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Non-profit Organization Management

East London, Eastern Cape 900 followers

A partner in public health transformation

About us

Beyond Zero is an indigenous South African nongovernmental organisation (NGO) and a registered non-profit company that has a substantive on-the-ground presence strengthening health service delivery systems, building local organisational capacity, developing clinical and managerial competency, training and mentoring, fostering an integrated healthcare response, and providing data-driven technical assistance. We focus on HIV/AIDS/TB care, support, treatment, and prevention for adults, pregnant women, adolescents, and children; integrating HIV/AIDS/TB into primary health care; clinical and public health staff training; pharmacy and laboratory support activities; and linking health facilities and community-based services to ensure high levels of patient retention in care and strong adherence support. We foster a strong, informed community voice to improve the quality of public health service delivery. Beyond Zero has successfully translated its previous track record of service delivery into a highly effective clinical mentoring and quality improvement approach. Today, Beyond Zero’s team provides expert technical assistance to other health NGOs, primary health clinics, community health centers, and district and TB hospitals in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal provinces as well as at national level. We cultivate service delivery excellence through our pioneering work in health workforce mentoring, such as through our Nurse Initiated and Managed Anti-Retroviral Therapy (NIMART) program and our Advanced Clinical Care (ACC) program to strengthen nurses’ and doctors’ abilities to treat people with highly complex and multi-drug resistant HIV/AIDS/TB. We also strive to provide a platform for an integrated approach to Adolescent and Youth Friendly Services (AYFS) to improve the responsiveness and effectiveness of Sexual and Reproductive Health services to young people.

Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
201-500 employees
East London, Eastern Cape
NIMART Mentoring, Technical & Clinical Advising, Advanced Clinical Care (ACC), Adolescent & Youth Friendly Services (AYFS) Coordination, M&E and Health Information Management Systems (HIMS), Research & Trainings, and Laboratory & Pharmacy Technical Support


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