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planetary moon, planetary-mass moon, regular moon
YemreEarth-Moon system Taƴto
Golle imaaɗe4527 million years BCE Taƴto
Has usecolonization of the Moon Taƴto
Lesdinkeejumno value Taƴto
Named afterlight Taƴto
Lesdino value Taƴto
Locationinner Solar System Taƴto
Located on astronomical bodyLewru Taƴto
DioceseRoman Catholic Diocese of Orlando Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto0°N, 0°E Taƴto
TowendiSelenean summit Taƴto
HoɓadeAntoniadi Taƴto
Studied inexploration of the Moon, selenology Taƴto
Child astronomical bodyLunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, CAPSTONE Taƴto
Parent astronomical bodyLeydi Taƴto
Type of orbithighly elliptical orbit Taƴto
Has characteristicmagnetic field of the Moon, moonquake Taƴto
Taarikiorigin of the Moon Taƴto
Unicode character,  Taƴto

Tagoore kammu Alla ɓurnde fof ɓadtaade Leydi ko Lewru. Ngoɗɗeeki hakkunde lewrue leydi ko 384.000 km. Wuddowol lewru, hono ngoɗɗeki tuggi hakkundu lewru ter e hawngo mayru ko 1738 km. Ko fayti e teddeeki, leydi ena sowoo lewru teddeeki laabi 81.

So lewru ena taaroo leydi, ummortoo ɗum ko bannge hirnaange fayaa bannge fuɗnaange.[1]

So a hooyniima jamma dow hoore ma, a ndaarii lewru ma a yih e mayru diiwanuuji ɓurɗi laaɓde e diiwanuuji ɓurɗi ɓawlude ɓurɗi niɓɓiɗde, hay so a alaa lonngorde.
