 September 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
What qualifier(s) is best to be use for stating that a capital is de facto ? On Jersey (Q785) , I tried of (P642) = de facto (Q712144) , is it ok ? (and if so, can I add this qualifier to the current constraints).
And should we used the 'deprecated' rank for de facto capitals?
Cdlt, VIGNERON (talk ) 08:37, 14 January 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
The assumption is false. Particularly in countries like the Ottoman Empire it is the rule not the exception. Thanks, GerardM (talk ) 07:21, 4 April 2018 (UTC) [ reply ]
there are changes in history like in Brazil (Q155) --Balû (talk ) 08:25, 16 April 2018 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Balû : I added separators to the constraint. --- Jura 08:37, 16 April 2018 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Jura1 : Thanks. --Balû (talk ) 08:40, 16 April 2018 (UTC) [ reply ]