Bradley Walsh brought ITV's The Chase to a standstill on December 1 as he expressed concern for his co-star, Shaun Wallace. As the new episode aired, Bradley welcomed four contestants - Greg, Jemma, Rachel and Reuben - who were all hoping to face Shaun in the quiz. Bradley, amused by Shaun's popularity, asked him: "Why are you so popular? Here he comes, the one and only Dark Destroyer himself."

However, Shaun was sporting a new look, missing his glasses. He jokingly blamed contestant Greg, saying: "Look, that's him. The man who stole my glasses and my jokes." A worried Bradley paused the show to ask: "What's happened? " Shaun chuckled and revealed: "I sat on them."

Shaun Wallace
Shaun Wallace sported a new look

Despite Shaun's light-hearted response, Bradley seemed genuinely concerned, asking: "What, seriously? You sat on your glasses?" and even offering to lend his own. Shaun laughed off the offer, retorting: "You've got to be joking. I'd look like Mr Magoo!"

A few weeks back, Bradley called out an ongoing issue on the ITV show - the constant low offers. He took a swipe at a contestant on a fresh episode of The Chase, telling them "not to be ridiculous".

The ITV quizmaster addressed a "problem" pointed out by fans as he jokingly reprimanded the player. This happened when one contestant chose a low offer and then cheekily advised another to "go high".

He said: "Rather cheeky from me, Kim, but I really think you can bring the £70,000 back. That was an amazing cash builder."

Shaun Wallace was back for double trouble
Shaun is usually seen wearing glasses

Bradley was taken aback as he scolded the player, saying: "Don't be ridiculous Jason. Mr 'two grand I'm a gambler'. Ok then."

Jason, who found it highly amusing, laughed heartily. Referring back to the table, Brad read out the amounts again, adding another dig, saying: "Take no notice of Jason, what do you think? " Kim confessed: "It's very tempting to go for £70,000. I'm going to go for £70,000. You only come here once."

Her team mates clapped for her and the ITV host shook her hand, saying: "You've got to! That's the way you go, isn't it Jason?"

Shaun has been a fan favourite on the ITV quiz show since he joined back in 2009. However, it wasn't his first stint on TV as appeared in 2004 as the winner of Mastermind, where his specialist subject was FA Cup Finals.

In 2018, the star joined fellow Chasers Anne Hegerty and Mark Labbett as a guest chaser on the Australian version of the show.