The Mercedes-Benz x Laureus Incubation Hub graduation ceremony recognised 16 non-profit organisations from East London and Pretoria for their dedication to creating lasting community impact and successfully completing the programme. For over a decade, our partnership with Laureus Sport for Good Foundation has as empowered organisations with the skills and resources needed to drive sustainable change. This year, six exceptional NPO’s —Nyara Youth Development, Light of Hope, and Helping Those in Need from East London, along with Faith and Hope Foundation, Child Welfare Tshwane, and Arch Impact Accelerator from Pretoria— were awarded funding towards their causes for demonstrating remarkable progress in the programme. Congratulations to the 2024 cohort—your work is shaping a stronger, more inclusive future! 🚀 #MercedesBenzSouthAfrica #LaureusSportsforGoodFoundation #IncubationHub #CommunityUpliftment #TogetherForGood