
Qubes OS 4.0 をLenovo Thinkpad X230 Tablet に入れてみると

Qubes 4.01 を Lenovo X250 にインストールして、少しずつ環境を作るとまあ使えるようになってきました。特にフォントがきれいになると、結構いい感じ。 そこへたまたま、ヤフオクでジャンクの Lenovo X230 TABLETを落札してしまいました。タッチスクリーン…

Qubes OS 4.0 on Lenovo Thinkpad X230 Tablet: Very Wierd

After installing Qubes 4.01 on Lenovo X250, things were pretty comfortable. After installing some decent fonts, things were becoming really useful. And then, I happened to get my hands on a junk Lenovo X230 TABLET. This thing has a touch s…

Qubes OS 4.0 Installation for Lenovo Thinkpad X250

Qubes4.0 on Lenovo X250 This is a pseudo-novice guide for installing Qubes OS on an Lenovo X250. July 2019, I just finished translating the Autobiography of Edward Snowden into Japanese. Of course, this makes you paranoid. You start to sus…
