Minimal Time of Null Controllability for the 1D Heat Equation by a Strategic Zone Profile ()
1. Introduce the Problem
One of the objectives of the control theory of partial differential equations of evolution is to be interested in how to act on such dynamic systems. So, the exact controllability of distributed systems has attracted a lot of interest in recent years. And this thanks to one of the pioneers J.L. Lions [1] [2] who developed the HUM method (Hilbert Uniqueness Methods). It is based essentially on the properties of uniqueness of the homogeneous equation by a particular choice of controls, the construction of a hilbert space and of a continuous linear application of this hilbert space in its dual which is, in fact, an isomorphism that establishes exact controllability.
For hyperbolic problems, this method has given important results (Lions [2], Niane [3] [4], Seck et al. [5] [6] ).
Although when the controls have a small support (Niane [4], Seck [6] ), it seems to be ineffective, even when for technical reasons, the multiplier method does not give results, see Niane [5].
As for the parabolic equations, there are the results of Russel [7] first; Later G. Lebeau-L. Robbiano [8] and Imanuvilov-Fursikov [9] who have proven with different methods but very technical and long by using Carleman’s Inequalies in the exact null controllability of the Heat equation.
Also, the harmonic method is also ineffective for this type of equation.
More recently, Khodja et al. [10] have shown that there is a minimal time T0 of controllability below which null controllability is not achievable for a parabolic operator. Thus, by Khodja [11], Tucsnak [12] and Avdonin [13], a means of calculating a minimum cost associated with this minimum time of null controllability has been established.
2. Problem Statement
In this work, to circumvent certain constraints linked to estimates in the work of G. Lebeau [8], Imanuvilov-Fursikov [9] notably the Carleman’s inequalities, we show that a new method solves some of these difficulties. It is based on a fusion of the moments method used by Khodja [11], Tucsnak [12], Avdonin [13] and the use of strategic actuators zones El. Jai [14] [15] to solve the problem of null controllability of the heat equation with a minimum time
controllability less than the minimal time of null controllability T0 provided by Khodja et al. [10] [11].
There are two types of criteria:
1) A criterion for constructing a functional space
and its dual
contained in
thus making
a pivotal space Brezis [16];
2) A criterion of non-degeneration of a strategic zone profile which stems from the parabolic nature of the operator and the regularity of control Hörmander [17];
In both cases these criteria allowed us to obtain a better minimum time of controllability.
This method opens wide perspectives to the theory of null controllability in general, as well as to the theory of exact controllability by zone strategic actuators and will allow for parabolic equations 1D (and 2D), Schrödinger, plates and of Navier-Stocks linearized to solve many questions thus opening many perspectives for the improvement of the minimum times of controllability.
3. Concept of Strategic Zone Actuators
3.1. Notations and Definition
Definition 1. A function
square integrable is said strategic if it verify, for all
, the solution y of the heat equation
an interval of
, letA the operator defined by
According to the spectral theory, A admits a Hilbertian base of
of eigenfunctions
whose associated eigenvalues are
rows in the ascending direction where
1) It suffices that the relation (2) is verified over an interval
for it to be true on
because of the analyticity of
2) Here
is a bounded open of
, of regular border;
is, a priori, the state space and T define the time horizon considered for the exact controllability of the system (1).
Proposition 1. There are strategic actuators with support contained in any interval
such that
Proof. We can first notice that
is strategic if and only if:
such that
and posing that:
Then, we have
We have
if and only if
Therefore, for that
it is sufficient that:
So, if we take
is strategic 
Remark. Obviously, other strategic actuators can be built without great difficulty see Jai [5] [6] .
3.2. Notations, Definition and Functional Spaces
, consider the following Hilberts spaces and their respective dual:
We equip
with the following scalar product
and, the associeted norm
The dual of
provided the scalar product
and, associeted norm
we have:
Let us define now the setting that we will deal in the sequel and assume that
Definition 2. The condensation index of sequences
is defined as
where the function E is defined by
To apply the moment method, let us define the concept of biorthogonal family.
Definition 3. Let
be a real sequence and
. We say that the family of functions
is a biorthogonal family to the exponentials associated with
if for any
Also assume a fundamental lemma we need in the sequel for the proof of the main result.
Lemma 2. See Khodja [7] or Tucsnak [17]
and let
be a ordered sequence such that
. Then, there exists a biorthogonal family
to the exponentials associeted with
such that for any
there exists a constant
such that
for k sufficiently large, where
is the condensation index of the sequence
4. Main Result of Null Controllability of the 1D Heat Equation
4.1. Main Theorem
Theorem 3. If
is a strategic actuator on
a control and
a strictly positive real; for all
, there exist
such that if y is solution of
Proof. Let be the heat equation with an internal strategic zone profile
and a control
defined by:
be a linear control operator, then the previous Equation (19) becomes:
Then the solution of the previous Equation (20) is given by:
The Equation (19) is null controllable at time
which is equivalent to
Based on the definition of the following spaces previously defined:
and, if the solution
, then we have
Likewise B is in
and is written:
basis of eigenfunctions.
Then the Equation (20) becomes:
Therefore the solution becomes:
(20) is null controllable at time
if and only if
which means that
We have
, and (3.11) becomes:
Let’s do the following variable change (to have the backward problem):
we have then and
a bi-orthogonal family of
which satisfy the condition:
this is to say
Therefore by estimation, Khodja [7] and Tucsnak [17], we have
a constant depending only on
and (3.12) becomes
admits a bi-orthogonal family
, then
(Kronecker symbol), which finally gives
now the system (20) is null controllable if
and if and only if
is strategic on I).
Let’s take a look at norm of
And we had according to the theorem 4.1 of Khodia [7],
denotes the associated interpolation function (37)
then the inequality (3.16) becomes:
Now let’s pose
the minimal time of null controllabilty of system (20), then we obtain
so, (20) is null controllable if and only if
. o
4.2. Controllability on the FT Space
The spaces
have been defined previously; and the same calculations will be repeated on these spaces.
Remark. We can thus notice that by construction:
iii) What we can summarize on the following diagram (see Figure 1).
Taking back the following system (20):
By setting
as a linear control operator and we resume the calculations on the spaces
; then the previous Equation (20) becomes:
Then the solution of Equation (20) is done:
Knowing that
The Equation (20) is null controllable at time
which equals
If the solution
, we have
. Likewise B is in
and is written:
So (20) becomes:
Hence the solution becomes:
(20) is null controllable at time
if and only if
We have
, and (2.23) becomes:
Let’s change the variable
and then we have
a bi-orthogonal family of
which satisfy the condition:
was the constant of inequality (2.15) because we have
by taking the same calculations, we end up with:
So the system (20) is null controllable if
that is to say if
Remark. 1) There is no uniqueness of the control profile bringing the system of the initial condition
to the final state (the set of strategic profiles is a closed affine subspace: we can naturally choose a norm control minimal on
as being the projection of 0 on this convex).
2) In Khodja et al. [7], it has been shown that there is a minimal time
and that if
, the Equation (20) is null controllable (i.e.
otherwise not controllable).
3) In this theorem 3, we show that there is a minimal time
to this
for which we have null controllability.
4) This result of theorem 3.1 was obtained under the condition that the strategic profile zone
5) Indeed, if a profile
is strategic over an interval then
(where C a constant) is still strategic.
6) Thereby the set
is not empty.
5. Conclusions and Perspectives
In the literature, the controllability of the heat equation has been established since the mid-90s by Lebeau and Fursikov. In all these works and others more recent, there is always a time
from which the control is realizable. Our aim was to find a better minimum time to carry out this control.
So, in this work, we were based on the work of Khodja [7] et al. and Tusnack [17] et al. to find a better time to achieve the null controllability of the 1-D heat equation. This goal was achieved with another simpler approach and the addition of a strategic profile assumption.
Another work is being finalized to find a minimum cost linked to this minimum time to obtain the null controllability of the heat equation.