


Lil Flowers at Craters of The Moon National Monument

Little flowers bloom and survive in lava field. 05-26-2022 アイダホの溶岩の中で咲く、小さな花たち


My front yard must be perfect fit for thses lupines. These grew from a packet of mixed perennial seeds I planted two years ago. 05-25-2022 2年前に播いた種から、見事に育ったルピナス 苗買うとけっこう高いので、嬉しい

My kids I'm Leaving Behind...

I hope these flowers and vegetables will survive during my road trip. 05-17-2022 この子たちを置いて、2週間近く留守にするのは後ろ髪引かれるけれど そんなこといってたら、どこへも行けん 辛抱して待っててね

Air Show 2022

All female pilots from U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy and femal civilian pilots flew for Oregon International Airl Show in May 2022. So much excitement from deafening rumbles of fighter Jet and their precisive performances. 05-22-2022 耳をつ…

Lesser Goldfinch

Lesser Goldifnch came to my plants on our sidewalk garden and pecking it. One step closer to my dream of offering edible garden for both wildlife and human. 05-17-2022 家の前の歩道に、何か動くモノが・・・ よく見ると、黄色っぽい小鳥がうちの…

Rainbow Eggs

Colorful reward for a cat sitter is a dozen of Rainbow Eggs. As colorful as Easter eggs, they sure taste good. 05-17-2022 キャットシッターの余禄 週一回配達される生みたて卵です そのまんまイースターエッグになりそうなほど、カラフル 黄身の高さ…

Snuggle Bug Attack

Cheeto is always so happy when I visit him. Every visit, he jumps on me and nuzzles so hard onto my face, so I have to tell him "Okay, enough! Stop it, Cheeto!" I took these photos over my head, just to see what happens. It came out quite …


Let me introduce a kitty who were watching us through the frosted windowpane. His name is Cheeto. Obviously he was named after American popular snack "Cheetos." Although Cheeto is still a kitten whose first birthday will be in August, he i…

Don't Go...!

Looking back after shutting and locking the front door, I found him watching us through the frosted windowpane... poor boy wants to come with us. Good boy, I will be back tomorrow morning. 05-16-2022 後ろ髪を引かれるなぁ・・・ こんなことさ…

Honu and Catmint

Honu enjoying sunbathing and meditating with catmint bush in last spring. I wonder when this catmint will start blooming this year... 05-31-2021 キャットミントの茂みで、もの思うホヌ 今年はいつ咲き始めるのかな・・・

Late Bloomers

After over 20 camellia flowers bloomed at once and fell, two little buds have been left behind. They are for sure beautiful late bloomers. 05-12-2022 20以上の花が一気に咲いて、すべて落花した後に 硬いつぼみだった残りの2輪が、ずいぶん遅れて…


ストロベリー#1 ストロベリー#2 ストロベリー#3 "Hood" ブルーベリー ラズベリー 今年の我が家のベリーラインナップ 3つめのストロベリー、フッド(Hood)は、今年初めて苗をひとつ買ってみました フッドストロベリーは、この辺りで採れる、実が中まで真っ…

Hanging Baskets

This year, I made two hanging baskets, one is filled with petunia and another with fuchsia, which should attract hummingbirds. Since no flowers yet, a hummer came to drink from my feeder. Can you see her? 05-11-2022 今年は、ペチュニアとフ…

Morning Colors Rose

I've been waiting for this day, the day my rose starts blooming. This years first blossum is "Morning Colors Rose." Fragrant single petal rose attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. 05-11-2022 待ちに待ったばらの開花 今年一番最初に花…

House Finch

I found a male house finch perched on the fence that is two houses away from us. He looked healthy and flew away right after these photos were taken. 05-04-2022 2軒先の裏庭の塀にとまっていたメキシコマシコの雄 この子は、健康そうです 具合の…

Oregon Beach Bill

当時の写真 (Oregon History Projectから転載) Thanks to Oregon Beach Bill passed in 1967, all beaches on Oregon Coast are public land and provide free access to public. Such a great treasure preserved for Oregonians and visitors from out o…

World's Smallest Harbor

A bridge over the world's smallest harbor at Depoe Bay. A song sparrow sings out loud against a backdrop of the bridge. Depoe Bay 05-03-2022 世界で一番小さな港にかかる橋 橋をバックにさえずるウタスズメ デポベイで

Maritime Plants

Towns on Oregon Coast, such as Depoe Bay are on Maritime Climate. They enjoy cooler summers and milder winters, different from ones in Willamette Valley. So do plants on the coast. Depoe Bay 05-03-2022 オレゴンコースト沿岸の気候は、内陸部…

Song Sparrow on The Coast

Hoping to spot mother whale with her calf who travel north at the end of their migration season, we headed down to Depoe Bay. Unfortunately, no luck for whales but rythmical songs of this Song Sparrow let turn my head around. Depoe Bay, Or…

Spring for $1.99

Every spring, Trader Joes sells "spring" for $1.99. Super great deal I can't miss during still-dark-wet-end of winter time. How many times I bought them this spring... I can't remember. March & April 2022 水仙の季節は、もう終わりましたが …

May Day Is Lei Day

In Hawaii, May Day is Lei Day. Giving a lei is a part of everyday life in Hawaii and I love this tradition. After moving to the mainland, I've made some leis for friends' birthdays, mainly with carnations. Wish they still had spicy scent l…

Dart In, Dart Out

Everything hummingbird does is swift. She darts into my field of vision, has some nector from the feeder while hovering. Then she perches on a dead plant and starts grooming herself. When it's done, she took some more nector, then darts ou…
