【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind







Sir Simon Rattle 

the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Runfunks 



Warm Welcome 




There's such a warm welcome here. Of course, you know, we have been talking all for a while, and ... but we all knew each other a long time.  



And you know, I always loved this orchestra from the first moment, but I never thought I would be in this position. I mean, we all presumed there would be many more years of Mariss (Jansons) and we look at conductors ... we look at Herbert Blomstedt, who at 92, now I think is still, you know, the youngest older person I've ever come across. Ah! 



It wasn't to be for Mariss. I thought always this would be a place I would love to visit, but now it will be a new family and that's wonderful. 




Tthe BRSO family 




In this family, we all look after. We have to all look after  each other. It's very easy backwards and forwards. Here it's kind of a normal people but ... and we can all trust each other.  



But of course, we're A conductor. It is essentially ... it's a strange profession because we don't make the sound.  The orchestra make the sound, and it's good when we don't forget that. 




Two Intense Weeks ... 




Look! We are lucky. First of all, we play seven pieces in two weeks, really three concert programs; every one a masterpiece, now including the new piece by (Ondřej) Adámek.  



I must say yesterday that by accident to come here as “chef” and have the first week of “Musica Viva” and see what is possible to do from incredible music, from the early English composer Henry Purcell to music which was just finished two or three months ago, to play a concert where more than 20 minutes is in total darkness. We are to have all these possibilities but this is very very exciting 

昨日は、これはですね、私がここへ来たのは、ドイツ語で言う「上に立つ者」としてですが、これはたまたま偶然そうなった、そう言うべきでしょう。「Musica Viva」の最初の週でしたが、今回採り上げる曲は、どれも素晴らしい作品ばかり、イギリスの作曲家ヘンリー・パーセルから、つい2,3カ月前に完成したばかりの音楽、これは20分以上の曲ですが、これを本番で演奏する、全く何も見えない状態ですが、それでも、そこから何ができるのか、分かりましたよ。あらゆることが起こる可能性がありますが、それでも本当に、心かワクワクします。 



Werksviertel München 




I was in the Werksviertel area, and I had to rub my eyes because I thought “God! Am I in some ...?” I mean, it suddenly felt a bit like Berlin except it was much too clean to be Berlin, because it has this ... I've been in Berlin. It's fabulously grungy. And this is very cool without being grungy. But it also looked a bit kind of like London in the 70s and amazing graffiti everywhere. 



And it's another side of Munich. It's like, you know my friends in Vienna who say “Don't think Vienna is the ring,” and simply “Don't think Munich is the old quarter.” 



But it gave me a lot of energy seeing that area thinking “Wow! This has really a new type of way of thinking.” And the new head of the Bayerischen Runfunks (Katja Wildermuth), in one of the halls, and she said to me “This place, this is permission to go a bit wild, isn't it?” and I said “exactly!” 








It's really hard to be patient and it's probably harder now than it was this time last year. But there is ... there is the possibility of this within sight now. 



I went crazy in England in summer when they opened the pubs but they said “Oh, it's too dangerous to have a piano recital in a concert hall now.” 



Sometimes it's a matter of what people choose, but it is absolutely true that this is ... this would be a crazy time not to be careful. But I do think it's worth remembering that there has not been transmission in opera houses or concert halls so far.  



But there is a future and as soon as we can get there, we will gradually do it. And we will make, “Oh, no! We're way past the plan A and B! We will make plans X, Y, and Z to make it work!” 



Pandemics end. I know it's hard for us to believe, but my goodness we need our public. It is as one of my friends said, “It's we play songs in a room and we need to put that across to other people.” It's wonderful to play for ourselves, but it's not, thank goodness, it is not permanent. 





Percy Aldridge Grainger: Lincolnshire Posy  

Simon Rattle 

Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks 

