Yes, indeed, an excellent mid-project engagemant with the modelling team for GLOW
Yesterday we kicked-off the first day of the #GLOW modelling workshop with representatives from the Joint River Basin Authorities - Project Board, Inkomati-Usuthu CMA - IUCMA, Department of Water and Sanitation (PUCMA), ARA-Sul and Incomati and Maputo Watercourse Commission - INMACOM. During this 3-day workshop the GLOW team from Emanti Management, FutureWater and HydroLogic will support the local water authorities to work on transboundary modelling in the Maputo and Umbeluzi catchment regarding #wateravailability, #waterdemand, #droughtmanagement and #watersecurity as shared by South Africa, Eswatini and Mozambique using proven technologies #PCRGLOBWB, #WEAP and HydroNET - Your Online Water Control Room. Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), Partners for Water #BlueDealEswatini