Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 323 Intellectual property rights protection and the international transfer of low-carbon technologies
by Damien Dussaux, Antoine Dechezlepretre, Matthieu Glachant - 292 Monitoring and punishment networks in a common-pool resource dilemma: experimental evidence
by Ganga Shreedhar, Alessandro Tavoni, Carmen Marchiori - 291 Understanding interpersonal violence: the impact of temperatures in Mexico
by Francois Cohen, Fidel Gonzalez - 290 To build or not to build? Capital stocks and climate policy
by Elizabeth Baldwin, Yongyang Cai, Karlygash Kuralbayeva - 289 Energy savings through foreign acquisitions? Evidence from Indonesian manufacturing plants
by Arlan Brucal, Inessa Love, Beata Javorcik
- 321 Benchmarks for emissions trading – general principles for emissions scope
by Misato Sato, Karsten Neuhoff, Vera Zipperer - 320 Exploring the spatial and temporal determinants of gas central heating adoption
by Daire McCoy, John Curtis - 285 Income inequality and carbon consumption: evidence from environmental Engel curves
by Lutz Sager - 284 How do African SMEs respond to climate risks? Evidence from Kenya and Senegal
by Florence Crick, Shaikh Eskander, Sam Fankhauser, Mamadou Diop - 283 Cumulative carbon emissions and economic policy: in search of general principles
by Simon Dietz, Frank Venmans - 282 The impact of broadband and other infrastructure on the location of new business establishments
by Daire McCoy, Sean Lyons, Edgar Morgenroth, Donal Palcic, Leonie Allen - 281 The energy costs of historic preservation
by Christian Hilber, Charles Palmer, Edward Pinchbeck - 280 Geoengineering at the ‘edge of the world’: exploring perceptions of ocean fertilization through the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation
by Kate Elizabeth Gannon, Mike Hulme - 279 The effects of home energy efficiency upgrades on social housing tenants: evidence from Ireland
by Bryan Coyne, Sean Lyons, Daire McCoy - 278 Uncertainty and ambiguity in environmental economics: conceptual issues
by Geoffrey Heal, Anthony Millner - 277 Consumer surplus from energy transitions
by Roger Fouquet - 276 Energy policy and the power sector in the long run
by Baran Doda, Sam Fankhauser - 275 A theory of gains from trade in multilaterally linked ETSs
by Baran Doda, Simon Quemin, Luca Taschini - 274 Does choice of drought index influence estimates of drought-induced cereal losses in India?
by Francisco Pereira Fontes, Ashley Gorst, Charles Palmer - 273 Compliance, Efficiency and Instrument Choice: Evidence from air pollution control in China
by Thomas Stoerk - 272 Survey sponsor effects on the willingness to pay for mortality risk reductions
by Marcelo Lima - 271 Discounting and the Representative Median Agent
by Johannes Emmerling, Ben Groom, Tanja Wettingfeld - 270 What drives social contagion in the adoption of solar photovoltaic technology
by Andrea Baranzini, Stefano Carattini, Martin Peclat - 269 Be who you ought or be who you are? Environmental framing and cognitive dissonance in going paperless
by Greer Gosnell - 268 Mortality inequality, temperature and public health provision: evidence from Mexico
by François Cohen & Antoine Dechezlepretre - 267 Economic growth and development with low-carbon energy
by Sam Fankhauser & Frank Jotzo - 266 Do Energy Efficiency Standards Hurt Consumers? Evidence from Household Appliance Sales
by Arlan Brucal & Michael Roberts - 265 Methods for strengthening a weak instrument in the case of a persistent treatment
by Michel Berthélemy & Petyo Bonev & Damien Dussaux & Magnus Söderberg - 264 International patent families: from application strategies to statistical indicators
by Antoine Dechezleprêtre & Yann Ménière & Myra Mohnen - 263 The cost of adapting to climate change: evidence from the US residential sector
by François Cohen & Matthieu Glachant & Magnus Söderberg - 262 A new approach to an age-old problem: solving externalities by incenting workers directly
by Greer Gosnell & John List & Robert Metcalfe - 261 Was von Thünen right? Cattle intensification and deforestation in Brazil
by Francisco Fontes & Charles Palmer - 260 Valuing predictability
by Antony Millner & Daniel Heyen - 259 Cooperation in the climate commons
by Stefano Carattini & Simon Levin & Alessandro Tavoni - 212 Cars, carbon taxes and CO2 emissions
by Julius Andersson - 182 Social discounting: the SOC/STP divide
by Michael Spackman - 135 Knowledge Spillovers from clean and dirty technologies
by Antoine Dechezlepretre, Ralf Martin, Myra Mohnen
- 258 Enabling private sector adaptation in developing countries and their semi-arid regions – case studies of Senegal and Kenya
by Florence Crick & Mamadou Diop & Momadou Sow & Birame Diouf & Babacar Diouf & Joseph Muhwanga & Muna Dajani - 257 Carbon offsets out of the woods? The acceptability of domestic vs. international reforestation programmes
by Andrea Baranzini & Nicolas Borzykowski & Stefano Carattini - 256 Climate change perception and system of rice intensification (SRI) impact on dispersion and downside risk: a moment approximation approach
by Mintewab Bezabih & Remidius Ruhinduka & Mare Sarr - 255 Adaptation to climate change
by Sam Fankhauser - 254 Getting more ‘carbon bang’ for your ‘buck’ in Acre State, Brazil
by Charles Palmer & Luca Taschini & Tim Laing - 253 Climate change, development, poverty and economics
by Samuel Fankhauser & Nicholas Stern - 252 Tales from the tails: Sector-level carbon intensity distribution
by Baran Doda - 251 Estimating the effect of air pollution on road safety using atmospheric temperature
by Lutz Sager - 250 Asset accounting, fiscal policy and the UK’s oil and gas resources, past and future
by Giles Atkinson & Kirk Hamilton - 249 A bargaining experiment on heterogeneity and side deals in climate negotiations
by Greer Gosnell & Alessandro Tavoni - 248 Climate change, heat stress and labour productivity: A cost methodology for city economies
by Helia Costa & Graham Floater & Hans Hooyberghs & Stijn Verbeke & Koen De Ridder - 247 How green are economists?
by Stefano Carattini & Alessandro Tavoni - 246 Renewables, allowances markets, and capacity expansion in energy-only markets
by Paolo Falbo & Cristian Pelizzari & Luca Taschini - 245 Emission intensity and firm dynamics: reallocation, product mix, and technology in India
by Geoffrey Barrows & Helene Ollivier - 244 Energy efficiency gains from trade in intermediate inputs: firm-level evidence from Indonesia
by Michele Imbruno & Tobias Ketterer - 243 Green taxes in a post-Paris world: are millions of nays inevitable?
by Stefano Carattini & Andrea Baranzini & Philippe Thalmann & Frederic Varone & Frank Vohringer - 242 The transnationalisation of law: rethinking law through transnational environmental regulation
by Veerle Heyvaert - 241 Strengthening insurance partnerships in the face of climate change – insights from an agent-based model of flood insurance in the UK
by Florence Crick & Katie Jenkins & Swenja Surminski - 240 Economic growth and agricultural land conversion under uncertain productivity improvements in agriculture
by Bruno Lanz & Simon Dietz & Tim Swanson - 239
by Doruk Iris & Alessandro Tavoni - 238 Tipping and reference points in climate change games
by Alessandro Tavoni & Doruk Iris - 237 Demand for offsetting and insetting in the EU Emissions Trading System
by Misato Sato & Marta Ciszawska & Timothy Laing - 236 Adaptation to natural disasters through the agricultural land rental market: evidence from Bangladesh
by Shaikh Eskander & Edward Barbier - 235 The economics of adaptation and climate-resilient development: lessons from projects for key adaptation challenges
by Paul Watkiss & Federica Cimato - 234 (Not so) Gently down the stream: river pollution and health in Indonesia
by Teevrat Garg & Stuart Hamilton & Jacob Hochard & Evan Plous & John Talbot - 233 The endowment effect and environmental discounting
by Simon Dietz & Frank Venmans - 232 You never adapt alone – the role of MultiSectoral Partnerships in addressing urban climate risks
by Swenja Surminski & Hayley Leck - 231 Climate policy confidence indicator: final report to CCCEP
by Will McDowall & Dimitri Zenghelis & Paul Drummond - 230 Do tax incentives for research increase firm innovation? An RD design for R&D
by Antoine Dechezlepretre & Elias Einio & Ralf Martin & Kieu-Trang Nguyen & John Van Reenen - 229 Rare events and risk perception: evidence from Fukushima accident
by Renaud Coulomb & Yanos Zylberberg - 227 Is Taxing Waste a Waste of Time? Evidence From a Supreme Court Decision
by Stefano Carattini & Andrea Baranzini & Rafael Lalive - 226 Heterogeneous intergenerational altruism
by Antony Millner - 225 Pork barrel as a signaling tool: the case of US environmental policy
by Hélia Costa - 224 Seven reasons to use carbon pricing in climate policy
by Andrea Baranzini & Jeroen van den Bergh & Stefano Carattini & Richard Howarth & Emilio Padilla & Jordi Roca - 223 Assessing surface water flood risk and management strategies under future climate change: an agent-based model approach
by Katie Jenkins & Swenja Surminski & Jim Hall & Florence Crick - 222 Well-being dynamics and poverty traps
by Christopher Barrett & Teevrat Garg & Linden McBride - 215 Comovement and the financialization of commodities
by Matteo Bonato & Luca Taschini - 208 Carbon dating: When is it beneficial to link ETSs?
by Baran Doda & Luca Taschini - 195 Emissions trading systems with cap adjustments
by Sascha Kollenberg & Luca Taschini - 167 The expansion of modern agriculture and global biodiversity decline: an integrated assessment
by Bruno Lanz & Simon Dietz & Tim Swanson
- 221 Flooded cities
by Adriana Kocornik-Mina & Thomas K.J. McDermott & Guy Michaels & Ferdinand Rauch - 220 Collective intertemporal choice: time consistency vs. time invariance
by Antony Millner & Geoffrey Heal - 219 Estimating the economic impact of the permafrost carbon feedback
by Louise Kessler - 218 Comment on ‘Impact of Current Climate Proposals’ by Bjorn Lomborg
by Robert E.T. Ward - 217 The risk of climate ruin
by Oliver Bettis & Simon Dietz & Nick Silver - 216 Strengthening non-state climate action: a progress assessment of commitments launched at the 2014 UN Climate Summit
by Sander Chan & Robert Falkner & Harro van Asselt & Matthew Goldberg - 214 The economic effects of long-term climate change: evidence from the little ice age
by Maria Waldinger - 213 Sick of noise: the health effects of loud neighbours and urban din
by Diana Weinhold - 211 Crop diversification and child health: Empirical evidence from Tanzania
by Stefania Lovo & Marcella Veronesi - 210 Does it matter what you call it? Reflections on how companies voluntarily disclose their adaptation activities
by Swenja Surminski - 209 Lessons from energy history for climate policy
by Roger Fouquet - 207 The impact of controversy on the production of scientific knowledge
by Amelia Sharman - 206 Seven centuries of European economic growth and decline
by Stephen Broadberry & Roger Fouquet - 205 A review of the economics of adaptation and climate-resilient development
by Paul Watkiss - 204 The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange and spatial price dispersion
by Camilla Andersson & Mintewab Bezabih & Andrea Mannberg - 203 Beliefs, politics, and environmental policy
by Antony Millner & Hélène Ollivier - 202 Should climate policy account for ambiguity?
by Geoffrey Heal & Antony Millner - 201 Solving the clinker dilemma with hybrid output-based allocation
by Frédéric Branger & Misato Sato - 199 Nationally Self-Interested Climate Change Mitigation: A Unified Conceptual Framework
by Fergus Green - 198 Climate change and the geographical and institutional drivers of economic development
by David Castells-Quintana & Maria del Pilar Lopez-Uribe & Tom McDermott - 197 A minilateral solution for global climate change? On bargaining efficiency, club benefits and international legitimacy
by Robert Falkner - 196 Invention and diffusion of water supply and water efficiency technologies: insights from a global patent datase
by Declan Conway & Antoine Dechezleprêtre & Nick Johnstone & Ivan Hascic - 196a Discounting disentangled: an expert survey on the determinants of the long-term social discount rate
by Moritz Drupp & Mark Freeman & Ben Groom & Frikk Nesje - 194 Statistical corruption in Beijing’s air quality data has likely ended in 2012
by Thomas Stoerk - 193 Understanding the demand for REDD+ credits
by Tim Laing & Luca Taschini & Charles Palmer & Johanna Wehkamp & Sabine Fuss & Wolf Heinrich Reuter - 192 The effects of climate change on internal and international migration: implications for developing countries
by Maria Waldinger - 191 Climate stories: why do climate scientists and sceptical voices participate in the climate debate?
by Amelia Sharman - 190 The climate beta
by Simon Dietz & Christian Gollier & Louise Kessler - 189 Crop productivity and adaptation to climate change in Pakistan
by Ashley Gorst & Ben Groom & Ali Dehlavi - 188 Novel and improved insurance instruments for risk reduction
by Swenja Surminski & Paul Hudson & Jeroen Aerts & Wouter Botzen & M.Conceição Colaço & Florence Crick & Jill Eldridge & Anna Lorant & António Macedo & Reinhard Mechler & Carlos Neto & Robin Nicolai & Dionisio Pérez-Blanco & Francisco Rego - 187 International and sectoral variation in energy prices 1995-2011: how does it relate to emissions policy stringency?
by Misato Sato & Gregor Singer & Damien Dussaux & Stefania Lovo - 186 Delegation and public pressure in a threshold public goods game: theory and experimental evidence
by Doruk İriş & Jungmin Lee & Alessandro Tavoni - 185 The human capital transition and the role of policy
by Ralph Hippe & Roger Fouquet - 184 The ‘optimal and equitable’ climate finance gap
by Alex Bowen & Emanuele Campiglio & Sara Herreras Martinez - 183 Multinational corporations and climate adaptation – Are we asking the right questions? A review of current knowledge and a new research perspective
by Alina Averchenkova & Florence Crick & Adriana Kocornik-Mina & Hayley Leck & Swenja Surminski - 181 Rights to the forest, REDD+ and elections: Mining in Guyana
by Timothy Laing - 180 Why did the knowledge transition occur in the West and not in the East? ICT and the role of governments in Europe, East Asia and the Muslim world
by Ralph Hippe - 179 The impact of energy prices on energy efficiency: Evidence from the UK refrigerator market
by Fran�ois Cohen & Matthieu Glachant & Magnus S�derberg - 178 Asymmetric industrial energy prices and international trade
by Misato Sato & Antoine Dechezlepr�tre - 177 The price vs quantity debate: climate policy and the role of business cycles
by Anna Grodecka & Karlygash Kuralbayeva - 176 Luring others into climate action: Coalition formation games with threshold and spillover effects
by Valentina Bosetti & Melanie Heugues & Alessandro Tavoni - 172 Discounting disentangled
by Moritz Drupp & Mark Freeman & Ben Groom & Frikk Nesje - 166 Public goods and ethnic diversity: evidence from deforestation in Indonesia
by Alberto Alesina & Caterina Gennaioli & Stefania Lovo - 118b Consumption smoothing and the welfare cost of uncertainty
by Yonas Alem & Jonathan Colmer
- 175 Urban development and air pollution: Evidence from a global panel of cities
by Christian Hilber & Charles Palmer - 174 The conservation versus production trade-off: does livestock intensification increase deforestation? Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon
by Petterson Molina Vale - 173 Resolving intertemporal conflicts: Economics vs. Politics
by Antony Millner & Geoffrey Heal - 171 Taking an organisational approach to private sector adaptation � the case of Tata Teleservices in India
by Jennifer Steeves & Swenja Surminski - 170 Why is geoengineering so tempting?
by Baran Doda - 169 EU ETS, free allocations and activity level thresholds, the devil lies in the details
by Fr�d�ric Branger & Jean-Pierre Ponssard & Oliver Sartor & Misato Sato - 168 The land certification program and off-farm employment in Ethiopia
by Mintewab Bezabih & Andrea Mannberg & Eyerusalem Siba - 165 Searching for carbon leaks in multinational companies
by Antoine Dechezlepr�tre & Caterina Gennaioli & Ralf Martin & Mirabelle Mu�ls - 164 Modelling land use, deforestation, and policy analysis: A hybrid optimization-ABM heterogeneous agent model with application to the Bolivian Amazon
by Lykke Andersen & Ugur Bilge & Ben Groom & David Gutierrez & Evan Killick & Juan Carlos Ledezma & Charles Palmer & Diana Weinhold - 163 Investment in second-hand capital goods and energy intensity
by Stefania Lovo & Michael Gasiorek & Richard Tol - 162 Reflection on the current debate on how to link flood insurance and disaster risk reduction in the European Union
by Swenja Surminski & Jeroen Aerts & Wouter Botzen & Paul Hudson & Jaroslav Mysiak & Carlos Dionisio & P�rez-Blanco - 161 Global population growth, technology, and Malthusian constraints: a quantitative growth theoretic perspective
by Bruno Lanz & Simon Diet & Tim Swanson - 160 Beyond carbon pricing: The role of banking and monetary policy in financing the transition to a low-carbon economy
by Emanuele Campiglio - 159 Endogenous growth, convexity of damages and climate risk: how Nordhaus� framework supports deep cuts in carbon emissions
by Simon Dietz & Nicholas Stern - 158 A simple framework for the estimation of climate exposure
by Xavier Vollenweider - 157 Closing coal: economic and moral incentives
by Paul Collier & Anthony J. Venables - 154 Measuring sustainability in the UN system of envrionmental-economic accounting
by Kirk Hamilton - 153 Historical energy price shocks and their changing effects on the economy
by Dirk-Jan van de Ven & Roger Fouquet - 151 Probabilistic skill in ensemble seasonal forecasts
by Leonard Smith & Hailiang Du & Emma Suckling & Falk Nieh�rster - 150 An evaluation of decadal probability forecasts from state-of-the-art climate models
by Emma Suckling & Leonard Smith - 149 Ex-post evaluation of the additionality of Clean Development Mechanism afforestation projects in Tanzania, Uganda and Moldova
by Mark Purdon & Razack Lokina - 148 Is it the climate or the weather? Differential economic impacts of climatic factors in Ethiopia
by Mintewab Bezabih & Salvatore Di Falco & Alemu Mekonnen - 146 Robustness of norm-driven cooperation in the commons to environmental variability
by Maja Schl�ter & Alessandro Tavoni & Simon Levin - 145 Network economics and the environment: insights and perspectives
by Sergio Currarini & Carmen Marchiori & Alessandro Tavoni - 144 Flood insurance in England � an assessment of the current and newly proposed insurance scheme in the context of rising flood risk
by Swenja Surminski & Jillian Eldridge - 143 The effect of environmental decentralization on polluting industries in India
by Stefania Lovo
- 142 Observations on the role of the private sector in the UNFCCC�s loss and damage of climate change work programme
by Swenja Surminski & Jillian Eldridge - 141 The structural shift to green services: A twosector growth model with public capital and open-access resources
by Emanuele Campiglio - 140 Safeguarding development aid against climate change: evaluating progress and identifying best practice
by Nicola Ranger & Alex Harvey & Su-Lin Garbett-Shiels - 139 Effects of carbon taxes in an economy with large informal sector and rural-urban migration
by Karlygash Kuralbayeva - 138 How certain are we about the certainty-equivalent long term social discount rate?
by Mark C. Freeman & Ben Groom - 137 Spaces for agreement: a theory of Time-Stochastic Dominance
by Simon Dietz & Anca N. Matei - 136 Is there space for agreement on climate change? A non-parametric approach to policy evaluation
by Simon Dietz & Anca N. Matei - 134 Understanding the adaptation deficit: why are poor countries more vulnerable to climate events than rich countries?
by Samuel Fankhauser & Thomas K.J. McDermott - 133 Exploring beliefs about bottled water and intentions to reduce consumption: The dualeffect of social norm activation and persuasive information
by Sander Van Der Linden - 132 Climate Variability, Child Labour and Schooling: Evidence on the Intensive and Extensive Margin
by Jonathan Colmer - 131 Isolating Warm Glow in Charitable Auction Giving
by Kyriaki Remoundou & Andreas C. Drichoutis & Phoebe Koundouri - 130 Reconciling conflicting evidence on the origins of comparative development: A finite mixture model approach
by Thomas K.J. McDermott - 129 The Contribution of Non-Use Values to Inform the Management of Groundwater Systems: The Rokua Esker, Northern Finland
by Phoebe Koundouri & Mavra Stithou & Eva Kougea & Pertti Ala-aho & Riku Eskelinen & Timo Karjalainen & Bjorn Klove & Manuel Pulido-Velazquez & Kalle Reinikainen & Pekka M.Rossi - 128 A Micro-Econometric Approach to Deriving Use and Non-Use Values of in-situ Groundwater: The Vosvozis Case Study, Greece
by Phoebe Koundouri & Vassilis Babalos & Mavra Stithou & Marianna Mousoulidou & Aris Mousoulides & Ioannis Anastasiou & Katerina Vasiliou - 127 Promoting resilient economies by exploring insurance potential for facing coastal flooding and erosion: evidence from Italy, Spain, France and United Kingdom
by Osiel Gonz�lez D�vila & Mavra Stithou & Gianluca Pescaroli & Luca Pietrantoni & Phoebe Koundouri & Pedro D�az-Simal & B�n�dicte Rulleau & Nabil Touli & Fran�ois Hissel & Edmund Penning-Rowsell - 126 Hotelling Rules: Oscillatory Versus Quadratic Trends in Natural Resource Prices
by Antonios Antypas & Phoebe Koundouri & Nikolaos Kourogenis - 125 An Experimental Investigation of the Impacts of Persuasion and Information Acquisition on Non-Use Values for Climate Change Adaptation
by Tanya O�Garra & Susanna Mourato - 124 Mapping the climate sceptical blogosphere
by Amelia Sharman - 123 Equity, Development Aid and Climate Finance
by Johan Eyckmans & Sam Fankhauser & Snorre Kverndokk - 122 A macroeconomic perspective on climate change mitigation: Meeting the financing challenge
by Alex Bowen & Emanuele Campiglio & Massimo Tavoni - 120 Modeling climate mitigation and adaptation policies to predict their effectiveness: The limits of randomized controlled trials
by Alexandre Marcellesi & Nancy Cartwright - 119 Do flood insurance schemes in developing countries provide incentives to reduce physical risks?
by Swenja Surminski & Delioma Oramas-Dorta - 118 Don't Worry, Be Happy: The Welfare Cost of Climate Variability � A Subjective Well-Being Approach
by Yonas Alem & Jonathan Colmer - 117 Resource Discoveries, Learning and National Income Accounting
by Kirk Hamilton & Giles Atkinson - 116 Emissions-GDP Relationship in Times of Growth and Decline
by Baran Doda - 115 Social Capital, climate change and soil conservation investment: panel data evidence from the Highlands of Ethiopia
by Mintewab Bezabih & Abe Damte Beyene & Zenebe Gebreegziabher & Livousew Borga - 114 Tenure insecurity and investment in soil conservation. Evidence from Malawi
by Stefania Lovo - 113 Sectors under scrutiny � Evaluation of indicators to assess the risk of carbon leakage in the UK and Germany
by Misato Sato & Karsten Neuhoff & Verena Graichen & Katja Schumacher & Felix Matthes - 112 Discounting under disagreement
by Geoffrey Heal & Antony Millner - 111 Predicting agricultural impacts of large-scale drought: 2012 and the case for better modeling
by Joshua Elliot & Michael Glotter & Neil Best & Ken Boote & Jim Jones & Jerry Hatfield & Cynthia Rozenweig & Leonard A. Smith & Ian Foster - 110 Economy-wide impacts of REDD when there is political influence
by Timothy Laing & Charles Palmer - 109 Declining discount rates and the Fisher Effect: Inflated past, discounted future?
by Mark C. Freeman & Ben Groom & Ekaterini Panopoulou & Theologos Pantelidis - 108 Uncertainty and decision in climate change economics
by Geoffrey Heal & Antony Millner - 107 Fast-tracking �green� patent applications: an empirical analysis
by Antoine Dechezlepr�tre - 106 Assessing the effectiveness of the EU Emissions Trading System
by Tim Laing & Misato Sato & Michael Grubb & Claudia Comberti - 105 Regime shifts in a social-ecological system
by Steven J. Lade & Alessandro Tavoni & Simon A. Levin & Maja Schl�ter - 104 Political competition, learning and the consequences of heterogeneous beliefs for long-run public projects
by Antony Millner & H�l�ne Ollivier & Leo Simon - 84b Ethics, equity and the economics of climate change. Paper 2: Economics and Politics
by Nicholas Stern - 84a EEthics, Equity and the Economics of Climate Change. Paper 1: Science and Philosophy
by Nicholas Stern
- 102 Carbon Taxes, Path Dependency and Directed Technical Change: Evidence from the Auto Industry
by Philippe Aghion & Antoine Dechezlepr�tre & David Hemous & Ralf Martin & John Van Reenen - 101 Investigating fishers� preferences for the design of marine Payments for Environmental Services schemes
by Rhona Barr & Susana Mourato - 100 The �advancedness� of knowledge in pollutionsaving technological change with a qualitative application to SO2 cap and trade
by David Grover - 99 Knowledge versus technique in SO2-saving technological change: A comparative test using quantile regression with implications for greenhouse gas compliance
by David Grover - 98 Do market-based instruments really induce more environmental R&D? A test using US panel data
by David Grover - 97 Ambiguity and insurance: robust capital requirements and premiums
by Oliver Walker & Simon Dietz - 96 Who should pay for climate? The effect of burden-sharing mechanisms on abatement policies and technological transfers
by Emanuele Campiglio - 95 Intermediate inputs and economic productivity
by Simon Baptist & Cameron Hepburn - 94 Who will win the green race? In search of environmental competitiveness and innovation
by Sam Fankhauser & Alex Bowen & Raphael Calel & Antoine Dechezlepr�tre & David Grover & James Rydge & Misato Sato - 93 Prosperity with growth: Economic growth, climate change and environmental limits
by Cameron Hepburn & Alex Bowen - 92 Green Growth: Economic Theory and Political Discourse
by Michael Jacobs - 91 Vulnerability to weather disasters: the choice of coping strategies in rural Uganda
by Jennifer Helgeson & Simon Dietz & Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler - 90 Does industry concentration matter for pollution haven effects?
by Svetlana Batrakova