A new eight-rotor robotic probe will head to the solar system’s most Earth-like moon. Here’s what its team is doing to prepare.
How to Build the World’s Highest Mountain
The rocks of Mount Everest’s peak made an epic journey from seafloor to summit.
Integrating K–12 Teachers into Climate Education
Scientists and schoolteachers have teamed up to design training and classroom materials that help educators understand and teach the complex topic of climate change to tomorrow’s leaders.
De los datos a las decisiones: cambiando las prioridades en las observaciones de la Tierra
La NASA está actualizando la forma en la que diseña e implementa las misiones de las Ciencias de la Tierra, para garantizar que sus datos y ciencia lleguen a los usuarios y a los responsables de la toma de decisiones de forma más rápida y eficaz.
A Major Miner Problem
Economic geology, mining, and mineral resources programs are working to meet the needs of an industry that’s struggling to find employees—at a time when some say they’re needed more than ever.
How Volcanologists Can Improve Urban Climate Resilience
City-level strategies to cope with climate change can benefit from the insights of volcano scientists, who have long customized hazard information and communications for local communities.
The Arctic’s Uncertain Future
Over the next century, the Arctic will change and look much different than it does today. Just how different is still unknown.
Crafting Signs for Geoscience’s Future
Deaf geoscientists are creating the language to communicate their science as well as helping the community grow and thrive.
O Legado Rico em Nutrientes nas Terras Pretas da Amazônia
Os solos férteis de terra preta foram criados através de séculos de uso da terra cuidadosamente administrado. Os cientistas estão colhendo referências desses solos para remover o carbono e melhorar o solo para a agricultura.
El pasado, presente y futuro de traer muestras extraterrestres
La obtención de muestras de cuerpos distantes del sistema solar ha revolucionado nuestra comprensión del cosmos y del lugar que ocupamos en él.