[COMSOC 50] Davide Grossi and Manon Revel
Session chair: Ulle Endriss (Amsterdam) -- Davide Grossi (Groningen and Amsterdam) From Juries to Markets: Collective Truth-tracking by Voting and by Wagering In this talk I will introduce on-going work on establishing formal relationships between weighted majority elections and information markets in a binary truth-tracking setting. I will present correspondence results showing how weighted majority elections and specific classes of information markets implement the same collective truth-tracking behaviour. The aim is to provide common foundations to both elections and information markets in the framework of epistemic social choice. Joint work with Nicholas Kees Dupuis and Stéphane Airiau. -- Manon Revel (MIT) Democratic Innovations and Social Choice: The Case of Liquid Democracy Proposals to change the size of the Congress, update ballot types, channel decisions through citizens' assemblies or participatory budgeting are being actively researched and tested. Liquid democracy is making its way to the democratic innovation table as a model that may stand for non-active stakeholders and enhance collective intelligence using the wealth of inter-personnel information embedded in social networks. Yet, much uncertainty remains about its propensity to concentrate voting power in the hands of a few, its likelihood to ease vote buying, or to create problematic (e.g., cyclical) delegations. In this talk, I will review what we currently understand theoretically and empirically about liquid democracy and interpret how that informs further real-world testing and deployment of liquid democratic procedures. 00:00 Welcome 00:32 COMOSC'23 Announcement 02:57 Davide Grossi 31:45 Manon Revel


COMSOC Video Seminar

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