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Cathy Young is a columnist for The Boston Globe and Reason, an author and a public speaker.

Born in Moscow, Russia in 1963, Young came to the United States with her family in 1980. She received her B.A. degree in English from Rutgers University in 1988, where she was admitted to Phi Beta Kappa.

Young is the author of two books: Ceasefire!: Why Women and Men Must Join Forces to Achieve True Equality" (The Free Press, February 1999), and Growing Up in Moscow: Memories of a Soviet Girlhood (Ticknor & Fields, 1989). She also contributed the essay, "Keeping Women Weak," to Next: Young American Writers on the New Generation (Eric Liu, ed.). W. W. Norton & Co., 1994. As a research associate at the Cato Institute, she co-authored, with Michael Weiss, Esq., the 1996 policy analysis, "Feminist Jurisprudence: Equal Rights or Neo-Paternalism?"

Since September 2000, Young has been a regular op-ed columnist for the Boston Globe. She also writes a monthly column for Reason magazine. From 1993 to 1999, she was a weekly columnist for the Detroit News. Her columns, book reviews, and feature articles have appeared in many publications including New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Newsday, The American Spectator, Salon.Com, National Review, and The New Republic.

Young's television appearances have included The Today Show (NBC); Crier & Company, Inside Business (CNN); This is America!, To the Contrary, and Uncommon Knowledge (PBS); Washington Journal (C-Span); Judith Regan Tonight and The O'Reilly Factor (Fox News Channel). Radio appearances have included Talk of the Nation and Radio Times (National Public Radio) and numerous shows on stations across the United States.

Young has spoken before the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco; at the Sex Wars Conference (Institute of Contemporary Arts, London); the Freedom School (Freedom Communications Media Conference); the Children's Rights Council; the New School for Social Research; The Pacific Research Institute; and the Cato Institute. She has also appeared at colleges and universities including Boston College Law School, Georgetown University Law School, Stanford Law School; Boalt Hall Law School (University of California-Berkeley); University of North Carolina Law School; Northwestern University Law School; and University of Michigan Law School.

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