To celebrate the Year of Open Science, we highlight our efforts to make AGU journals and books more open, accessible, and inclusive.
Announcing New AGU Journal Editors-in-Chief Starting in 2024
AGU is excited to welcome new Editors-in-Chief for seven of our journals in 2024, including the founding Editor of JGR: Machine Learning and Computation.
Foundations in Data Analysis for Undergraduate STEM Students
A new textbook serves as an initial course in scientific data analysis and hypothesis testing designed for students in all science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines.
A Regional Ecosystem That Helps Undergraduate Research Flourish
A statewide approach to supporting undergraduate research in Florida offers valuable opportunities for students to showcase their work beyond campus—and a model for other regions to replicate.
How AGU Publications is Supporting the Next Generation of Reviewers
In recognition of 2023’s Peer Review Week’s theme “Peer Review and The Future of Publishing”, AGU Publications is excited to share some of our recent initiatives to support early career researchers.
The Dos and Don’ts of Peer Reviewing
Guidelines for writing constructive and respectful reviews that foster learning and scientific advancement without discouraging authors.
In Appreciation of AGU’s Outstanding Reviewers of 2022
AGU editors recognize the contributions of peer reviewers in 2022, whose expertise and dedication are integral to the science published within our journals.
How to Address Publication Overload in Environmental Science
Combining traditional human-curated syntheses of scientific research with the search and visualization tools of artificial intelligence could guide researchers through avalanches of publications.
How Publishers Can Support the UN SDGs: Examples from AGU
AGU Publications is committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals through publishing and drawing attention to scientific research that addresses issues of global and societal concern.
Pour une meilleure visibilité des sciences en Amérique latine
Les scientifiques et les éditeurs de revues latino-américains sont en train de renforcer les systèmes de recherche, d’évaluation, de publication et de communication afin de mieux redéfinir les notions de réussite professionnelle fixées par les pays du Nord.