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Analyzing scientific data sharing patterns for in-network data caching
arXiv - CS - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: arxiv-2105.00964
Elizabeth Copps, Huiyi Zhang, Alex Sim, Kesheng Wu, Inder Monga, Chin Guok, Frank Würthwein, Diego Davila, Edgar Fajardo

The volume of data moving through a network increases with new scientific experiments and simulations. Network bandwidth requirements also increase proportionally to deliver data within a certain time frame. We observe that a significant portion of the popular dataset is transferred multiple times to different users as well as to the same user for various reasons. In-network data caching for the shared data has shown to reduce the redundant data transfers and consequently save network traffic volume. In addition, overall application performance is expected to improve with in-network caching because access to the locally cached data results in lower latency. This paper shows how much data was shared over the study period, how much network traffic volume was consequently saved, and how much the temporary in-network caching increased the scientific application performance. It also analyzes data access patterns in applications and the impacts of caching nodes on the regional data repository. From the results, we observed that the network bandwidth demand was reduced by nearly a factor of 3 over the study period.


