Release 4

This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v4.0.1: R4 - Mixed Normative and STU) in it's permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4

Clinical Decision Support Work Group Maturity Level: 1Trial Use Use Context: Any

The official URL for this profile is:

Enforces the minimum information set for the plan definition metadata required by HL7 and other organizations that share and publish plan definitions

This profile was published on [no date] as a draft by HL7.

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots, and how the XML and JSON presentations work.

This structure is derived from PlanDefinition.


Mandatory: 6 elements
Must-Support: 6 elements

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. PlanDefinition I1..1The definition of a plan for a series of actions, independent of any specific patient or context
... id Σ0..1stringLogical id of this artifact
... meta ΣI0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!ΣI0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... language I0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
Binding: Common Languages (preferred)
Max Binding: All Languages
... text I0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?!I0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... url ΣI1..1uriCanonical identifier for this plan definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
... identifier SΣI0..*IdentifierAdditional identifier for the plan definition
... version ΣI1..1stringBusiness version of the plan definition
... name ΣI1..1stringName for this plan definition (computer friendly)
... title SΣI0..1stringName for this plan definition (human friendly)
... subtitle I0..1stringSubordinate title of the plan definition
... type ΣI0..1CodeableConceptorder-set | clinical-protocol | eca-rule | workflow-definition
Binding: PlanDefinitionType (extensible)
... status ?!ΣI1..1codedraft | active | retired | unknown
Binding: PublicationStatus (required)
... experimental ΣI1..1booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
... subject[x] I0..1Type of individual the plan definition is focused on
Binding: Subject type (extensible)
.... subjectCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... subjectReferenceReference(group.html)
... date SΣI0..1dateTimeDate last changed
... publisher ΣI1..1stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
... contact SΣI0..*ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
... description ΣI1..1markdownNatural language description of the plan definition
... useContext SΣI0..*UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
... jurisdiction SΣI0..*CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for plan definition (if applicable)
Binding: Jurisdiction (extensible)
... purpose I0..1markdownWhy this plan definition is defined
... usage I0..1stringDescribes the clinical usage of the plan
... copyright I0..1markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
... approvalDate I0..1dateWhen the plan definition was approved by publisher
... lastReviewDate I0..1dateWhen the plan definition was last reviewed
... effectivePeriod ΣI0..1PeriodWhen the plan definition is expected to be used
... topic I0..*CodeableConceptE.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment
Binding: DefinitionTopic (example)
... author I0..*ContactDetailWho authored the content
... editor I0..*ContactDetailWho edited the content
... reviewer I0..*ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
... endorser I0..*ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
... relatedArtifact I0..*RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations
... library I0..*canonical(Library)Logic used by the plan definition
... goal I0..*BackboneElementWhat the plan is trying to accomplish
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... category I0..1CodeableConceptE.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral
Binding: Goal category (example)
.... description I1..1CodeableConceptCode or text describing the goal
Binding: SNOMED CT Clinical Findings (example)
.... priority I0..1CodeableConcepthigh-priority | medium-priority | low-priority
Binding: Goal priority (preferred)
.... start I0..1CodeableConceptWhen goal pursuit begins
Binding: Goal start event (example)
.... addresses I0..*CodeableConceptWhat does the goal address
Binding: Condition/Problem/Diagnosis Codes (example)
.... documentation I0..*RelatedArtifactSupporting documentation for the goal
.... target I0..*BackboneElementTarget outcome for the goal
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... measure I0..1CodeableConceptThe parameter whose value is to be tracked
Binding: LOINC Codes (example)
..... detail[x] I0..1The target value to be achieved
...... detailQuantityQuantity
...... detailRangeRange
...... detailCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
..... due I0..1DurationReach goal within
... action I0..*BackboneElementAction defined by the plan
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... prefix I0..1stringUser-visible prefix for the action (e.g. 1. or A.)
.... title I0..1stringUser-visible title
.... description I0..1stringBrief description of the action
.... textEquivalent I0..1stringStatic text equivalent of the action, used if the dynamic aspects cannot be interpreted by the receiving system
.... priority I0..1coderoutine | urgent | asap | stat
Binding: Request priority (required)
.... code I0..*CodeableConceptCode representing the meaning of the action or sub-actions
.... reason I0..*CodeableConceptWhy the action should be performed
.... documentation I0..*RelatedArtifactSupporting documentation for the intended performer of the action
.... goalId I0..*idWhat goals this action supports
.... subject[x] I0..1Type of individual the action is focused on
Binding: Subject type (extensible)
..... subjectCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
..... subjectReferenceReference(group.html)
.... trigger I0..*TriggerDefinitionWhen the action should be triggered
.... condition I0..*BackboneElementWhether or not the action is applicable
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... kind I1..1codeapplicability | start | stop
Binding: ActionConditionKind (required)
..... expression I0..1ExpressionBoolean-valued expression
.... input I0..*DataRequirementInput data requirements
.... output I0..*DataRequirementOutput data definition
.... relatedAction I0..*BackboneElementRelationship to another action
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... actionId I1..1idWhat action is this related to
..... relationship I1..1codebefore-start | before | before-end | concurrent-with-start | concurrent | concurrent-with-end | after-start | after | after-end
Binding: ActionRelationshipType (required)
..... offset[x] I0..1Time offset for the relationship
...... offsetDurationDuration
...... offsetRangeRange
.... timing[x] I0..1When the action should take place
..... timingDateTimedateTime
..... timingAgeAge
..... timingPeriodPeriod
..... timingDurationDuration
..... timingRangeRange
..... timingTimingTiming
.... participant I0..*BackboneElementWho should participate in the action
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... type I1..1codepatient | practitioner | related-person | device
Binding: ActionParticipantType (required)
..... role I0..1CodeableConceptE.g. Nurse, Surgeon, Parent
Binding: Action participant role (example)
.... type I0..1CodeableConceptcreate | update | remove | fire-event
Binding: ActionType (extensible)
.... groupingBehavior I0..1codevisual-group | logical-group | sentence-group
Binding: ActionGroupingBehavior (required)
.... selectionBehavior I0..1codeany | all | all-or-none | exactly-one | at-most-one | one-or-more
Binding: ActionSelectionBehavior (required)
.... requiredBehavior I0..1codemust | could | must-unless-documented
Binding: ActionRequiredBehavior (required)
.... precheckBehavior I0..1codeyes | no
Binding: ActionPrecheckBehavior (required)
.... cardinalityBehavior I0..1codesingle | multiple
Binding: ActionCardinalityBehavior (required)
.... definition[x] I0..1Description of the activity to be performed
..... definitionCanonicalcanonical(activitydefinition.html | plandefinition.html | questionnaire.html)
..... definitionUriuri
.... transform I0..1canonical(StructureMap)Transform to apply the template
.... dynamicValue I0..*BackboneElementDynamic aspects of the definition
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... path I0..1stringThe path to the element to be set dynamically
..... expression I0..1ExpressionAn expression that provides the dynamic value for the customization
.... action I0..*Unknown reference to #PlanDefinition.action
A sub-action

doco Documentation for this format
<!-- Shareable PlanDefinition -->doco

<PlanDefinition xmlns=""
  <!-- from Element: extension -->
 <id><!-- 0..1 string Logical id of this artifact --></id>
 <meta><!-- ?? 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource --></meta>
 <implicitRules value="[uri]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 A set of rules under which this content was created -->
 <language value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Language of the resource content   -->
 <text><!-- ?? 0..1 Narrative 
     Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation --></text>
 <contained><!-- 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources --></contained>
 <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored  --></modifierExtension>
 <url value="[uri]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 
     Canonical identifier for this plan definition, represented as a URI (globally unique) -->
 <identifier><!-- ?? 0..* Identifier 
     Additional identifier for the plan definition --></identifier>
 <version value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 Business version of the plan definition -->
 <name value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 Name for this plan definition (computer friendly) -->
 <title value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Name for this plan definition (human friendly) -->
 <subtitle value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Subordinate title of the plan definition -->
 <type><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept order-set | clinical-protocol | eca-rule | workflow-definition   --></type>
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 draft | active | retired | unknown   -->
 <experimental value="[boolean]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 For testing purposes, not real usage -->
 <subject[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Group) Type of individual the plan definition is focused on   --></subject[x]>
 <date value="[dateTime]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Date last changed -->
 <publisher value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 Name of the publisher (organization or individual) -->
 <contact><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail 
     Contact details for the publisher --></contact>
 <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 Natural language description of the plan definition -->
 <useContext><!-- ?? 0..* UsageContext 
     The context that the content is intended to support --></useContext>
 <jurisdiction><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept Intended jurisdiction for plan definition (if applicable)   --></jurisdiction>
 <purpose value="[markdown]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Why this plan definition is defined -->
 <usage value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Describes the clinical usage of the plan -->
 <copyright value="[markdown]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Use and/or publishing restrictions -->
 <approvalDate value="[date]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 When the plan definition was approved by publisher -->
 <lastReviewDate value="[date]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 When the plan definition was last reviewed -->
 <effectivePeriod><!-- ?? 0..1 Period 
     When the plan definition is expected to be used --></effectivePeriod>
 <topic><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept E.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment   --></topic>
 <author><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail Who authored the content --></author>
 <editor><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail Who edited the content --></editor>
 <reviewer><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail Who reviewed the content --></reviewer>
 <endorser><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail Who endorsed the content --></endorser>
 <relatedArtifact><!-- ?? 0..* RelatedArtifact 
     Additional documentation, citations --></relatedArtifact>
 <library value="[canonical]"/><!-- ?? 0..* Logic used by the plan definition -->
 <goal> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* What the plan is trying to accomplish -->
  <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
  <category><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept E.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral   --></category>
  <description><!-- ?? 1..1 CodeableConcept Code or text describing the goal   --></description>
  <priority><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept high-priority | medium-priority | low-priority   --></priority>
  <start><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept When goal pursuit begins   --></start>
  <addresses><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept What does the goal address   --></addresses>
  <documentation><!-- ?? 0..* RelatedArtifact 
      Supporting documentation for the goal --></documentation>
  <target> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Target outcome for the goal -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <measure><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept The parameter whose value is to be tracked   --></measure>
   <detail[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 Quantity|Range|
     CodeableConcept The target value to be achieved --></detail[x]>
   <due><!-- ?? 0..1 Duration 
       Reach goal within --></due>
 <action> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Action defined by the plan -->
  <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
  <prefix value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 User-visible prefix for the action (e.g. 1. or A.) -->
  <title value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 User-visible title -->
  <description value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Brief description of the action -->
  <textEquivalent value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 
      Static text equivalent of the action, used if the dynamic aspects cannot be interpreted by the receiving system -->
  <priority value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 routine | urgent | asap | stat   -->
  <code><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept 
      Code representing the meaning of the action or sub-actions --></code>
  <reason><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept 
      Why the action should be performed --></reason>
  <documentation><!-- ?? 0..* RelatedArtifact 
      Supporting documentation for the intended performer of the action --></documentation>
  <goalId value="[id]"/><!-- ?? 0..* What goals this action supports -->
  <subject[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Group) Type of individual the action is focused on   --></subject[x]>
  <trigger><!-- ?? 0..* TriggerDefinition 
      When the action should be triggered --></trigger>
  <condition> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Whether or not the action is applicable -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <kind value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 applicability | start | stop   -->
   <expression><!-- ?? 0..1 Expression 
       Boolean-valued expression --></expression>
  <input><!-- ?? 0..* DataRequirement 
      Input data requirements --></input>
  <output><!-- ?? 0..* DataRequirement 
      Output data definition --></output>
  <relatedAction> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Relationship to another action -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <actionId value="[id]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 What action is this related to -->
   <relationship value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 before-start | before | before-end | concurrent-with-start | concurrent | concurrent-with-end | after-start | after | after-end   -->
   <offset[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 Duration|Range 
       Time offset for the relationship --></offset[x]>
  <timing[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 dateTime|Age|Period|Duration|Range|
    Timing When the action should take place --></timing[x]>
  <participant> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Who should participate in the action -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <type value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 patient | practitioner | related-person | device   -->
   <role><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept E.g. Nurse, Surgeon, Parent   --></role>
  <type><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept create | update | remove | fire-event   --></type>
  <groupingBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 visual-group | logical-group | sentence-group   -->
  <selectionBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 any | all | all-or-none | exactly-one | at-most-one | one-or-more   -->
  <requiredBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 must | could | must-unless-documented   -->
  <precheckBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 yes | no   -->
  <cardinalityBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 single | multiple   -->
  <definition[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 canonical|uri 
      Description of the activity to be performed --></definition[x]>
  <transform value="[canonical]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Transform to apply the template -->
  <dynamicValue> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Dynamic aspects of the definition -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <path value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 The path to the element to be set dynamically -->
   <expression><!-- ?? 0..1 Expression 
       An expression that provides the dynamic value for the customization --></expression>
  <action><!-- See #PlanDefinition.action  A sub-action --></action>
{ // Shareable PlanDefinition
  // from Element: extension
    "meta" : { Meta }, // C?Metadata about the resource
    "implicitRules" : "<uri>", // C?A set of rules under which this content was created
    "language" : "<code>", // C?Language of the resource content
    "text" : { Narrative }, // C?Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
    "contained" : [{ Resource }], //Contained, inline Resources
    "modifierExtension" : [{ Extension }], // C?Extensions that cannot be ignored
    "url" : "<uri>", // C? R! Canonical identifier for this plan definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
    "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // C?Additional identifier for the plan definition
    "version" : "<string>", // C? R! Business version of the plan definition
    "name" : "<string>", // C? R! Name for this plan definition (computer friendly)
    "title" : "<string>", // C?Name for this plan definition (human friendly)
    "subtitle" : "<string>", // C?Subordinate title of the plan definition
    "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // C?order-set | clinical-protocol | eca-rule | workflow-definition
    "status" : "<code>", // C? R! draft | active | retired | unknown
    "experimental" : <boolean>, // C? R! For testing purposes, not real usage
// value[x]: Type of individual the plan definition is focused on. One of these 2:
    "subjectCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, // C?Type of individual the plan definition is focused on
    "subjectReference" : { Reference(Group) }, // C?Type of individual the plan definition is focused on
    "date" : "<dateTime>", // C?Date last changed
    "publisher" : "<string>", // C? R! Name of the publisher (organization or individual)
    "contact" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Contact details for the publisher
    "description" : "<markdown>", // C? R! Natural language description of the plan definition
    "useContext" : [{ UsageContext }], // C?The context that the content is intended to support
    "jurisdiction" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // C?Intended jurisdiction for plan definition (if applicable)
    "purpose" : "<markdown>", // C?Why this plan definition is defined
    "usage" : "<string>", // C?Describes the clinical usage of the plan
    "copyright" : "<markdown>", // C?Use and/or publishing restrictions
    "approvalDate" : "<date>", // C?When the plan definition was approved by publisher
    "lastReviewDate" : "<date>", // C?When the plan definition was last reviewed
    "effectivePeriod" : { Period }, // C?When the plan definition is expected to be used
    "topic" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // C?E.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment
    "author" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Who authored the content
    "editor" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Who edited the content
    "reviewer" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Who reviewed the content
    "endorser" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Who endorsed the content
    "relatedArtifact" : [{ RelatedArtifact }], // C?Additional documentation, citations
    "library" : ["<canonical>"], // C?Logic used by the plan definition
    "goal" : [{ BackboneElement }] // C?What the plan is trying to accomplish
    "action" : [{ BackboneElement }], // C?Action defined by the plan

This structure is derived from PlanDefinition.


Mandatory: 6 elements
Must-Support: 6 elements

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. PlanDefinition I1..1The definition of a plan for a series of actions, independent of any specific patient or context
... id Σ0..1stringLogical id of this artifact
... meta ΣI0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!ΣI0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... language I0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
Binding: Common Languages (preferred)
Max Binding: All Languages
... text I0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?!I0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... url ΣI1..1uriCanonical identifier for this plan definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
... identifier SΣI0..*IdentifierAdditional identifier for the plan definition
... version ΣI1..1stringBusiness version of the plan definition
... name ΣI1..1stringName for this plan definition (computer friendly)
... title SΣI0..1stringName for this plan definition (human friendly)
... subtitle I0..1stringSubordinate title of the plan definition
... type ΣI0..1CodeableConceptorder-set | clinical-protocol | eca-rule | workflow-definition
Binding: PlanDefinitionType (extensible)
... status ?!ΣI1..1codedraft | active | retired | unknown
Binding: PublicationStatus (required)
... experimental ΣI1..1booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
... subject[x] I0..1Type of individual the plan definition is focused on
Binding: Subject type (extensible)
.... subjectCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... subjectReferenceReference(group.html)
... date SΣI0..1dateTimeDate last changed
... publisher ΣI1..1stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
... contact SΣI0..*ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
... description ΣI1..1markdownNatural language description of the plan definition
... useContext SΣI0..*UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
... jurisdiction SΣI0..*CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for plan definition (if applicable)
Binding: Jurisdiction (extensible)
... purpose I0..1markdownWhy this plan definition is defined
... usage I0..1stringDescribes the clinical usage of the plan
... copyright I0..1markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
... approvalDate I0..1dateWhen the plan definition was approved by publisher
... lastReviewDate I0..1dateWhen the plan definition was last reviewed
... effectivePeriod ΣI0..1PeriodWhen the plan definition is expected to be used
... topic I0..*CodeableConceptE.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment
Binding: DefinitionTopic (example)
... author I0..*ContactDetailWho authored the content
... editor I0..*ContactDetailWho edited the content
... reviewer I0..*ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
... endorser I0..*ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
... relatedArtifact I0..*RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations
... library I0..*canonical(Library)Logic used by the plan definition
... goal I0..*BackboneElementWhat the plan is trying to accomplish
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... category I0..1CodeableConceptE.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral
Binding: Goal category (example)
.... description I1..1CodeableConceptCode or text describing the goal
Binding: SNOMED CT Clinical Findings (example)
.... priority I0..1CodeableConcepthigh-priority | medium-priority | low-priority
Binding: Goal priority (preferred)
.... start I0..1CodeableConceptWhen goal pursuit begins
Binding: Goal start event (example)
.... addresses I0..*CodeableConceptWhat does the goal address
Binding: Condition/Problem/Diagnosis Codes (example)
.... documentation I0..*RelatedArtifactSupporting documentation for the goal
.... target I0..*BackboneElementTarget outcome for the goal
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... measure I0..1CodeableConceptThe parameter whose value is to be tracked
Binding: LOINC Codes (example)
..... detail[x] I0..1The target value to be achieved
...... detailQuantityQuantity
...... detailRangeRange
...... detailCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
..... due I0..1DurationReach goal within
... action I0..*BackboneElementAction defined by the plan
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... prefix I0..1stringUser-visible prefix for the action (e.g. 1. or A.)
.... title I0..1stringUser-visible title
.... description I0..1stringBrief description of the action
.... textEquivalent I0..1stringStatic text equivalent of the action, used if the dynamic aspects cannot be interpreted by the receiving system
.... priority I0..1coderoutine | urgent | asap | stat
Binding: Request priority (required)
.... code I0..*CodeableConceptCode representing the meaning of the action or sub-actions
.... reason I0..*CodeableConceptWhy the action should be performed
.... documentation I0..*RelatedArtifactSupporting documentation for the intended performer of the action
.... goalId I0..*idWhat goals this action supports
.... subject[x] I0..1Type of individual the action is focused on
Binding: Subject type (extensible)
..... subjectCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
..... subjectReferenceReference(group.html)
.... trigger I0..*TriggerDefinitionWhen the action should be triggered
.... condition I0..*BackboneElementWhether or not the action is applicable
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... kind I1..1codeapplicability | start | stop
Binding: ActionConditionKind (required)
..... expression I0..1ExpressionBoolean-valued expression
.... input I0..*DataRequirementInput data requirements
.... output I0..*DataRequirementOutput data definition
.... relatedAction I0..*BackboneElementRelationship to another action
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... actionId I1..1idWhat action is this related to
..... relationship I1..1codebefore-start | before | before-end | concurrent-with-start | concurrent | concurrent-with-end | after-start | after | after-end
Binding: ActionRelationshipType (required)
..... offset[x] I0..1Time offset for the relationship
...... offsetDurationDuration
...... offsetRangeRange
.... timing[x] I0..1When the action should take place
..... timingDateTimedateTime
..... timingAgeAge
..... timingPeriodPeriod
..... timingDurationDuration
..... timingRangeRange
..... timingTimingTiming
.... participant I0..*BackboneElementWho should participate in the action
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... type I1..1codepatient | practitioner | related-person | device
Binding: ActionParticipantType (required)
..... role I0..1CodeableConceptE.g. Nurse, Surgeon, Parent
Binding: Action participant role (example)
.... type I0..1CodeableConceptcreate | update | remove | fire-event
Binding: ActionType (extensible)
.... groupingBehavior I0..1codevisual-group | logical-group | sentence-group
Binding: ActionGroupingBehavior (required)
.... selectionBehavior I0..1codeany | all | all-or-none | exactly-one | at-most-one | one-or-more
Binding: ActionSelectionBehavior (required)
.... requiredBehavior I0..1codemust | could | must-unless-documented
Binding: ActionRequiredBehavior (required)
.... precheckBehavior I0..1codeyes | no
Binding: ActionPrecheckBehavior (required)
.... cardinalityBehavior I0..1codesingle | multiple
Binding: ActionCardinalityBehavior (required)
.... definition[x] I0..1Description of the activity to be performed
..... definitionCanonicalcanonical(activitydefinition.html | plandefinition.html | questionnaire.html)
..... definitionUriuri
.... transform I0..1canonical(StructureMap)Transform to apply the template
.... dynamicValue I0..*BackboneElementDynamic aspects of the definition
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension I0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!ΣI0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... path I0..1stringThe path to the element to be set dynamically
..... expression I0..1ExpressionAn expression that provides the dynamic value for the customization
.... action I0..*Unknown reference to #PlanDefinition.action
A sub-action

doco Documentation for this format

XML Template

<!-- Shareable PlanDefinition -->doco

<PlanDefinition xmlns=""
  <!-- from Element: extension -->
 <id><!-- 0..1 string Logical id of this artifact --></id>
 <meta><!-- ?? 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource --></meta>
 <implicitRules value="[uri]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 A set of rules under which this content was created -->
 <language value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Language of the resource content   -->
 <text><!-- ?? 0..1 Narrative 
     Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation --></text>
 <contained><!-- 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources --></contained>
 <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored  --></modifierExtension>
 <url value="[uri]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 
     Canonical identifier for this plan definition, represented as a URI (globally unique) -->
 <identifier><!-- ?? 0..* Identifier 
     Additional identifier for the plan definition --></identifier>
 <version value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 Business version of the plan definition -->
 <name value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 Name for this plan definition (computer friendly) -->
 <title value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Name for this plan definition (human friendly) -->
 <subtitle value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Subordinate title of the plan definition -->
 <type><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept order-set | clinical-protocol | eca-rule | workflow-definition   --></type>
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 draft | active | retired | unknown   -->
 <experimental value="[boolean]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 For testing purposes, not real usage -->
 <subject[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Group) Type of individual the plan definition is focused on   --></subject[x]>
 <date value="[dateTime]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Date last changed -->
 <publisher value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 Name of the publisher (organization or individual) -->
 <contact><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail 
     Contact details for the publisher --></contact>
 <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 Natural language description of the plan definition -->
 <useContext><!-- ?? 0..* UsageContext 
     The context that the content is intended to support --></useContext>
 <jurisdiction><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept Intended jurisdiction for plan definition (if applicable)   --></jurisdiction>
 <purpose value="[markdown]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Why this plan definition is defined -->
 <usage value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Describes the clinical usage of the plan -->
 <copyright value="[markdown]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Use and/or publishing restrictions -->
 <approvalDate value="[date]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 When the plan definition was approved by publisher -->
 <lastReviewDate value="[date]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 When the plan definition was last reviewed -->
 <effectivePeriod><!-- ?? 0..1 Period 
     When the plan definition is expected to be used --></effectivePeriod>
 <topic><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept E.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment   --></topic>
 <author><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail Who authored the content --></author>
 <editor><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail Who edited the content --></editor>
 <reviewer><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail Who reviewed the content --></reviewer>
 <endorser><!-- ?? 0..* ContactDetail Who endorsed the content --></endorser>
 <relatedArtifact><!-- ?? 0..* RelatedArtifact 
     Additional documentation, citations --></relatedArtifact>
 <library value="[canonical]"/><!-- ?? 0..* Logic used by the plan definition -->
 <goal> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* What the plan is trying to accomplish -->
  <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
  <category><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept E.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral   --></category>
  <description><!-- ?? 1..1 CodeableConcept Code or text describing the goal   --></description>
  <priority><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept high-priority | medium-priority | low-priority   --></priority>
  <start><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept When goal pursuit begins   --></start>
  <addresses><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept What does the goal address   --></addresses>
  <documentation><!-- ?? 0..* RelatedArtifact 
      Supporting documentation for the goal --></documentation>
  <target> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Target outcome for the goal -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <measure><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept The parameter whose value is to be tracked   --></measure>
   <detail[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 Quantity|Range|
     CodeableConcept The target value to be achieved --></detail[x]>
   <due><!-- ?? 0..1 Duration 
       Reach goal within --></due>
 <action> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Action defined by the plan -->
  <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
  <prefix value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 User-visible prefix for the action (e.g. 1. or A.) -->
  <title value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 User-visible title -->
  <description value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Brief description of the action -->
  <textEquivalent value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 
      Static text equivalent of the action, used if the dynamic aspects cannot be interpreted by the receiving system -->
  <priority value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 routine | urgent | asap | stat   -->
  <code><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept 
      Code representing the meaning of the action or sub-actions --></code>
  <reason><!-- ?? 0..* CodeableConcept 
      Why the action should be performed --></reason>
  <documentation><!-- ?? 0..* RelatedArtifact 
      Supporting documentation for the intended performer of the action --></documentation>
  <goalId value="[id]"/><!-- ?? 0..* What goals this action supports -->
  <subject[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Group) Type of individual the action is focused on   --></subject[x]>
  <trigger><!-- ?? 0..* TriggerDefinition 
      When the action should be triggered --></trigger>
  <condition> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Whether or not the action is applicable -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <kind value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 applicability | start | stop   -->
   <expression><!-- ?? 0..1 Expression 
       Boolean-valued expression --></expression>
  <input><!-- ?? 0..* DataRequirement 
      Input data requirements --></input>
  <output><!-- ?? 0..* DataRequirement 
      Output data definition --></output>
  <relatedAction> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Relationship to another action -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <actionId value="[id]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 What action is this related to -->
   <relationship value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 before-start | before | before-end | concurrent-with-start | concurrent | concurrent-with-end | after-start | after | after-end   -->
   <offset[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 Duration|Range 
       Time offset for the relationship --></offset[x]>
  <timing[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 dateTime|Age|Period|Duration|Range|
    Timing When the action should take place --></timing[x]>
  <participant> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Who should participate in the action -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <type value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 1..1 patient | practitioner | related-person | device   -->
   <role><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept E.g. Nurse, Surgeon, Parent   --></role>
  <type><!-- ?? 0..1 CodeableConcept create | update | remove | fire-event   --></type>
  <groupingBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 visual-group | logical-group | sentence-group   -->
  <selectionBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 any | all | all-or-none | exactly-one | at-most-one | one-or-more   -->
  <requiredBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 must | could | must-unless-documented   -->
  <precheckBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 yes | no   -->
  <cardinalityBehavior value="[code]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 single | multiple   -->
  <definition[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 canonical|uri 
      Description of the activity to be performed --></definition[x]>
  <transform value="[canonical]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 Transform to apply the template -->
  <dynamicValue> ?? 0..* BackboneElement  <!-- ?? 0..* Dynamic aspects of the definition -->
   <modifierExtension><!-- ?? 0..* Extension  Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized  --></modifierExtension>
   <path value="[string]"/><!-- ?? 0..1 The path to the element to be set dynamically -->
   <expression><!-- ?? 0..1 Expression 
       An expression that provides the dynamic value for the customization --></expression>
  <action><!-- See #PlanDefinition.action  A sub-action --></action>

JSON Template

{ // Shareable PlanDefinition
  // from Element: extension
    "meta" : { Meta }, // C?Metadata about the resource
    "implicitRules" : "<uri>", // C?A set of rules under which this content was created
    "language" : "<code>", // C?Language of the resource content
    "text" : { Narrative }, // C?Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
    "contained" : [{ Resource }], //Contained, inline Resources
    "modifierExtension" : [{ Extension }], // C?Extensions that cannot be ignored
    "url" : "<uri>", // C? R! Canonical identifier for this plan definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
    "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // C?Additional identifier for the plan definition
    "version" : "<string>", // C? R! Business version of the plan definition
    "name" : "<string>", // C? R! Name for this plan definition (computer friendly)
    "title" : "<string>", // C?Name for this plan definition (human friendly)
    "subtitle" : "<string>", // C?Subordinate title of the plan definition
    "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // C?order-set | clinical-protocol | eca-rule | workflow-definition
    "status" : "<code>", // C? R! draft | active | retired | unknown
    "experimental" : <boolean>, // C? R! For testing purposes, not real usage
// value[x]: Type of individual the plan definition is focused on. One of these 2:
    "subjectCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, // C?Type of individual the plan definition is focused on
    "subjectReference" : { Reference(Group) }, // C?Type of individual the plan definition is focused on
    "date" : "<dateTime>", // C?Date last changed
    "publisher" : "<string>", // C? R! Name of the publisher (organization or individual)
    "contact" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Contact details for the publisher
    "description" : "<markdown>", // C? R! Natural language description of the plan definition
    "useContext" : [{ UsageContext }], // C?The context that the content is intended to support
    "jurisdiction" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // C?Intended jurisdiction for plan definition (if applicable)
    "purpose" : "<markdown>", // C?Why this plan definition is defined
    "usage" : "<string>", // C?Describes the clinical usage of the plan
    "copyright" : "<markdown>", // C?Use and/or publishing restrictions
    "approvalDate" : "<date>", // C?When the plan definition was approved by publisher
    "lastReviewDate" : "<date>", // C?When the plan definition was last reviewed
    "effectivePeriod" : { Period }, // C?When the plan definition is expected to be used
    "topic" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // C?E.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment
    "author" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Who authored the content
    "editor" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Who edited the content
    "reviewer" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Who reviewed the content
    "endorser" : [{ ContactDetail }], // C?Who endorsed the content
    "relatedArtifact" : [{ RelatedArtifact }], // C?Additional documentation, citations
    "library" : ["<canonical>"], // C?Logic used by the plan definition
    "goal" : [{ BackboneElement }] // C?What the plan is trying to accomplish
    "action" : [{ BackboneElement }], // C?Action defined by the plan


Alternate definitions: Master Definition (XML, JSON), Schematron

PlanDefinition.languageCommon LanguagespreferredCommon Languages
PlanDefinition.subject[x]Subject typeextensibleSubject type
PlanDefinition.goal.categoryGoal categoryexampleGoal category
PlanDefinition.goal.descriptionSNOMED CT Clinical FindingsexampleSNOMED CT Clinical Findings
PlanDefinition.goal.priorityGoal prioritypreferredGoal priority
PlanDefinition.goal.startGoal start eventexampleGoal start event
PlanDefinition.goal.addressesCondition/Problem/Diagnosis CodesexampleCondition/Problem/Diagnosis Codes CodesexampleLOINC Codes
PlanDefinition.action.priorityRequest priorityrequiredRequest priority
PlanDefinition.action.subject[x]Subject typeextensibleSubject type
PlanDefinition.action.participant.roleAction participant roleexampleAction participant role