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Contributions to this conference in CDS
Observations of beam-beam effects at the LHC (p. 1) |
by Papotti, G. |
Beam-Beam Effects in the SPS Proton-Anti Proton Collider (p. 7) |
by Cornelis, K. |
Overview of Beam-Beam Effects in the Tevatron (p. 11) |
by Shiltsev, V. |
Beam-beam observations in the RHIC (p. 19) |
by Luo, Y. |
Operational experience with crab cavities at KEKB (p. 27) |
by Funakoshi, Y. |
Beam-beam effects in BEPCII (p. 37) |
by Zhang, Y. |
Recent Beam-Beam Effects at VEPP-2000 and VEPP-4M (p. 43) |
by Shwartz, Dmitry |
Poisson solvers for self-consistent multi-particle simulations (p. 51) |
by Qiang, J. |
Stability diagram of colliding beams (p. 57) |
by Buffat, X. |
Beam-beam effects in space charge dominated ion beams (p. 63) |
by Montag, C. |
Beam-beam effects under the influence of external noise (p. 69) |
by Ohmi, K. |
Beam-beam effects in the high-pile-up tests of the LHC (p. 75) |
by Trad, G. |
Measurements of the effect of collisions on transverse beam halo diffusion in the Tevatron and in the LHC (p. 83) |
by Stancari, G. |
Long Range Beam-beam Effects in the LHC (p. 87) |
by Herr, W. |
Analysis of long-range studies in the LHC - Comparison with the model (p. 93) |
by Kaltchev, D. |
Long-range beam-beam effects in the Tevatron (p. 101) |
by Shiltsev, V. |
Status of head-on beam-beam compensation in RHIC (p. 109) |
by Fischer, W. |
Beam-beam compensation studies in the Tevatron with electron lenses (p. 121) |
by Stancari, Giulio |
Six-dimensional weak-strong simulations of head-on beam-beam compensation in RHIC (p. 127) |
by Luo, Y. |
Coherent beam-beam experiments and implications for head-on compensation (p. 133) |
by White, S. |
Long-range beam-beam experiments in the relativistic heavy ion collider (p. 141) |
by Calaga, R. |
10 Years of wire excitation experiments in the CERN SPS (p. 153) |
by Zimmermann, F. |
Future wishes and constraints from the experiments at the LHC for the proton-proton programme (p. 167) |
by Jacobsson, R. |
Luminosity levelling techniques for the LHC (p. 177) |
by Muratori, B. |
Implementation and experience with luminosity levelling with offset beam (p. 183) |
by Follin, F. |
Diagnostics needs for beam-beam studies and optimization (p. 189) |
by Giachino, R |
Operational considerations on the stability of colliding beams (p. 193) |
by Buffat, X. |
Observations from LHC proton-proton operation (p. 199) |
by Hostettler, Michael |
Detection of coherent beam-beam modes with digitized beam position monitor signals (p. 203) |
by Stancari, G. |
BTF measurements with beam-beam interactions (p. 211) |
by Gorgen, P. |
Beam-beam and impedance (p. 217) |
by White, S. |
Coherent beam-beam mode in the LHC (p. 227) |
by Buffat, X. |
Beam-beam-induced orbit effects at LHC (p. 231) |
by Schaumann, M. |
Simulation of beam-beam induced emittance growth in the HL-LHC with crab cavities (p. 237) |
by Paret, S. |
Beam-beam study of ERL based eRHIC (p. 243) |
by Hao, Y. |
Summary of the Working Group on 'Beam-Beam Experience in Hadron Colliders' (p. 249) |
by Bruning, O. |
Summary of the working group on “single particle effects: parasitic long-range beam-beam interactions” (p. 253) |
by Shiltsev, V. |
Future Wishes and Constraints from Experiments at LHC |
by Jacobsson, R |
ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders : CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 18 - 22 Mar 2013 |
by Herr, W. |
Show contributions in CDS
Record created 2013-05-23, last modified 2023-03-14