Scientist says we've been cooking steak all wrong and should be microwaving
Expert's stark warning to people who don't wash chopping boards after using them
'Nut allergy breakthrough that's giving peace of mind on flights'
The 24p kitchen staple that can help fight winter viruses and improve digestion
'Exact amount' of water you should drink per day to lose weight and prevent kidney stones
Warning to coffee drinkers as new study uncovers surprising gut findings
Doctor shares 'number one' superfood in the world and importance of eating it
This Morning's Dr Zoe reveals whether '3-second food rule' will affect your health
45 calorie protein ice lolly recipe that has just three ingredients
Doctor shares 'magical' cooking hack that reduces calories in carbs by up to 50%
Tim Spector shares tasty fruit that can slash cholesterol, protect heart and lower stroke risk
Nearly half of UK men confess to lying over their ability to handle their spice reveals new study
'Anti-inflammatory' spice is one of the best for reducing blood sugar levels
Brits mortified after seeing UK tap water under microscope – it might put you off
'Super pill' that can improve memory to be made available in UK
Oldest people in the world swear by '80% rule' for eating - and it's super simple
Four in 10 tea drinkers will pair their brew with a tasty snack - here are the best combos
Scoffing a full English breakfast 'makes men more attractive to women', new study claims
Full list of immune-boosting foods experts say to try when you're ill
Science whizz says we're making steak all wrong - it needs to go in the microwave
Six foods that 'stop you aging' by improving skin and blocking out toxins
Scientists discover ancient cancer that can SPREAD like a virus among popular food
Overlooked symptom of menopause which could be wreaking havoc with your stomach
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