摘要: 传统的多目标跟踪数据关联算法需要提前知晓目标运动模型和杂波密度等先验信息,然而这些先验信息在跟踪之前无法及时准确地获取。针对这个问题,提出一种基于Transformer网络的多目标跟踪数据关联算法。首先,考虑到传感器会存在漏检的情况,引入虚拟量测来重新建立数据关联模型。在此基础上,提出基于Transformer网络的数据关联方法来解决多目标与多量测的匹配问题。同时,设计了一种掩蔽交叉熵损失与重叠度损失相结合的损失函数(MCD)用于优化网络参数。仿真和实测数据结果表明:在不同检测概率条件下,所提算法性能均优于经典的数据关联算法和基于双向长短时记忆网络的算法。
- 机载雷达 /
- 多目标跟踪 /
- 数据关联 /
- Transformer网络 /
- 注意力机制
Abstract: Conventional multitarget-tracking data association algorithms must have prior information, such as the target motion model and clutter density. However, such prior information cannot be obtained timely and accurately before tracking. To address this issue, a data association algorithm for multitarget tracking based on a transformer network is proposed. First, considering that the radar may not perform accurate detected the target, virtual measurements are performed to re-establish the data association model. Thus, a data association method based on the transformer network is proposed to solve the matching problem of multitargets and multimeasurements. Moreover, a loss function combining Masked Cross entropy loss and Dice (MCD) loss is designed to optimize the network parameters. Simulation data and real measurement data results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms classic data association algorithms and algorithms based on bidirectional long short-term memory network under varying detection probability conditions.-
Key words:
- Airborne radar /
- Multitarget-tracking /
- Data association /
- Transformer network /
- Attention mechanism
表 1 Transformer-DA网络参数
Table 1. Transformer-DA network parameters
参数 数值 编码器输入数据维度 5$ \times $20 解码器输入数据维度 100$ \times $4 输出数据维度 100$ \times $6 多头注意力的头数 8 编码器输入最大序列长度 5 解码器输入最大序列长度 100 解码器数目 6 编码器数目 6 前向传播网络大小 512 隐藏层大小 512 Dropout率 0.1 表 2 使用仿真数据时算法在不同检测概率下的OSPA对比
Table 2. OSPA comparison of the algorithm under different detection probabilities when using simulation data
算法 ${p_d} = 0.99$ ${p_d} = 0.90$ ${p_d} = 0.60$ HA 81.39 145.88 573.64 JPDA 159.38 217.10 487.70 Bi-LSTM 99.95 120.43 257.19 Transformer-DA 39.47 51.28 134.65 表 3 使用实际数据时算法在不同检测概率下的OSPA对比
Table 3. OSPA comparison of the algorithm under different detection probabilities when using actual data
算法 ${p_d} = 0.99$ ${p_d} = 0.90$ ${p_d} = 0.60$ HA 1000.76 1347.90 1859.65 JPDA 590.68 793.12 1319.21 Bi-LSTM 695.75 810.34 1256.33 Transformer-DA 481.91 587.63 923.10 表 4 不同检测概率下所提算法识别漏检目标的准确率(%)
Table 4. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm to identify missed targets under different detection probabilities (%)
实验类型 ${p_d} = 0.90$ ${p_d} = 0.60$ 仿真数据实验 95.83 93.75 真实轨迹数据实验 95.91 89.90 -
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