A new study finds that unique ionospheric changes occurred in the upper atmosphere in response to the May 2024 geomagnetic superstorm.
Prediction of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles for Navigation and Communication
Scientists demonstrate a new technique to predict the formation of equatorial plasma bubbles, a crucial space weather phenomenon affecting satellite-based communication and navigation systems.
Particulate Pollution and its Climate Impacts During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The impacts of COVID-19 on short-lived pollutants highlight the predominant influence of the transportation sector and the resulting changes in regional climates and ecosystems.
Mercury’s Hollows may be Young and Active
The first machine learning-derived global-scale survey of Mercury’s hollows suggests they are young features that may be active and will continue to evolve.
Using Satellite Data for More Effective Disaster Response
Satellite data play a crucial role in disaster assessment and response. Meeting expanding demand requires not only accelerated data processing but increased collaboration with responders.
Coastal Dynamics Revealed by Satellite Salinity Data
One decade of high-quality satellite salinity observations provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics in the Mid-Atlantic Bight.
Characterizing the Space Between Clouds and Clear Sky
The area near clouds is often classified as ‘clear sky’, but a new study demonstrates the potential biases of misclassifying these transition zones and their significance for Earth’s energy budget.
How Southern Ocean Currents Modulate Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Swirling currents called mesoscale eddies occupy about 22% of the ice-free Southern Ocean. Using data from drifting floats and satellites, scientists report the impact these eddies have on biogeochemical cycles.
De los datos a las decisiones: cambiando las prioridades en las observaciones de la Tierra
La NASA está actualizando la forma en la que diseña e implementa las misiones de las Ciencias de la Tierra, para garantizar que sus datos y ciencia lleguen a los usuarios y a los responsables de la toma de decisiones de forma más rápida y eficaz.
Darker, Less Cloudy Earth Contributed to Record Heat
Decreases to our planet’s albedo caused by fewer low-lying clouds helped push temperatures to historic highs in 2023, according to new research.