
李文娜 张顺生 王文钦

李文娜, 张顺生, 王文钦. 基于Transformer网络的机载雷达多目标跟踪方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(3): 469–478. doi: 10.12000/JR22009
引用本文: 李文娜, 张顺生, 王文钦. 基于Transformer网络的机载雷达多目标跟踪方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(3): 469–478. doi: 10.12000/JR22009
LI Wenna, ZHANG Shunsheng, and WANG Wenqin. Multitarget-tracking method for airborne radar based on a transformer network[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(3): 469–478. doi: 10.12000/JR22009
Citation: LI Wenna, ZHANG Shunsheng, and WANG Wenqin. Multitarget-tracking method for airborne radar based on a transformer network[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(3): 469–478. doi: 10.12000/JR22009


DOI: 10.12000/JR22009
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62171092)





    张顺生 zhangss@uestc.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:胡程 Corresponding Editor: HU Cheng
  • 中图分类号: TN953

Multitarget-tracking Method for Airborne Radar Based on a Transformer Network

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62171092)
More Information
  • 摘要: 传统的多目标跟踪数据关联算法需要提前知晓目标运动模型和杂波密度等先验信息,然而这些先验信息在跟踪之前无法及时准确地获取。针对这个问题,提出一种基于Transformer网络的多目标跟踪数据关联算法。首先,考虑到传感器会存在漏检的情况,引入虚拟量测来重新建立数据关联模型。在此基础上,提出基于Transformer网络的数据关联方法来解决多目标与多量测的匹配问题。同时,设计了一种掩蔽交叉熵损失与重叠度损失相结合的损失函数(MCD)用于优化网络参数。仿真和实测数据结果表明:在不同检测概率条件下,所提算法性能均优于经典的数据关联算法和基于双向长短时记忆网络的算法。


  • 图  1  每个目标与所有量测的匹配关系示意图

    Figure  1.  A diagram of the matching relationship between each target and all measurements

    图  2  注意力机制与Transformer-DA网络结构

    Figure  2.  Attention mechanism and Transformer-DA network structure

    图  3  基于Transformer-DA的多目标跟踪框架

    Figure  3.  Multitarget-tracking framework based on Transformer-DA

    图  4  ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$时的仿真轨迹与量测

    Figure  4.  Simulation trajectory and measurement when ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$

    图  5  ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$时不同算法的跟踪结果(使用仿真数据)

    Figure  5.  Tracking results of different algorithms when ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$ (using simulation data)

    图  6  ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$下不同算法的OSPA距离(使用仿真数据)

    Figure  6.  OSPA distance of different algorithms when ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$ (using simulation data)

    图  7  ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$时的真实轨迹与仿真量测

    Figure  7.  Real trajectory and simulation measurements when ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$

    图  8  ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$时不同算法的跟踪结果(使用实际数据)

    Figure  8.  Tracking results of different algorithms when ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$ (using actual data)

    图  9  ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$时不同算法的OSPA距离(使用实际数据)

    Figure  9.  OSPA distance of different algorithms when ${E_\lambda } = 80$, ${p_d} = 0.99$ (using actual data) 

    表  1  Transformer-DA网络参数

    Table  1.   Transformer-DA network parameters

    编码器输入数据维度5$ \times $20
    解码器输入数据维度100$ \times $4
    输出数据维度100$ \times $6
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    表  2  使用仿真数据时算法在不同检测概率下的OSPA对比

    Table  2.   OSPA comparison of the algorithm under different detection probabilities when using simulation data

    算法${p_d} = 0.99$${p_d} = 0.90$${p_d} = 0.60$
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    表  3  使用实际数据时算法在不同检测概率下的OSPA对比

    Table  3.   OSPA comparison of the algorithm under different detection probabilities when using actual data

    算法${p_d} = 0.99$${p_d} = 0.90$${p_d} = 0.60$
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    表  4  不同检测概率下所提算法识别漏检目标的准确率(%)

    Table  4.   The accuracy of the proposed algorithm to identify missed targets under different detection probabilities (%)

    实验类型${p_d} = 0.90$${p_d} = 0.60$
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-01-10
  • 修回日期:  2022-03-03
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