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Document 31987R2658R(01)

Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ No L 256 of 7.9.1987)

OJ L 341, 3.12.1987, p. 38–39 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT)



Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ No L 256 of 7.9.1987)

Official Journal L 341 , 03/12/1987 P. 0038 - 0039

Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (Official Journal of the European Communities No L 256 of 7 September 1987)

Page 17, paragraph 7, first line:

for: >TABLE>

Page 28, CN 0103 92 11, column 5:

for: >TABLE>

Pages 34 and 35, footnote (2), page 37, footnote (3) and page 38 footnote (2):

for: >TABLE>

and for: >TABLE>

Page 35, CN code 0202 30 90, column 4:

insert (6) and add the following footnote:

(6) A rate of 20 % for buffalo meat shall be applicable within the limits of an annual tariff quota of 2 250 tonnes (without bone), without prejudice to the tariff quota for heading No 0202. Qualification for the quota in quote is subject to conditions laid down in the relevant Community provisions.

Page 52, CN code 0304 10 19 and 0304 20 19, column 3:

for: >TABLE>

Page 82, CN code 0808 20 39, column 4:

for: >TABLE>

Page 99, CN code 1203 00 00, column 4:

Delete reference to footnote (3) and the corresponding footnote.

Page 118, Additional note 2:

for: >TABLE>

Page 138, CN 2008 19 90, column 3:

for: >TABLE>

Amend footnote (1) to read 'Duty rate reduced to 12 % for roasted nuts until 31 December 1990.' Page 157, CN code 2204 21 90, column 3:

for: >TABLE>

Page 285, CN codes 4202 92 91, 4202 92 95, 4202 92 99, column 3:

for: >TABLE>

Page 419, CN code 6908 10 00, column 5:

for: >TABLE>

Page 522, CN code 8408 10 10 to 8408 10 90, column 4:

insert footnote (2) and insert the following footnote: '(2) See annex.' Page 571, CN code 8507 90 10, column 5:

for: >TABLE>

Page 632, CN codes 9108 20 00, 9108 08 91 00 and 9108 99 00, column 4:

for: >TABLE>

Page 636, CN code 9207 10 10, column 4:

for: >TABLE>

and delete footnote (1) at the bottom of the page,

Page 674, add:


(1) Entry under this subheading is subject to conditions laid down in the relevant Community provisions.
