Flowers are a big part of the wedding day but when you want bouquets, buttonholes and decorations, it can be costly.
When Aimee and Tyler Morrison, both 25, started to plan their wedding, they decided to save money by growing their own – and they reckon they’ve saved around £1600 by doing so.
The couple, from Salisbury, grew poppies, dahlias, Cosmos, and sweetpeas, as well as plenty of wildflowers, including blue cornflowers.
They estimate they spent around £400 on seed trays, pots, compost, manure, flower food, a greenhouse, seeds and dahlia tubers to create everything they needed for their big day.
The couple added that their allotment will also continue to bloom for years to come.

With the flowers they grew, they created bouquets for Aimee and six bridesmaids, buttonholes for Tyler and three groomsmen, table decorations, a flower arch (with the frame made by Tyler) and even some confetti from dried petals.
The couple wanted a more sustainable wedding day so by growing their own, they could make sure their flowers hadn’t been flown from overseas.
Aimee told Metro.co.uk: ‘It’s always been a dream to become somewhat more self-sustainable or at least learn how to grow our food and getting n allotment seemed the perfect place to start.

‘Shortly after getting the allotment, my cousin mentioned growing some flowers on her plot for the wedding, which sparked the idea for us to grow our flowers. We also had hoped to save some money and give the day a more personal touch. We also wanted our flowers to be British grown without the air miles attached to them.’
The couple had no experience with gardening and as they didn’t have any outdoor space, they decided to get their allotment to have somewhere outdoors to enjoy.
They took out the allotment in June last year and started growing their flowers soon after.

Aimee added: ‘The allotment has become a practical but also a relaxing garden. Over the past year, we have had to learn a lot and we’ve found that we have both taken an interest in different elements of gardening.
‘I took an interest in learning about the flowers and Tyler about soil health and garden pests.’

With their wedding booked for 10 August this year, the couple planned out what would be in bloom around the time, as well as thinking about what would be suitable for the vision they had for the day.
‘We spent a lot of time researching what flowers would be best to grow for an August wedding.
‘We also took into account which flowers would be best for cutting. We thought about flower height, vase life and if they would grow again once they were cut come again.

‘There are some good books out there with lots of advice for beginners.
‘There’s also an amazing community of gardeners on social media platforms like Instagram which were extremely useful. #growwithzoe has been a lifesaver.’
Once they had a plan in place, they started sowing their first wedding flower seeds in February
‘Over the months we nurtured a lot of seedlings that we hoped would become our wedding flowers.

‘To be honest, we were completely winging it and grew an excess of flowers thinking most of it either wouldn’t germinate or would die before getting it in the ground.
‘In fact, we ended up with more than we knew what to do with, but the good thing about allotments is you can share what you have too much of.’
Not only were the flowers much more personal, but the couple saved hundreds of pounds.

They kept costs down by growing from seed and buying things second hand.
‘The soil on our plot is heavy clay, so to ensure everything grew well, we spent money on compost, sand and manure.
‘We found a second-hand glass greenhouse on eBay for £40 which we love and was helped with seed germination.
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‘We also spent close to £100 on seeds and tubers. However, with a little love and care, we can keep these tubers and collect seeds for next year.
‘We did a rough estimate and compared to what other florists charge, ours would have cost just over £2000 for everything we had.’
And now the couple hopes to use the flowers for other weddings in the future.
What a blooming great idea.
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