Weak Wavefront Solutions of Maxwell’s Equations in Conducting Media ()
1. Introduction
Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism was initially met with skepticism. However, upon Hertz’s experimental verification of some of its key predictions, it began gaining traction and eventually became the dominant model for electricity and magnetism. Subsequently, numerous treatises have been written on Maxwell’s equations which represent the analytical crux of the model.
Maxwell’s equations are a system of four PDEs. The system admits various classes of exact analytical solutions. However, one common shortcoming of many of the exact solutions, typically found in the form infinite series or integral expressions, is their analytical complexity. As a result of this complexity, exact solutions often offer less insight than the original equations themselves. Thus, a class of exact solutions that are free from overwhelming analytical complexity is of great interest. Propagating wavefronts offer an opportunity for such solutions. It is important to note that the value of exact analytical solutions has not diminished since the advent of the computational revolution. On the contrary, their value has increased since they provide a means of testing the validity of numerical methods.
The electromagnetic fields in many of the essential applications of Maxwell’s theory are well described by linearized equations. On the other hand, linear analysis is inadequate for many of the important modern applications, such as nonlinear optics. Needless to say, nonlinear problems pose a much greater challenge—analytically as well as numerically—compared to their linear counterparts. Thus, of particular value are solutions to the nonlinear version of the equations.
In this regard, of considerable interest are exact wavefronts, i.e. moving surfaces along which the electromagnetic field experiences discontinuities. This paper is devoted to weak wavefront solutions, where the electromagnetic field itself is continuous while its derivatives are discontinuous. Pioneering analysis of propagating discontinuities can be found in the monographs by Hadamard [1], Levi-Civita [2], Thomas [3], Luneburg [4], Born and Wolfe [5], and Keller [6].
Exact solutions to Maxwell’s equations, i.e. solutions found without making approximations of any kind, are of great value since they exhibit the essential features of the system that include various symmetries and conservation laws. These critical features are typically not preserved by approximation procedures, such as linearization. Fortunately, while the nonlinearities inherent in Maxwell’s equations pose a considerable challenge in the pursuit of exact solutions, this challenge can be overcome in wavefront solutions.
The key tool in the analysis of wavefronts is compatibility conditions, originally developed by Hadamard [1], Levi-Civita [2], and Thomas [3]. The first systematic approach to compatibility conditions is found Luneburg [4]. Recently, compatibility conditions were employed by the authors of this paper in the analysis of the simple and double layers in potential theory [7], where the interested reader can find further references and historic discussions.
The method of compatibility conditions, though applicable to nonlinear problems, faces its own difficulties and limitations. One of those difficulties stems from the technical complexity of the conditions themselves. As it often happens, tensor calculus proves effective at overcoming numerous of analytical difficulties. We are indebted to Thomas [3] for his crucial contributions to the development of the relevant tensorial methods. The tensorial aspects of the theory of compatibility conditions have been discussed in detail in [8] where the technique received further analytical development.
2. The Master System of Equations
We assume that there are no unbalanced charges within the conductor and consider electric currents
governed by the Maxwell equations
, (1.4)
where c is a speed of light,
is the electric field,
is the magnetic field, and
is the electric current. Furthermore, we assume that the electric field
and electric current
are connected by Ohm’s law
is the electroconductivity constant.
Eliminating the electric current
in Equations (1.4) and (1.5), we find
. (1.6)
Differentiating Equation (1.6) with respect to t yields
. (1.7)
Similarly, differentiating Equation (1.3) with respect to t yields
. (1.8)
Therefore, according to Equation (1.6),
, (1.9)
as implied by the chain of identities
Equations (1.7), (1.9) are sometimes referred to transport equations.
3. Compatibility Conditions for Jump Discontinuities of Derivatives
We assume that there is a smooth weak front
inside the conductor, at which the fields
remain continuous while their first and second spatial and temporal derivatives experience finite jump discontinuities. Let the surface
be referred to the Gaussian coordinates
and be described by the equations of the surface
. Whenever possible, we will not omit the indices in the function arguments. The tensor
, defined by the derivatives
is known as the shift tensor. We the help of the shift tensor, we are able to define the surface covariant metric tensor
. The contravariant surface metric tensor
is defined as the matrix inverse of
. We use the surface metric tensors for juggling surface indices as well as for defining the surface covariant differentiation
. Let
be the unit normal field to
, and
be the second form of the surface. Let
be the velocity of the front.
Introduce the jump discontinuity vectors
as follows:
With the help of the vectors
, we are able to express all components of the first and second derivatives of
in terms of the temporal and surface derivatives of
along with the geometrical and kinematical characteristics of the front. In particular, for the first derivatives of the electric and magnetic fields the first-order compatibility conditions read
For the second-order derivatives, we have
In Equations (2.3), (2.4),
is the symbol of the invariant time-derivative on the moving surface [3] [8] [9].
4. The Velocity of Weak Electromagnetic Fronts and Jump Discontinuity Vectors
Calculating the jump discontinuities of Equations (1.1 - 1.3, 1.6) across a weak front, we find
, (3.4)
With the help of the first-order compatibility conditions Equation (2.2), we can transform Equations (3.1) - (3.4) as follows:
Equations (3.5) - (3.8) directly imply that the three vectors
are pairwise orthogonal. Eliminating the magnetic jump discontinuity vector
between Equations (3.7), (3.8) and using Equation (3.6), we arrive at a linear equation with respect to the electric jump discontinuity vector, i.e.
. (3.9)
Equation (3.9) implies that the nonvanishing jump vector
can exist only if
. (3.10)
Meanwhile, Equation (3.10) in concert with Equations (3.5) - (3.8), implies the relationship
. (3.11)
Let us represent vectors
in the form
, (3.12)
are unit vectors known as the directors, and
are the magnitudes of the jump discontinuity vectors.
Using the decomposition in Equation (3.12), we can rewrite Equation (3.11) in the form
. (3.14)
We can arbitrarily choose any orientation of the vector
in the plane orthogonal the unit vector
. The associated vector
should satisfy the relationship
The components of the normal are given by the equation
We will see later that the choice of the director
dictates the entire evolution as long as the front remains smooth.
5. Fronts and Rays
It is intuitively clear that if the position of the weak front is known at
then it can be determined for at all later times since we know that its velocity
. It is true for the initially smooth front, at least, within a finite interval
, where
is the moment of appearance of caustics at the front [5]. Let
be the Gaussian equation of the front at time t, and let
. Let
be the field of unit normal vectors of the surface
. Then the surface S is described by equation of the surface
, (4.1)
where we assume that the ambient coordinate system is affine.
If we fix the moment t, we can treat the function
in Equation (4.1) as the corresponding position of the front at moment t. At the same time, if we fix the Gaussian coordinates
of a point on the surface, then, with changing t, we get a straight line, called a ray, as shown in Figure 1.
If we choose a certain area
on the initial front and consider all the rays emanating from
, we get a tube of rays. The area
, intercepted by the rays emanating from the current surface S differs from
if the initial interface is not flat. When the tube is infinitesimally small, the ratio
, called the ray’s divergence, satisfies the equation
. (4.2)
Equations (4.1), (4.2) are valid in the case of uniform, isotropic media. Otherwise, they must be replaced with more general relationships [8] [9].
Figure 1 clearly demonstrates that the rays can intersects at
, beyond which the analysis fails. Extending the analysis beyond this point requires additional physics.
6. Evolution of the Jump Discontinuity Vectors along Rays
We now proceed with calculating the jumps discontinuities of the terms in Equation (1.7). We find
. (5.1)
Using the compatibility Equations (2.2), (2.3), we find
If we choose Equation (3.1), then the
-derivative coincides with the partial
-derivative. Using Equation (3.10), we can rewrite Equation (5.2) in the form
Using Equation (3.10), we can rewrite Equation (5.3) as follows
We the help of the decomposition Equation (3.12), we can rewrite Equation (5.4) in the form
. (5.5)
Contracting Equation (5.5) with the unit vector
, we find
Using Equation (4.2), we can rewrite Equation (5.6) as
, (5.7)
as implied by the following chain of identities:
Contracting Equation (4.5) with unit vector
, we get
Furthermore, differentiating the identity
. (5.11)
Summarizing, we arrive at the relationship
In view of Equation (5.8), the directors
remain the same along each of the rays.
7. Conclusions
We analyzed the propagation of electromagnetic fronts in an unbounded electric conductor with the isotropic electric conductivity constant
. The weak electromagnetic front is a moving surface at which the electric and magnetic fields remain continuous while their first- and higher-order derivatives experience finite jumps. We demonstrated that all of the discontinuity jumps across the weak front can be expressed in terms of the jump discontinuity vectors along with their derivatives with respect to time and the surface coordinates. In particular, the jumps of all or the first- and second-order derivatives can be expressed in terms of the discontinuity vectors
defined by Equation (2.1). The jump discontinuities of the first-order derivatives are given in Equation (2.2), while the jump discontinuities of the second-order derivatives are given by the second-order compatibility conditions in Equation (2.3).
Remarkably, the evolution of the fields
can be separated from the analysis of the electric field
and magnetic field
in the domains of smoothness. In this sense, the analysis of weak fronts appears to be autonomous. This autonomous character of the weak fronts appears to have tremendous utility since the bulk equation contains four independent variables, whereas the autonomous system only three.
Applying the first-order compatibility Equations (2.2) to the Maxwell system, (1.1) - (1.4) along with Ohm’s law Equation (1.5), we arrived at the linear homogeneous system (3.5) - (3.8). Analysis of Equations (3.5) - (3.8) directly implies that 1) the velocity C of the weak front is equal to ±c, where c is the speed of light in vacuum; 2) The three vectors
are pairwise orthogonal and satisfy the relationship
captured in Equation (3.11), 3) the velocity C of the weak front does not depend on the electroconductivity
The position of the weak front
is defined in an affine coordinate system by the Equation (4.1):
, where
is the field of unit normal vectors of the surface
. If we fix the moment of time t, then we can treat the function
in Equation (4.1) as the corresponding position of the front at momentt. At the same time, if we fix a pair of the Gaussian coordinates
then with changingt, we get a straight line, called a ray, as shown in Figure 1. Consequently,
delivers the Gaussian equation of the weak front in the special “ray” coordinates.
Applying the second-order compatibility Equations (2.4) to the transport Equations (1.7), (1.9), we establish our main result
in Equation (5.9). This equation describes how the amplitude of the jump discontinuity changes along the ray. It shows that the jump intensity grows when the ray divergence decays and vice versa. Furthermore, there is an additional mechanism of exponential decay due to Ohm’s resistance dissipation. Finally, Equation (5.12) shows that the director vector
remains constant along the ray.
Ray constructions also appear when considering high frequency asymptotics [4] [5]. However, the method of weak fronts is equally applicable in nonlinear problems, and it is exact rather than asymptotic.