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Number Two Piggeries (Pty) Ltd.

Number Two Piggeries (Pty) Ltd.


Queenstown, Eastern Cape 4,927 followers

Number Two Piggeries (N2P) is a diversified agricultural holding company.

About us

Number Two Piggeries (N2P) is a diversified agricultural holding company focusing on primary production and processing within the pork and dairy industry and employing a diverse workforce of >1 900 employees. N2P was founded by David Osborne, David Miles and Philip Von Mommerty in the 1970s and is headquartered in Queenstown, South Africa. N2P is a significant primary agricultural producer in Southern Africa. The company is proud to be a market leader in pork production in South Africa. The company is proud to be a market leader in South Africa with a ~23-24% market share, based on national sow herd and slaughter volumes respectively. N2P does not however only operate in Piggeries and has diversified into other agricultural companies that compliment the piggery portfolio, as outlined below: PIGGERIES N2P has 26 piggeries across South Africa and Namibia, with >310 000 pigs of which more than 26 000 are sows. These biosecure piggeries range from Weaner and Grower farms to full Farrow to Finish units and spread geographically across South Africa and Namibia. N2P has a significant interest in market-leading pig genetics, PIC South Africa. ABATTOIR N2P has 4 abattoirs. These abattoirs slaughter most of the group's livestock, including 1 export approved facility based in the Western Cape, South Africa. The abattoirs are group owned and are managed abattoirs to slaughter most of the group’s livestock and add value to primary production. DAIRY N2P has 8 dairy units (some of them have more than one dairy/milking platform) producing > 195,000 litres per day. These dairies are all pasture-based dairies, situated in the Eastern Cape and managed under the internal “Just Milk” brand. An operational cheese factory (Cookhouse Creamery) also forms part of the dairy division. CROP AND BEEF N2P has 2 750 hectares maize, 950 hectares soya and >16 000 beef cattle herd. These farms aim to maximize the utilisation of strategically positioned farms by adding crop and beef.

Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Queenstown, Eastern Cape
Privately Held
Agriculture, Human Resources, Office Adminstrator, Farm Manager, Cheesemaker, Accountant, Audit Clerk, Boilermaker, Maintenance Manager, Mechanic, Irrigator, Calf Rearer, Payroll, Factory Manager, Quality Control Officer, Lab Technician, Piggery Manager, and Dairy Manager


Employees at Number Two Piggeries (Pty) Ltd.


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