Luketekelo, (a Kaonde name meaning “faith as
everything in this foundation is done by faith”) is a NonProfit Foundation with the vision of bringing
transformation in to rural schools and communities in
North-western province of Zambia, through the
implementation of sustainable initiatives that will bring
hope and enduring change to our people. Nelson
Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon
that we can use to change the world”. We believe that
education and women empowerment is the foundation
of society and that transformation must start with our
children and women.
As a foundation, Education, Unemployment and Poverty
are the primary focus areas of our initiatives to empower
individuals, families and communities. Technology and
Skills Development will be key drivers of success and will
underpin each initiative. We cannot achieve this alone
and need to partner with Private and Public-sector
business and Government in order to achieve our goals
Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Lusaka , Lusaka
Street Children, Orphans, Children Living Positively (HIV and AIDS), Destitute and Vulnerable Children, Teen Pregnancy Prevention campaigns, Child Mothers:, Marginalized Members of Society, and Community Outreach