I tried a DNA test to see if I might have food allergies and the results were shocking

I tried a DNA test to see if I might have allergies and the results shocked me

A doctor once described me as ‘a very allergic person’ – and he is right.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a reaction to something different. Cats, horses, pollen, jewellery, and bizarrely once, a horrific experience with a jellyfish sting while on holiday… the list goes on.

I’m also pretty into my DNA testing, after using it to take a look at my family history and whether I’m predisposed to like coffee.

So when I was offered the opportunity to test my DNA to find out if I am susceptible to food deficiencies or allergies, I took it up right away.

Within a couple of days DNA swab kits in neat boxes dropped onto my doorstep – one testing for vitamins and minerals, and the other looking at intolerances and sensitivities.

It took just a few swift clicks to register my packs and a drag of the swab within my cheek – after waiting an hour from eating anything – before I could pop it into an envelope and send it back to MyHealthChecked, a company which offers several types of tests to help users monitor their wellbeing.

A few days later my test results dropped into my inbox, and I was astounded.

I tried a DNA test to see if I might have food allergies and the results were shocking Yiannis Mavrommatis Dr David Nichols MyHealthChecked
The swab tests are very easy to do and send back to the company (Picture: MyHealthChecked)

My vitamins and minerals test showed me I’m at a medium risk of deficiencies in selenium – which is important for the metabolism – and Vitamin A, which is vital for the immune system and healthy skin and vision.

More disconcertingly, my food sensitivities test threw up a huge red flag – a substantially increased risk of gluten intolerance.

But what do my DNA results really mean, and how concerned should I be about what they show?

Dr Yiannis Mavrommatis, nutrigenetics expert at MyHealthChecked, told Metro.co.uk: ‘DNA contains the code for all biological processes in our body including how we taste, metabolise and use different foods after we consume them.

‘Such codes can be found in the “active” parts of DNA, called genes. Sometimes, codes in our genes have mistakes that may prevent some functions from working properly. DNA tests can “read” the code inside genes and identify whether there is a mistake or not.’

I tried a DNA test to see if I might have food allergies and the results were shocking Yiannis Mavrommatis Dr David Nichols
Dr Yiannis Mavrommatis explained what the DNA test results show (Picture: MyHealthChecked)
I tried a DNA test to see if I might have food allergies and the results were shocking Yiannis Mavrommatis Dr David Nichols
Dr David Nichols advised I keep a close eye on my health in regards to the highlighted potential deficiencies (Picture: MyHealthChecked)

Workers for the health website look through thousands of scientific studies to figure out which genes should be checked to find a link with nutrition and lifestyle.

He added: ‘For example, we can see in your vitamins and minerals report that you have one code mistake related to selenium metabolism.

‘What that means is that you may be less effective at utilising selenium. This test is not diagnostic of selenium deficiency but it is an indicator that such a deficiency is more likely to occur.’

So it looks like I may at some point have an issue with my selenium and Vitamin A levels, and possibly gluten – but how can I confirm this for sure?

Dr Mavrommatis explained: ‘While a DNA test identifies the areas that are more likely to be affected, a blood test can confirm the presence and the extent of that effect.

‘We can use genetic testing to prioritise blood tests as it is highly unconventional and unrealistic for someone to have blood tests for every possible nutrient deficiency.’

Garlic Baguette Bread with Cheese
I will certainly be keeping an eye on my health relating to gluten consumption from now on, which is found in bread, cereals, pasta and more (Picture: Getty Images)

Essentially then, the DNA test labels key things to keep an eye on, and may help narrow things down if I find I’m having a health problem.

Dr Dave Nichols, GP and the website’s resident doctor, said I may consider trialling some of the dietary changes suggested to see if it makes a difference to how I feel.

For example, to combat potential selenium issues I’m advised to eat more fish, Brazil nuts and brown rice – which I may as well give a try, as it certainly can’t hurt.

He added too I may want to keep an eye on any potential symptoms of a gluten intolerance.

‘If you noticed stomach aches, diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, indigestion, tiredness, weight loss or nutritional deficiencies it would be worthwhile speaking with your GP to arrange a blood test for this,’ Dr Nichols said.

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‘However, it is important to remember that whilst these tests identify risk they do not necessarily mean people will go on to develop a condition. If you are not troubled by any symptoms of gluten intolerance then a test is not required.’

I was surprised because more recently I’ve noticed I’ve struggled with bloating and indigestion on a more regular basis. It’s something I’d put down to getting older, but now I’m definitely going to keep an eye on it and visit my GP if the symptoms continue.

DNA testing may not have uncovered my allergies for certain, but I do now know what to look out for in the future so I can be more mindful about my health.

READ MORE: How a drop of my saliva can tell whether I like coffee or not

READ MORE: What family DNA test kits can tell us about UK history – and our future

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