CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:1410.6393 ; CERN-2014-004 ; CERN-2014-004
Conference title ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders
Related conference title(s) BB2013
BB 2013
Date(s), location 18 - 22 Mar 2013, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Editor(s) Herr, W. (ed.) (CERN) ; Papotti, G. (ed.) (CERN)
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 2014-07-17 - 258 p.
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
Note 37 lectures, 258 pages, published as CERN Yellow Report
In: ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders, pp.
ISBN 9789290834045 (print version, paperback)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-2014-004
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract This report contains the Proceedings of the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders held at CERN from 18 to 22 March 2013. It was the first of its kind after the successful start of LHC operation where a vast amount of beam-beam observations emerged. It brought together 58 international experts in the field and the purpose of this workshop was to review the present knowledge in the fields of beam-beam theory, simulations and observations. In the summary session the participants acknowledged the enormous progress made in recent years and the introduction of new concepts and tools. The workshop was concluded by a discussion on future research work with emphasis on the LHC operation and future circular colliders.
Copyright/License publication: © 2014-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0)

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Contributions in Inspire: C13-03-18.6
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Observations of beam-beam effects at the LHC (p. 1)
by Papotti, G.
Beam-Beam Effects in the SPS Proton-Anti Proton Collider (p. 7)
by Cornelis, K.
Overview of Beam-Beam Effects in the Tevatron (p. 11)
by Shiltsev, V.
Beam-beam observations in the RHIC (p. 19)
by Luo, Y.
Operational experience with crab cavities at KEKB (p. 27)
by Funakoshi, Y.
Beam-beam effects in BEPCII (p. 37)
by Zhang, Y.
Recent Beam-Beam Effects at VEPP-2000 and VEPP-4M (p. 43)
by Shwartz, Dmitry
Poisson solvers for self-consistent multi-particle simulations (p. 51)
by Qiang, J.
Stability diagram of colliding beams (p. 57)
by Buffat, X.
Beam-beam effects in space charge dominated ion beams (p. 63)
by Montag, C.
Beam-beam effects under the influence of external noise (p. 69)
by Ohmi, K.
Beam-beam effects in the high-pile-up tests of the LHC (p. 75)
by Trad, G.
Measurements of the effect of collisions on transverse beam halo diffusion in the Tevatron and in the LHC (p. 83)
by Stancari, G.
Long Range Beam-beam Effects in the LHC (p. 87)
by Herr, W.
Analysis of long-range studies in the LHC - Comparison with the model (p. 93)
by Kaltchev, D.
Long-range beam-beam effects in the Tevatron (p. 101)
by Shiltsev, V.
Status of head-on beam-beam compensation in RHIC (p. 109)
by Fischer, W.
Beam-beam compensation studies in the Tevatron with electron lenses (p. 121)
by Stancari, Giulio
Six-dimensional weak-strong simulations of head-on beam-beam compensation in RHIC (p. 127)
by Luo, Y.
Coherent beam-beam experiments and implications for head-on compensation (p. 133)
by White, S.
Long-range beam-beam experiments in the relativistic heavy ion collider (p. 141)
by Calaga, R.
10 Years of wire excitation experiments in the CERN SPS (p. 153)
by Zimmermann, F.
Future wishes and constraints from the experiments at the LHC for the proton-proton programme (p. 167)
by Jacobsson, R.
Luminosity levelling techniques for the LHC (p. 177)
by Muratori, B.
Implementation and experience with luminosity levelling with offset beam (p. 183)
by Follin, F.
Diagnostics needs for beam-beam studies and optimization (p. 189)
by Giachino, R
Operational considerations on the stability of colliding beams (p. 193)
by Buffat, X.
Observations from LHC proton-proton operation (p. 199)
by Hostettler, Michael
Detection of coherent beam-beam modes with digitized beam position monitor signals (p. 203)
by Stancari, G.
BTF measurements with beam-beam interactions (p. 211)
by Gorgen, P.
Beam-beam and impedance (p. 217)
by White, S.
Coherent beam-beam mode in the LHC (p. 227)
by Buffat, X.
Beam-beam-induced orbit effects at LHC (p. 231)
by Schaumann, M.
Simulation of beam-beam induced emittance growth in the HL-LHC with crab cavities (p. 237)
by Paret, S.
Beam-beam study of ERL based eRHIC (p. 243)
by Hao, Y.
Summary of the Working Group on 'Beam-Beam Experience in Hadron Colliders' (p. 249)
by Bruning, O.
Summary of the working group on “single particle effects: parasitic long-range beam-beam interactions” (p. 253)
by Shiltsev, V.
Future Wishes and Constraints from Experiments at LHC
by Jacobsson, R
ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders : CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 18 - 22 Mar 2013
by Herr, W.

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 Record created 2013-05-23, last modified 2023-03-14

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