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Document 02007D0102-20071108
Commission Decision of 12 February 2007 adopting the work plan for 2007 for implementation of the programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003-2008), including the annual work programme for grants (Text with EEA relevance) (2007/102/EC)
Consolidated text: Commission Decision of 12 February 2007 adopting the work plan for 2007 for implementation of the programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003-2008), including the annual work programme for grants (Text with EEA relevance) (2007/102/EC)
Commission Decision of 12 February 2007 adopting the work plan for 2007 for implementation of the programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003-2008), including the annual work programme for grants (Text with EEA relevance) (2007/102/EC)
02007D0102 — EN — 08.11.2007 — 001.001
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COMMISSION DECISION of 12 February 2007 adopting the work plan for 2007 for implementation of the programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003-2008), including the annual work programme for grants (Text with EEA relevance) (OJ L 046 16.2.2007, p. 27) |
Amended by:
Official Journal |
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L 300 |
73 |
17.11.2007 |
of 12 February 2007
adopting the work plan for 2007 for implementation of the programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003-2008), including the annual work programme for grants
(Text with EEA relevance)
Article 1
The 2007 work plan for implementation of the programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003-2008), as set out in Annex I, is hereby adopted.
The Director-General for Health and Consumer Protection shall ensure overall implementation of this programme.
Article 2
The budget allocations necessary for the management of the programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003-2008) shall be transferred to the Executive Agency for the Public Health Programme.
NB: The legal acts cited in this document are, when appropriate, the latest amended version.
1.1. Policy and legal context
Decision 1786/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council established a programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003-2008) (hereinafter referred to as the Programme Decision). The programme is implemented through an annual work plan setting out the priorities and actions to be undertaken, including the allocation of resources.
The first four years of programme implementation have laid the foundations for a comprehensive and coherent approach, concentrating on three priorities (strands): health information, health threats, and health determinants. Together, these strands contribute to a high level of physical and mental health and well-being throughout the EU. In particular, 267 projects have already been selected for financing ( 6 ) from the previous calls for proposals.
In May 2006, the Commission adopted an amended proposal ( 7 ) for a new health programme which is expected to be approved in 2007. As a consequence, 2007 should be the last year of implementation of the ‘Programme Decision’.
An analysis of the implementation of the work plans for 2003-2006 has led to activities being streamlined in 2007 to ensure coverage of areas which have not been dealt with previously and hence to attempt to complete as much as possible of the current programme.
In 2007, the Executive Agency for the Public Health Programme will be fully operational and will be a key actor in the work plan’s implementation.
1.2. Resources
Amending Budget No 1/2007 amounts to EUR 38 800 000 for operating appropriations under budget item 17 03 01 01 and to EUR 1 200 000 for administrative appropriations under budget item 17 01 04 02.
The budget line for administrative appropriations related to the Executive Agency for Public Health is 17 01 04 30.
The budget approved for 2007 (commitments) amounts to EUR 40 000 000 .
The budget for operating appropriations is EUR 38 800 000 . The budget for administrative appropriations is EUR 1 200 000 .
To this budget should be added:
The total budget for 2007 is therefore EUR 47 749 323,28 . This includes both resources for the operating budget and resources for technical and administrative assistance:
It is proposed that EUR 5 324 000 of the operating budget be spent on calls for tenders and EUR 2 550 000 on direct grants for international organisations.
The total indicative amount for the call for proposals is estimated at EUR 37 888 963 .
As far as the allocation of grants for the call for proposal is concerned, a balance between the programme’s different strands will be pursued, while taking into account the quality and quantity of proposals received, unless particular public health emergencies (e.g. pandemic influenza) arise to justify any reallocation of resources. In case resources from the operating budget would remain available at the end of 2007, these will be reallocated to the funding of grants selected through the Call for proposals 2007.
2.1. Call for proposals
New areas for action and key priorities have been identified in the 2007 work plan. These are based on the actions and supporting measures mentioned in the Programme Decision together with those areas which had not been covered by proposals submitted under previous calls.
As a result, priorities for the 2007 call for proposals will refocus certain key actions that have already been initiated and also cover a number of new areas, as described in detail below.
The grants should be financed under Budget line 17 03 01 01.
The total indicative amount for the call for proposals is estimated at EUR 37 888 963 .
A single call for proposals Public Health — 2007 will be published in the Official Journal in February 2007 (indicative date) and executed under the responsibility of the Executive Agency for the Public Health Programme ( 8 ).
Projects for co-funding should be innovative in nature and should not exceed a maximum of three years in duration.
Given the complementary and motivational nature of Community grants, at least 40 % of the project costs must be funded from other sources. Consequently, normal financial contribution can be up to 60 % per beneficiary of the eligible costs for the projects considered. In each individual case the maximum percentage to be awarded will be determined.
A maximum co-financing per beneficiary (i.e. per main and per associated beneficiary) of 80 % of eligible costs could be envisaged where a project has a significant European added value. No more than 10 % of the number of funded projects should receive co-financing of over 60 %.
It should be noted that the indicative amount for Community financial participation in the retained projects during the opening of the negotiations can vary from – 20 % to + 10 % as a result of the latter.
The general principles and criteria for the selection and funding of actions under the Public Health Programme are set out in a separate document.
Details concerning eligibility of travel and subsistence expenses are provided in an annex to this work plan.
Priorities for 2007
For the sake of clarity, the actions are grouped in sections corresponding to the strands referred to in section 1.1.: Health Information, Health Threats and Health Determinants. Each action refers to the corresponding Article/Annex point of the Programme Decision.
All proposals, where relevant, should include information on how a gender perspective will be taken into account and must demonstrate that synergies can be developed with the relevant research activities funded under the scientific support to policies’ activities of the 6th Framework Programme of the European Community for Research ( 9 ) e and its follower ( 10 ).
2.1.1. Health Information — Articles 2(2)(a) and 3(2)(a)
Activities under this section aim to:
The project proposals should focus on: Developing and coordinating the health information and knowledge system (Annex — point 1.1) Operating the health information and knowledge system (Annex — point 1.1) Developing mechanisms for reporting and analysis of health issues and producing public health reports (Annex — point 1.4) Developing strategies for information exchange and responding to non-communicable health threats (Annex — point 1.2) eHealth (Annex — points 1.6, 1.8)
In cooperation with other EU policy areas: Information on the environment and health (Annex — point 1.1) Supporting the exchange of information and experience on good practice (Annex — point 1.7) Health impact and health technology assessment (Annex — point 1.5) Actions to improve health information and knowledge for the development of public health (Article (3)(2)(c) and (d), Annex — points 1.7; 1.4; 1.5)
2.1.2. Responding to health threats rapidly and in a coordinated manner — Articles 2(2)(b) and 3(2)(a)
Activities under this section aim to strengthen preparedness and to ensure a rapid response to public health threats and emergencies. This will be of particular assistance to cooperation undertaken under the Community network on communicable diseases ( 19 ) and other EC legislation in public health and may complement European Research Framework Programme activities.
Risk assessment activities fall under the remit of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) ( 20 ), e.g. surveillance, which became operational during 2005. Activities aimed to promote national management of risks and threats have been established in consultation with the ECDC in order to strengthen EU wide cooperation, thus ensuring that there is no duplication or overlapping.
Activities countering the threat of deliberate release of biological agents will be undertaken in tandem with on-going activities on communicable diseases. These and activities on deliberate releases of chemical agents are being developed in the light of the conclusions of the Health Ministers of 15 November 2001 and the consequent ‘Programme of cooperation on preparedness and response to biological and chemical attacks’ (Health security) ( 21 ). Capacity to deal with a pandemic influenza and tackle particular health threats (Annex — points 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.8)
This action aims to develop capacities and strategies to assist Member States, Candidate Countries, EEA/EFTA Countries, and the Community as a whole, in dealing with health threats. Priority is given to the threat of pandemic influenza and activities on influenza prevention/management, shared emergency communication strategies and preparedness and high quality tools and information on health and the socio-economic impact of pandemic and related counter-measures, in coordination with European Research Framework Programme activities ( 22 ).
Other priorities are: Generic preparedness and response (Annex — points 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)
Actions should aim to improve health sector preparedness for crisis situations and foster intersectoral collaboration (e.g. with civil protection, food and animal sectors) to ensure a coherent response to a crisis. Activities should focus on supporting risk and crisis management and risk communication aspects.
The following are of particular interest: Health security and strategies relevant to communicable diseases control (Annex — points 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.9)
There are still gaps in information and knowledge concerning the review, development and evaluation of policies and plans to cope with the hazards arising in the different health care settings, from the cabinet of generalist through the first line emergency rooms to the most sophisticated specialised hospital, including those habilitated to manage high risk patients.
Improvement in patient safety and quality of health care can be supported in the Member States by networking at European level and adopting appropriate strategies and structures to respond to health security emergencies and control of communicable diseases. This action aims to promote activities relating to preparedness (such as pre-event vaccinations and stockpiling), control/elimination of communicable diseases and patient safety. Actions would be promoted that support inter-disciplinary communication (e.g. general practitioners, pharmacists, veterinarians, and relevant non-medical disciplines) and facilitate cooperation through platforms and networking.
Other priorities are activities that support: Safety of blood, tissues and cells, organs (Annex — points 2.6, 2.7)
This action aims to promote the quality, safety and availability of substances of human origin (organs, tissues, cells, blood and blood components) used for therapeutic purposes associated with their collection, processing, distribution and use. These activities should help to implement existing EU legislation.
Priority will be given to activities that:
2.1.3. Health Determinants — Articles 2(1)(c) and 3(2)(b)
Activities under this section are designed to:
In 2007, priority will be given to projects linked to and in support of EU policies and strategies on health determinants, notably on mental health, nutrition and physical activity, tobacco, alcohol, drugs and environment and health. A specific focus will be on projects addressing good practice in conveying health-related life skills, in particular for children and young people, covering both risk and protective factors with an impact on lifestyles and behaviours. Projects should also show awareness of wider socio-economic considerations and contribute to reduce health inequalities.
The priorities identified for 2007 are as follows: Supporting key Community strategies on addictive substances (Annex — point 3.1)
Actions to support tobacco control activities
The projects proposals should focus on:
Alcohol related activities will be linked to the overall strategic approach to reduce alcohol-related harm, as set out in the Commission communication on an EU strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol-related harm ( 25 ).
The projects proposals should focus on:
Drug-related activities
In line with the EU Drugs Strategy and Action Plan and the Council Recommendation on Drugs ( 26 ), the projects proposals should focus on: Integrative approaches on lifestyles (Articles 2(1)(c) and 3(2)(b); Annex — point 3.1)
Regarding nutrition and physical activity in preparation and support of the forthcoming ‘White Paper on nutrition and physical activity’ and the ‘Report on Contributions to the Green Paper’ published on 11 September 2006, projects proposals should focus on:
HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health activities, in line with the Commission communication on combating HIV/AIDS ( 27 ), the projects proposals should focus on issues around:
Mental health activities based on the orientations set out in the EU mental health strategy ( 28 ); projects proposals should focus on: Public health actions to address wider determinants of health (Annex — points 3.2 and 3.3)
Social determinants of health activities will concentrate on policy development, innovative approaches and evaluation and will focus on:
Environmental determinants activities, in line with the Environment and health action plan ( 29 ); will focus on public health actions developing networks for the collection of best practices, guidelines and remedial measures at national and local level, concerning indoor air quality including cost/benefits analyses. In particular, they will target: Disease and injuries prevention (Articles 2(1)(c) and 3(2)(b))
The project proposals on disease prevention should focus on developing guidelines and best practice recommendations for addressing the main public health diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and respiratory diseases, building on existing work.
Projects on injury should prioritise : Capacity building
Priority will be given to:
2.2. Calls for tenders
Services procurements should be financed under budget items 17 03 01 01 and 17 01 04 02. The overall indicative amount for the call for tenders would be up to EUR 5 324 000 .
An additional financing decision for procurement contracts should be adopted by February 2007 (indicative date).
The following areas of work have been identified:
(1) revising and updating the Implementation Report on Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC of 12 July 1999 on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) ( 31 );
(2) supporting ad hoc pilot surveys using the Eurobarometer survey;
(3) reporting on the integration of health protection requirements into the different titles of Community policies, including the methodologies for health impact assessment already developed at Community level;
(4) management, editing, updating and development of the EU health portal;
(5) communication on the Public Health Programme;
(6) support for setting up scientific secretariats;
(7) patient safety: establishing an integrated umbrella network to improve cooperation in the field of patient safety, focusing on cultures, leadership and clinical governance, reporting and learning mechanisms, sharing of best practices and stakeholders’ involvement.
(1) establishing platforms for the preparation, running and evaluation of exercises, the organisation of training on decision-making tools and team building, the development of IT tools in the field of preparedness and the organisation of specialised workshops;
(2) mapping and characterising of the current situation relating to reference laboratories, including feasibility studies, to improve reliable and in time identification of influenza virus strains and EU standards on particularly relevant pathogens, including provision of essential technical and diagnostic resources;
(3) development of a Guide on good practice for establishments working in the quality in the field of substances of human origin.
(1) evaluation of the result of health textual warnings and pictorial warnings in use in the Member States and the development of further sets of textual and pictorial warnings;
(2) support for services to set up and implement stakeholder networking and consultation processes in health determinants, notably on nutrition and physical activity, alcohol, mental health and HIV/AIDS;
(3) mental health: Study — The evidence-base for the cost-effectiveness of investment into promoting mental health and preventing mental disorders;
(4) mapping and evaluation of national and sub-national strategies on health determinants (notably HIV/AIDS and nutrition and physical activity);
(5) environment band health: development of a web-based information tool on indoor air quality.
In addition to the above-mentioned priorities, a cross cutting need has been identified for the coordination of the input of Non-Governmental Organisations into health initiatives at the EU level; both in established platforms, as well as in other initiatives, on topics such as nutrition and physical activity, alcohol, health services, mental health, pharmaceuticals and health, etc.
2.3. Cooperation with international organisations
2.3.1. Areas for cooperation in 2007
In accordance with Article 11 of the Programme Decision, cooperation with international organisations competent in the sphere of public health and the European Economic Area (EEA) States will be pursued in the course of the programme in coordination within Commission services dealing with the same subjects.
Cooperation with the World Health Organisation (WHO)
Cooperation with the WHO will be implemented in accordance with:
Following the discussion had with the WHO, the priority areas of climate change/environment, nutrition and physical activity surveillance, and mental health have been identified.
The actions undertaken will avoid any overlaps or duplication with other activities funded by the Community, in particular other actions funded under the public health programme.
Cooperation with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) affiliated to the WHO
A separate negotiation with IARC is envisaged for a project for the development of the European Prospective Study of Nutrition and Cancer (EPIC) and European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR), for updating the European Code Against Cancer and for preparing an Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the European Union using most recent mortality data ( 32 ).
2.3.2. Financing
Funding for actions with the international organisations mentioned above can be allocated only through direct grant agreements. Direct grant agreements will improve the synergies and responsiveness of the European Commission to international organisations where actions are jointly covered. These organisations have certain capacities linked to their specific tasks and responsibilities, which make them particularly qualified to carry out some of the actions set out in this Work Programme and for which direct grant agreements are considered to be the most appropriate procedure.
The amount of the financial contribution can be up to 60 % per organisation of the eligible costs for the projects considered. The Commission will determine in each individual case the maximum percentage to be awarded.
Direct grant agreements should be financed under budget item 17 03 01 01; the indicative amount for direct grants is estimated to be EUR 2 550 000 . This amount could be increased depending on the unused appropriations available under the operating budget.
2.4. Scientific Committees
The Scientific Committees relevant to the Public Health Programme should be financed under budget item 17 03 01 01.
An overall amount of EUR 254 000 will be earmarked for the payment of allowances to participants in meetings relating to the work of the scientific committees and of rapporteurs for completion of scientific committee opinions, in the framework of the Scientific Committees ( 33 ) These allowances will cover all fields relevant to the Public Health Programme, i.e. 100 % of costs for the SCHER (Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks) and 50 % (as an indicative percentage) of costs for the SCENIHR (Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks) and for Coordination.
2.5. Sub-delegation to Directorate-General Eurostat
A sub-delegation for a maximum amount of EUR 400 000 , under budget item 17 03 01 01, will be given to the Directorate-General Eurostat (Eurostat) for the purposes of supporting:
national statistical authorities in the implementation in 2007-2008 of the European Health Interview Survey core modules (as defined in the Statistical Programme for 2007);
national statistical authorities in the implementation and further expansion of the System of Health Accounts in the EU (in cooperation with the OECD and the WHO).
Eligibility of travel and subsistence expenses
These guidelines apply to the reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses:
(1) |
Flat-rate subsistence allowances cover all subsistence expenses during missions, including hotels, restaurants and local transport (taxis and/or public transport). They apply in respect of each day of a mission at a minimum distance of 100 km from the normal place of work. The subsistence allowance varies depending on the country in which the mission is carried out. The daily rates correspond to the sum of the daily allowance and the maximum hotel price set out in Commission Decision C(2004) 1313 ( 34 ) as amended. |
(2) |
Missions in countries other than EU 27, Acceding and Applicant countries and EFTA-EEA countries will be subject to the prior agreement of the Commission. This agreement will relate to the objectives of the mission, its costs and the reasons therefore. |
(3) |
Travel expenses are eligible under the following conditions:
travel by the most direct and most economic route;
distance of at least 100 km between the place of the meeting and the normal place of work;
travel by rail: first class;
travel by air: economy class, unless a cheaper fare can be used (e.g. Apex); air travel is allowed only for return journeys of more than 800 km;
travel by car: reimbursed on the basis of the equivalent first class rail fare.
( 1 ) OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).
( 2 ) OJ L 357, 31.12.2002, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1248/2006 (OJ L 227, 19.8.2006, p. 3).
( 3 ) OJ L 201, 2.8.2005, p. 3.
( 4 ) OJ L 271, 9.10.2002, p. 1. Decision as amended by Decision No 786/2004/EC (OJ L 138, 30.4.2004, p. 7).
( 5 ) OJ L 369, 16.12.2004, p. 73.
( 6 ) See
( 7 ) COM(2006) 234 final of 24.5.2006.
( 8 ) Commission Decision 2004/858/EC (OJ L 369, 16.12.2004, p. 73).
( 9 ) Council Decision 2002/834/EC (OJ L 294, 29.10.2002, p. 1). Sixth Framework Programme public health related projects under Scientific Support to Policies — CORDIS web page:
( 10 ) It should be noted that under calls to be published early 2007 under the forthcoming Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, there will be topics with particular reference to public health in the section ‘Optimising the Delivery of Health Care to European Citizens’.
( 11 ) See for details.
( 12 )
( 13 ) This is the case for diabetes, mental diseases, oral health, asthma and chronic obstructive respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal diseases (with particular focus on osteoporosis and arthritic and rheumatic disorders) and cardiovascular diseases.
( 14 ) This includes Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Cognitive retardation and disruption of motor, perceptual, language and socio-emotional functions, haematological diseases (including haemophilia), immunological disorders, allergies except asthma, genito-urinary diseases, gastroenterological diseases, endocrinological diseases, ear, nose and throat disorders, ophthalmology disorders and dermatology diseases as well as diseases related to environmental factors. It will also include strokes, headache disorders and chronic pain (e.g. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia).
( 15 )
( 16 )
( 17 ) and the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions e-Health — making healthcare better for European citizens: An action plan for a European e-Health Area (COM(2004) 356 final of 30.4.2004).
( 18 )
( 19 ) Decision No 2119/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. (OJ L 268, 3.10.1998, p. 1).
Commission Decision 2000/57/EC (OJ L 21, 26.1.2000, p. 32).
Commission Decision 2000/96/EC (OJ L 28, 3.2.2000, p. 50).
Commission Decision 2002/253/EC (OJ L 86, 3.4.2002, p. 44).
( 20 ) Regulation (EC) No 851/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 142, 30.4.2004 p. 1).
( 21 ) See:
( 22 ) Refer also to Sixth Framework Programme Scientific Support to Policies, Fifth call, SSP-5B INFLUENZA.
( 23 ) See:
( 24 ) See footnote 11.
( 25 ) COM(2006) 625 of 24.10.2006.
( 26 ) Council Recommendation 2003/488/EC (OJ L 165, 3.7.2003, p. 31).
( 27 ) Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament (COM(2005) 654 final of 15.12.2005).
( 28 ) Green paper ‘Promoting the mental health of the population. Towards a strategy on mental health for the EU’ (COM(2005) 484 final of 14.10.2005).
( 29 ) Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee — The European Environment & Health Action Plan 2004-2010 (COM(2004) 416 final of 9.6.2004).
( 30 ) Council Regulation (EC) No 2062/94 (OJ L 216, 20.8.1994, p. 1).
( 31 ) OJ L 199, 30.7.1999, p. 59.
( 32 )
( 33 ) Commission Decision 2004/210/EC (OJ L 66, 4.3.2004, p. 45).
( 34 ) Commission Decision of 7 April 2004 concerning general implementing provisions adopting the Guide to missions for officials and other servants of the European Commission.