memnGeneric Message Transmission Topic
HL7 Version 3 Standard: Transmission Infrastructure, Release 2

Content Last Edited: 2016-01-23T19:38:06

This topic addresses those aspects about the communications environment that are considered to be common to all HL7 Version 3 messaging implementations. This topic includes a specification for the composite HL7 version 3 message as well as a specification of the interrelationships in the flow of messages and the communication of significant application level exceptions or error conditions.

The Generic Message Transmission topic in the HL7 Version 3 messaging standard addresses:

  1. The definition of transmission oriented wrappers (static models). These wrappers shall be used in all message interactions; they identify (amongst other things) the HL7 message interaction itself as well as the sending and receiving entities.
  2. The enforcement of a generic mode of message handling that is called for by the relationship between interactions and generic communication roles.

The Infrastructure and Messaging Work Group invites implementers with additional requirements to submit content proposals for future releases of the standard.

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 Storyboards (Sorted by Title)
 Storyboards (Sorted by Display Order)
pointer Send Message Payload No Acknowledgement (MCCI_ST000000UV02
pointer Send Message Payload Requiring Accept Ack (MCCI_ST000001UV02
pointer Send Msg Reqs App Ack can handle App Rspn (immed) (MCCI_ST000004UV02
pointer Send Message Payload Requiring App Ack (immed) (MCCI_ST000002UV02
pointer Send Message Payload Requiring App Ack (deferred) (MCCI_ST000003UV02
pointer Send Msg Reqs App Ack can handle App Rspns (defrd) (MCCI_ST000005UV02

For details on the interpretation of this section, see the storyboard discussion in the Version 3 Guide.


The reader is referred to the introduction of this domain for a detailed discussion regarding use cases and to the state-based storyboards.

Note: The examples can be combined into more complex scenarios as needed by a domain.


Send HL7 Message Payload where no acknowledgement is required.

Activity Diagram
Interaction List
Send Message Payload - No Acknowledgements Schema View MCCI_IN000000UV02
Narrative Example

Describes the simple messaging scenario where a composite HL7 message payload is sent from the Sending Role to the Receiving Role without the requirement of any acknowledgement of the message reception by the Receiving Role.

An example would be a broadcast of an admit notification message where the sending application does not request an Accept Acknowledgement


Send HL7 Message Payload where accept level acknowledgement is required.

Activity Diagram
Interaction List
Send Message Payload w/ Accept Acknowledgement Schema View MCCI_IN000001UV02
Accept Ack Schema View MCCI_IN000002UV02
Narrative Example

Describes the simple messaging scenario where a composite HL7 message payload is sent from the Sending Role to the Receiving Role and there is a requirement for the Receiving Role to acknowledge the message reception by sending an accept level acknowledgement message to the original Sending Role.

An example would be a broadcast of an admit notification message where the sending application requests an Accept Acknowledgement


Send HL7 Message Payload where immediate application level acknowledgement is requested and the Sending Communication Role can handle an immediate application level response instead of an application acknowledgement to the original message request.

Activity Diagram
Interaction List
Send Req Msg w/ App Ack (Immed) can handle App Rsp Schema View MCCI_IN000009UV02
Application Response Request (Immed) Schema View MCCI_IN000010UV02
Application Response Request Ack (Immed) Schema View MCCI_IN000011UV02
Narrative Example

Describes the messaging scenario where a composite HL7 message payload is sent from the Sending Role to the Receiving Role and there is a requirement for the Receiving Communication Role to respond immediately with either an application level acknowledgement or an immediate application response request message. In the latter case, the original Sending Communication role must respond with an immediate application acknowledgement message (see next paragraph). Note, the requirement for immediate responses to all message interactions requires both the Sending Communication Role and the Receiving Communication Role to be able to respond to all messages received within a "reasonable" amount of time. If this requirement cannot be guaranteed, then the deferred processing mode should be used.

The additional requirement for this case means that the Sending Communication Role is able to handle an immediate application response request message to the initial HL7 message payload sent and the original Receiving Communication Role and expects an immediate application acknowledgement message to be forwarded by the original Sending Communication Role from the original sending healthcare application. This exchange of information will indicate whether the original sending healthcare application accepts or rejects the content of the received HL7 message payload. This exchange of information may optionally include an HL7 message payload to be returned to the original sending healthcare application. The original Sending Communication Role takes the result of the information exchange with the Receiving Communication Role and is able to respond with an application level acknowledgement message prepared by the local healthcare application with a minimal delay. The original Receiving Communication Role will receive the immediate application level response message and forward it to the original receiving healthcare application to complete the interaction sequence.

If the Sending Communication Role receives an application level acknowledgement to the original HL7 message payload from the Receiving Communication Role (and not the additional case as discussed in the preceding paragraph), it will then forward the application response to the original sending healthcare application to end the interaction sequence.


Send HL7 Message Payload where immediate application level acknowledgement is required.

Activity Diagram
Interaction List
Send Request Message w/ Application Ack (Immed) Schema View MCCI_IN000003UV02
Application Acknowledgement 1 (Immed) Schema View MCCI_IN000004UV02
Narrative Example

The messaging scenario where a composite HL7 message payload is sent from the Sending Role to the Receiving Role and there is a requirement for the Receiving Communication Role to process an immediate application level acknowledgement. This requires the Receiving Communication Role to be able to establish an exchange of information with the healthcare application to whom the message is was intended in a "reasonable" amount of time. This exchange of information will indicate whether the healthcare application accepts or rejects the content of the received HL7 message payload. This exchange of information may optionally include an HL7 message payload to be returned to the original sending healthcare application. The Receiving Communication Role takes the result of the information exchange with the receiving healthcare application and returns an application level acknowledgement message to the original Sending Communication Role. The original Sending Communication Role will receive the "immediate" application level response message and forward the application response to the original sending healthcare application.


Send HL7 Message Payload where deferred application level acknowledgement is requested and accept level acknowledgements are required on each initiating message communication.

Activity Diagram
Interaction List
Send Request Message w/ Application Ack (deferred) Schema View MCCI_IN000005UV02
Accept Ack on Request Message Schema View MCCI_IN000006UV02
Application Acknowledgement (deferred) Schema View MCCI_IN000007UV02
Accept Ack on Appl Ack (deferred) Schema View MCCI_IN000008UV02
Narrative Example

Describes the messaging scenario where a composite HL7 message payload is sent from the Sending Role to the Receiving Role and there is a requirement for the Receiving Communication Role to process a deferred application level acknowledgement. Additionally, accept level communication acknowledgements are required on each initial message send. This allows the Receiving Communication Role not to be constrained by time to response with an exchange of information with the original sending healthcare application. This exchange of information will indicate whether the healthcare application accepts or rejects the content of the received HL7 message payload. This exchange of information may optionally include an HL7 message payload to be returned to the original sending healthcare application. The Receiving Communication Role takes the result of the information exchange with the receiving healthcare application and returns an application level acknowledgement message to the original Sending Communication Role. The original Sending Communication Role will receiving the "deferred" application level response message and immediately respond with an accept level acknowledgement to the this message's originator. The original Sending Communication Role will then forward the application response to the original sending healthcare application.


Send HL7 Message Payload where deferred application level acknowledgement is requested and the Sending Communication Role can handle a deferred application level response instead of an application acknowledgement to the original message request. Accept level acknowledgements are required on each initiating message communication.

Activity Diagram
Interaction List
Send Req Msg w/Appl Ack (Def) can handle App Resp Schema View MCCI_IN000012UV02
Accept Ack on Request Msg can handle Appl Resp Schema View MCCI_IN000013UV02
Application Response Request (Deferred) Schema View MCCI_IN000014UV02
Accept Ack on Application Response Request Schema View MCCI_IN000015UV02
Application Reponses Request Ack (Deferred) Schema View MCCI_IN000016UV02
Accept Ack on Application Reponses Request Ack Schema View MCCI_IN000017UV02
Narrative Example

Describes the messaging scenario where a composite HL7 message payload is sent from the Sending Role to the Receiving Role and there is a requirement for the Receiving Communication Role to process a deferred application level acknowledgement with accept level communication acknowledgements for each initial message send. This allows the Receiving Communication Role to not be constrained by time to response with an exchange of information with the original sending healthcare application.

Additionally, the Sending Communication Role is able to handle the case where the Receiving Communication Role does not send an application acknowledgement message, but sends an application response request message to the Original Sending Communication Role and expects an application acknowledgement message to be forwarded by the original Sending Communication Role from the original sending healthcare application. This exchange of information will indicate whether the original sending healthcare application accepts or rejects the content of the received HL7 message payload. This exchange of information may optionally include an HL7 message payload to be returned to the original sending healthcare application. The original Sending Communication Role takes the result of the information exchange with the receiving healthcare application and immediately responds with an accept-level acknowledgement to this message's originator. It passes the content of the received HL7 message on to the original sending healthcare application that is capable of preparing an application level acknowledgement message. The original Sending Communication Role is given the application level acknowledgement message and sends it to the original Receiving Communication Role. The original Receiving Communication Role will receive the "deferred" application level response message and immediately respond with an accept level acknowledgement to the this message's originator. The original Receiving Communication Role will then forward the application response to the original receiving healthcare application.

If the Sending Communication Role receives an application level acknowledgement to the original HL7 message payload from the Receiving Communication Role (and not the additional case as discussed in the preceding paragraph), it will respond with an accept-level acknowledgement to the Receiving Communication Role. The original Sending Communication Role will then forward the application response to the original sending healthcare application.

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 Application Roles (Sorted by Artifact Code)
 Application Roles (Sorted by Display Order)
pointer Notification Message Sender (MCCI_AR900001UV02
pointer Notification Message Sender (no Acks) (MCCI_AR000001UV02
pointer Notification Message Sender with Accept Ack (MCCI_AR000003UV02
pointer Notification Message Receiver (MCCI_AR900002UV02
pointer Notification Message Receiver (no Ack) (MCCI_AR000002UV02
pointer Notification Message Receiver with Accept Ack (MCCI_AR000004UV02
pointer Request Message Sender (MCCI_AR900003UV02
pointer Request Message Sender with App Acks (Immediate) (MCCI_AR000005UV02
pointer Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Immed) (MCCI_AR000009UV02
pointer Request Sndr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) (MCCI_AR000007UV02
pointer Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Deferred) (MCCI_AR000011UV02
pointer Request Message Receiver (MCCI_AR900004UV02
pointer Request Rcvr w/ App Ack (Immed) (MCCI_AR000006UV02
pointer Request Rcvr may send App Rspns Req (Immed) (MCCI_AR000010UV02
pointer Request Rcvr may snd App Rspns Req (Deferred) (MCCI_AR000012UV02
pointer Request Rcvr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) (MCCI_AR000008UV02

For details on the interpretation of this section, see the discussion of application roles and their relationships in the Version 3 Guide.


The justification for HL7 Communication Roles for Version 3 message control comes from a need to formalize the expectations of HL7 Application Roles for messaging communication services. Application Roles specify the expected message handling behavior for a set of interactions. The HL7 Message Development Framework has led to the creation of numerous Application Roles by the technical committees that are developing HL7 Version 3 messaging interactions. Communication Roles are intended to specify a core set of messaging communication services that can support the messaging communication requirements of HL7 Application Roles.

Note: These application roles are not used in their own right except for the inplementable interactions in this domain. Accept-level acknowledgements fall into this category. Domain interactions will define, and reference, two domain application roles.

Description View Interactions

Send HL7 composite message payloads.

Description View Interactions

Send HL7 composite message payloads. Expects no acknowledgement messages.

Description View Interactions

Send HL7 composite message payloads. Require accept-level acknowledgements.

Description View Interactions

Receive HL7 composite message payloads.

Description View Interactions

Receive HL7 composite message payloads. Does not acknowledge message receptions.

Description View Interactions

Receive HL7 composite message payloads. Send accept-level acknowledgements.

Description View Interactions

Send application response request.

Description View Interactions

Send application request HL7 composite message payloads. Require immediate application-level acknowledgements.

Description View Interactions

Send application request HL7 composite message payloads. Require immediate application-level acknowledgement. Can handle immediate application response request with an immediate application acknowledgement.

Description View Interactions

Send application request HL7 composite message payloads. Require deferred application-level acknowledgements with accept-level acknowledgements for initial message sends.

Description View Interactions

Send application request HL7 composite message payloads. Require deferred application-level acknowledgement. Can handle deferred application response request with a deferred application acknowledgement. Accept-level acknowledgements required for initial message sends.

Description View Interactions

Receive application response request.

Description View Interactions

Receive application request HL7 composite message payloads. Send immediate application-level acknowledgements.

Description View Interactions

Receive application request HL7 composite message payloads. Send immediate application-level acknowledgement or an immediate application response request. Application response request messages require an application level response from original application request sender.

Description View Interactions

Receive application request HL7 composite message payloads. Send deferred application-level acknowledgement or a deferred application response request. Application response request messages require an application level response from original application request sender. Accept-level acknowledgements required for initial message sends.

Description View Interactions

Receive application request HL7 composite message payloads. Send deferred application-level acknowledgements. Accept-level acknowledgements required for initial message sends.

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 Trigger Events (Sorted by Title)
 Trigger Events (Sorted by Display Order)
pointer Send Message (MCCI_TE000001UV02
pointer Send Message Accept Acknowledgement (MCCI_TE000002UV02
pointer Send Message Accept Ack to Application Response (MCCI_TE000004UV02
pointer Send Message Application Acknowledgement (Immed) (MCCI_TE000006UV02
pointer Send Message Application Acknowledgement (Remote) (MCCI_TE000003UV02
pointer Send Message Application Response Rqst (Deferred) (MCCI_TE000005UV02

For details on the interpretation of this section, see the discussion of trigger events in the Version 3 Guide.


Communication level message control in HL7 Version 3 is defined by the handling of the events and state transitions identified in the Version 3 HL7 Message Control state diagram. Refer to domain interactions for domain trigger events.

Description View Interactions
Type:  State-transition based
State Transition:  Message (MCCI_RM000100UV02)

The processing of a send operation on an HL7 Composite Message Payload has started.

Note: This trigger event is for communication infrastructure purposes only. Domain interactions will define the Transmission Wrapper, domain trigger events, application roles, and domain payload.

Description View Interactions
Type:  State-transition based
State Transition:  Message (MCCI_RM000200UV02)

An HL7 Composite Message Payload send operation has been accepted for a guaranteed delivery.

Note: This trigger event is for communication infrastructure for accept-level acknowledgements which are implementable as a receiver responsibility.

Description View Interactions
Type:  State-transition based
State Transition:  Message (MCCI_RM000200UV02)

An application response to a request for application action has been accepted for guaranteed delivery to the originator of the application request for action.

Note: This trigger event is for communication infrastructure for accept-level acknowledgements which are implementable as a receiver responsibility.

Description View Interactions
Type:  State-transition based
State Transition:  Message (MCCI_RM000300UV02)

In response to an application response request, the application responsible for the initial request for action has started a send operation on an application level response to the proposed alternative request for action.

Note: This trigger event is for communication infrastructure purposes only. Domain interactions will define the Transmission Wrapper, domain trigger events, application roles, and domain payload.

Description View Interactions
Type:  State-transition based
State Transition:  Message (MCCI_RM000300UV02)

The processing of an application level acknowledgement has occurred in response to an HL7 Composite Message Payload send operation for a requested application action.

Note: This trigger event is for communication infrastructure purposes only. Domain interactions will define the Transmission Wrapper, domain trigger events, application roles, and domain payload.

Description View Interactions
Type:  State-transition based
State Transition:  Message (MCCI_RM000300UV02)

An application that received a request for application action is responding with an alternative application action that is to replace the original request for action.

Note: This trigger event is for communication infrastructure purposes only. Domain interactions will define the Transmission Wrapper, domain trigger events, application roles, and domain payload.

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 Refined Message Information Models (Sorted by Title)
 Refined Message Information Models (Sorted by Display Order)
pointer Send Message Payload (MCCI_RM000100UV02
pointer Send Accept Acknowledgement (MCCI_RM000200UV02
pointer Send Application Acknowledgement (MCCI_RM000300UV02

For details on the interpretation of this section, see the description of RMIMs in the Version 3 Guide.

Parent:  Transmission Infrastructure (MCCI_DM000000UV)

Describes the contents of the outer transport wrapper for HL7 V3 composite message payloads.

Note: This will not be implemented in its own right. Domain interactions will reference the appropriate Transmission Wrapper.

Contained Hierarchical Message Descriptions
Send Message Payload MCCI_HD000100UV02
Parent:  Transmission Infrastructure (MCCI_DM000000UV)

Describes general message control acknowledgement structure for communication level acknowledgements.

Note: This message type is implementable as a receiver responsibility.

Contained Hierarchical Message Descriptions
Accept Acknowledgement MCCI_HD000200UV02
Parent:  Transmission Infrastructure (MCCI_DM000000UV)

Describes structure of outer transport wrapper for general application acknowledgement messages.

Note: This will not be implemented in its own right. Domain interactions will reference the appropriate Transmission Wrapper.

Contained Hierarchical Message Descriptions
Application Acknowledgement MCCI_HD000300UV02

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 Hierarchical Message Descriptions (Sorted by Title)
 Hierarchical Message Descriptions (Sorted by Display Order)
pointer Message Local Create Send Message Payload (MCCI_HD000100UV02
pointer Message Local New Accept Acknowledgement (MCCI_HD000200UV02
pointer Application Level Acknowledgement (MCCI_HD000300UV02

For details on the interpretation of this section, see the description of HMDs in the Version 3 Guide.


Describes the contents of the outer transport wrapper for HL7 V3 composite message payloads.

Note: This will not be implemented in its own right. Domain interactions will reference the appropriate Transmission Wrapper.

Common Message Element Types Used
R_NotificationPartyContact COCT_MT040203UV09
Base Hierarchical Message Description Goto RMIM Table View Excel View
Message Type List
Send Message Payload MCCI_MT000100UV02

Describes general message control acknowledgement structure for communication level acknowledgements.

Note: This message type is implementable as a receiver responsibility.

Common Message Element Types Used
R_NotificationPartyContact COCT_MT040203UV09
Base Hierarchical Message Description Goto RMIM Table View Excel View
Message Type List
Accept Acknowledgement MCCI_MT000200UV02

Structure of transmission wrapper for general application acknowledgement messages.

Note: This will not be implemented in its own right. Domain interactions will reference the appropriate Transmission Wrapper.

Common Message Element Types Used
R_NotificationPartyContact COCT_MT040203UV09
Base Hierarchical Message Description Goto RMIM Table View Excel View
Message Type List
Application Level Acknowledgement MCCI_MT000300UV02

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 Interactions (Sorted by Title)
 Interactions (Sorted by Display Order)
pointer Send Message Payload - No Acknowledgements (MCCI_IN000000UV02
pointer Send Message Payload w/ Accept Acknowledgement (MCCI_IN000001UV02
pointer Accept Ack (MCCI_IN000002UV02
pointer Accept Ack on Application Reponses Request Ack (MCCI_IN000017UV02
pointer Accept Ack on Application Response Request (MCCI_IN000015UV02
pointer Accept Ack on Appl Ack (deferred) (MCCI_IN000008UV02
pointer Accept Ack on Request Message (MCCI_IN000006UV02
pointer Accept Ack on Request Msg can handle Appl Resp (MCCI_IN000013UV02
pointer Application Response Request (Immed) (MCCI_IN000010UV02
pointer Application Acknowledgement 1 (Immed) (MCCI_IN000004UV02
pointer Application Acknowledgement (deferred) (MCCI_IN000007UV02
pointer Application Reponses Request Ack (Deferred) (MCCI_IN000016UV02
pointer Application Response Request Ack (Immed) (MCCI_IN000011UV02
pointer Application Response Request (Deferred) (MCCI_IN000014UV02
pointer Send Request Message w/ Application Ack (Immed) (MCCI_IN000003UV02
pointer Send Req Msg w/ App Ack (Immed) can handle App Rsp (MCCI_IN000009UV02
pointer Send Req Msg w/Appl Ack (Def) can handle App Resp (MCCI_IN000012UV02
pointer Send Request Message w/ Application Ack (deferred) (MCCI_IN000005UV02

For details on the interpretation of this section, see the definition of Interactions in the Version 3 Guide.

Description Schema View

Send Message Payload with no Acknowledgements. Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message MCCI_TE000001UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Notification Message Sender (no Acks) MCCI_AR000001UV02
Receiver Notification Message Receiver (no Ack) MCCI_AR000002UV02
Description Schema View

Send Message Payload w/ Accept Acknowledgement. Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message MCCI_TE000001UV02
Receiver Responsibilities
Reason Trigger Event Interaction
Accept Acknowledgement is required by Communication Role. MCCI_IN000002UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Notification Message Sender with Accept Ack MCCI_AR000003UV02
Receiver Notification Message Receiver with Accept Ack MCCI_AR000004UV02
Description Schema View

Accept Acknowledgment by Sender to the Receiver Note: This interaction is invoked, where appropriate, as a receiver responsibility. This message would not contain a domain payload.

Trigger Event Send Message Accept Acknowledgement MCCI_TE000002UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Notification Message Sender MCCI_AR900001UV02
Receiver Request Message Receiver MCCI_AR900004UV02
Description Schema View

Accept Acknowledgement on Application Response Request Acknowledgement. Note: This interaction is invoked, where appropriate, as a receiver responsibility.

Trigger Event Send Message Accept Acknowledgement MCCI_TE000002UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Rcvr may snd App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000012UV02
Receiver Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000011UV02
Description Schema View

Accept Acknowledgement on Application Response Request. Note: This interaction is invoked, where appropriate, as a receiver responsibility.

Trigger Event Send Message Accept Ack to Application Response MCCI_TE000004UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000011UV02
Receiver Request Rcvr may snd App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000012UV02
Description Schema View

Accept acknowledgement on application level acknowledgement (deferred). Note: This interaction is invoked, where appropriate, as a receiver responsibility.

Trigger Event Send Message Accept Ack to Application Response MCCI_TE000004UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Sndr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) MCCI_AR000007UV02
Receiver Request Rcvr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) MCCI_AR000008UV02
Description Schema View

Accept Acknowledgement on Request Message. Note: This interaction is invoked, where appropriate, as a receiver responsibility.

Trigger Event Send Message Accept Acknowledgement MCCI_TE000002UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Rcvr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) MCCI_AR000008UV02
Receiver Request Sndr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) MCCI_AR000007UV02
Description Schema View

Accept Acknowledgement on Request Message. Note: This interaction is invoked, where appropriate, as a receiver responsibility.

Trigger Event Send Message Accept Acknowledgement MCCI_TE000002UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Rcvr may snd App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000012UV02
Receiver Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000011UV02
Description Schema View

Application Response Request (Immed). Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message Application Response Rqst (Deferred) MCCI_TE000005UV02
Receiver Responsibilities
Reason Trigger Event Interaction
Application Response Request Acknowledgement required by Communication Role. MCCI_IN000011UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Rcvr may send App Rspns Req (Immed) MCCI_AR000010UV02
Receiver Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Immed) MCCI_AR000009UV02
Description Schema View

Send immediate application level acknowledgement. Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message Application Acknowledgement (Remote) MCCI_TE000003UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Rcvr w/ App Ack (Immed) MCCI_AR000006UV02
Receiver Request Message Sender with App Acks (Immediate) MCCI_AR000005UV02
Description Schema View

Send deferred application level acknowledgement. Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message Application Acknowledgement (Remote) MCCI_TE000003UV02
Receiver Responsibilities
Reason Trigger Event Interaction
Accept Acknowledgement required by Communication Role. MCCI_IN000008UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Rcvr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) MCCI_AR000008UV02
Receiver Request Sndr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) MCCI_AR000007UV02
Description Schema View

Application Response Request Acknowledgement (Deferred). Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message Application Acknowledgement (Immed) MCCI_TE000006UV02
Receiver Responsibilities
Reason Trigger Event Interaction
Accept Acknowledgement required by Communication Role. MCCI_IN000017UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000011UV02
Receiver Request Rcvr may snd App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000012UV02
Description Schema View

Application Response Request Acknowledgement (Immed). Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message Application Acknowledgement (Immed) MCCI_TE000006UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Immed) MCCI_AR000009UV02
Receiver Request Rcvr may send App Rspns Req (Immed) MCCI_AR000010UV02
Description Schema View

Application Response Request (Deferred). Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message Application Response Rqst (Deferred) MCCI_TE000005UV02
Receiver Responsibilities
Reason Trigger Event Interaction
Accept Acknowledgement Required by Communication Role. MCCI_IN000015UV02
Application Acknowledgement or Application Response Request Acknowledgement required by Communication Role. MCCI_IN000016UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Rcvr may snd App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000012UV02
Receiver Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000011UV02
Description Schema View

Send application request HL7 composite message payload. Require immediate application level acknowledgement. Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message MCCI_TE000001UV02
Receiver Responsibilities
Reason Trigger Event Interaction
Application Acknowledgement is required by Communication Role. MCCI_IN000004UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Message Sender with App Acks (Immediate) MCCI_AR000005UV02
Receiver Request Rcvr w/ App Ack (Immed) MCCI_AR000006UV02
Description Schema View

Send Request Message w/ Application Ack (Immed) can handle App Response. Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message MCCI_TE000001UV02
Receiver Responsibilities
Reason Trigger Event Interaction
Application Response Request is required by Communication Role. MCCI_IN000010UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Immed) MCCI_AR000009UV02
Receiver Request Rcvr may send App Rspns Req (Immed) MCCI_AR000010UV02
Description Schema View

Send Request Message w/ Application Ack (Deferred) can handle Application Response Request. Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message MCCI_TE000001UV02
Receiver Responsibilities
Reason Trigger Event Interaction
Accept Level Acknowledgement required by Communications Role. MCCI_IN000013UV02
Application Response Request or Application Acknowledgement required by application role. MCCI_IN000014UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Sndr can hndl App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000011UV02
Receiver Request Rcvr may snd App Rspns Req (Deferred) MCCI_AR000012UV02
Description Schema View

Send application request HL7 composite message payload. Require deferred application-level acknowledgement with accept-level acknowledgements for initial message sends. Note: This interaction is for communication illustration purposes only. Refer to domain defined interactions which will indicate the appropriate transmission wrapper.

Trigger Event Send Message MCCI_TE000001UV02
Receiver Responsibilities
Reason Trigger Event Interaction
Accept Acknowledgement is required by Communication Role. MCCI_IN000006UV02
Deferred Application Acknowledgement is required. MCCI_IN000007UV02
Sending and Receiving Roles
Sender Request Sndr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) MCCI_AR000007UV02
Receiver Request Rcvr w/ App Ack (with Accept AckDeferred) MCCI_AR000008UV02

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