


<最終回>1999年版編集者あとがき(後半)「What to Listen for In Music」を読む

Two major forces, pulling in what seem to be exact opposite directions, fill in a large portion of the musical map as it stood at mid-century. One the one hand there was the extreme freedom advocated by John Cage, the minimalists and the s…

1999年版編集者あとがき(前半)「What to Listen for in Music」を読む

Epilogue: “Since Then” エピローグ:「あれから」 The year 1945 provides a convenient place-marker in any overview of the many pathways that music's creative spirits have explored in this century. The end of World War II left many people in …

本編最終章(18)「What to Listen for in Music」を読む

18. From Composer to Interpreter to Listener 18.曲を作る人から演奏する人へ、そして聴く人へ Thus far, this book has been largely concerned with music in the abstract. But, practically considered, almost every musical situation implies th…

第17章映画音楽(2/2)「What to Listen for In Music」を読む

We have merely skimmed the surface, without mentioning the innumerable examples of utilitarian music - offstage street bands, the barn dance, merry-go-rounds, circus music, cafe music, the neighbor's girl practicing her piano, and the lik…

第17章映画音楽(1/2)「What to Listen for in Music」を読む

17. Film Music 17.映画音楽 Film music constitutes a new musical medium that exerts a fascination of its own. Actually, it is a new form of dramatic music - related to opera, ballet, incidental theater music - in contradistinction to c…

第16章現代音楽「What to Listen for in Music」を読む

16. Contemporary Music 16. 現代音楽 Over and over again the question arises as to why it is that so many music lovers feel disoriented whey they listen to contemporary music. They seem to accept with equanimity the notion that the work of …
