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lil kiiwi (Deluxe)


About “lil kiiwi (Deluxe)”

Returning with a second installment of the ‘kii’ discography lil kiiwi is Kiiara’s debut album. The deluxe version of lil kiiwi was released several months after her debut, and featured 4 extra tracks that were released prior to lil kiiwi.

The artwork is the same as the non-deluxe, as well as the tracklist. 4 songs were added, all of which were released prior to her debut album. “Tennessee” and “Intention” were both featured on low kii savage along with “Gold” and “Feels.” “Messy” and “Open My Mouth” were released in 2018 and 2019 respectively. Both singles received a remix album before being featured on the deluxe version of lil kiiwi.
The deluxe version wasn’t promoted, which isn’t typical for Kiiara, and slipped under the radar of many Kiiara fans.

“lil kiiwi (Deluxe)” Q&A

What is the most popular song on lil kiiwi (Deluxe) by Kiiara?
When did Kiiara release lil kiiwi (Deluxe)?

Album Credits

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