Attitude towards Values Education of the Graduated Students in Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh: An Evaluation ()
1. Introduction
We can define values as the socially defined desires and goals that are assumed through the process of condition, learning and socialism. According to Jules Henry in “Culture against Man” (Henry, 1965), values are something that we consider good such as love, kindness, quietness, contentment, fun, honesty, decency, relaxations and simplicity. In order to make value education as a powerful tool, education shall be made more open, more reflective and more vocal with greater participation of teachers, students, parents and society in deciding all major aspects of education (Rama & Reddy, 2014). This is why education system must be value oriented. If we neglect values education in some educational settings our society may lead to dysfunction. To meet the demand of age scholars have only recently become interested in the importance of values education (Koh, 2012). In Australia the value education helps students understand and be able to apply values such as care and compassion; doing your best; fair go; freedom; honesty and trustworthiness; integrity; respect; responsibility and understanding; tolerance and inclusion. In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze the impacts of value education on the academic performance of the students as well as the overall environment of the academic institutions where value education programmed have been explicitly put into practices (National Framework for Values Education in Australian Schools, 2005). The curriculum in different educational settings from corner to corner of the world values education is considered as a remarkable part. The notable educational sector developed countries like India, Australia and Singapore put a strong emphasis on imparting value education through well-defined curricula and syllabi. In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze the impacts of value education on the academic performance of the students as well as the overall environment of the academic institutions where value education programmed have been explicitly put into practice (Singh, 2011). Inculcation of values among the students can play a very important role by shielding them from negative influences which may be caused due to present day gross consumerism and an aggressive rush for self-fulfillment. Over the past two decades, colleges and institutions have devoted energy and resources to a wide range of educational programmed and initiatives designed to promote character values and behaviors in their students (Dalton and Crosby, 2010). The conducted study found that there was a significant effect of management and mother education on the attitude of intermediate students towards values education (Reddy & Reddy, 2015). The study was performed on the perspectives of values education among the Swedish and Turkish teachers. It was found that values education mainly compliance with societal values and norms. Teachers did not take critical approach. They also found professional knowledge of this domain was not so adequate (Thornberg & Oğuz, 2013). The study finds to determine the range of personal values class teachers to predict the attitude towards teaching. They found that the personal values of the teachers were predicted the attitudes towards teaching profession a remarkable proportion (Bektas & Nalcaci, 2012).
The cognitive segment of knowledge is based on personality of students that depends on mostly values education. The values are measured by cognitive system and personality which are affected by the factors like components of knowledge, behavior, attitudes and motivations. To develop the value education of the university students, it is necessity to reform the educational systems that should be implemented by the families, teachers and educational institutions (de Agrela Gonçalves Jardim et al., 2017).
Values are mental concepts or beliefs that relate to the considerations of individuals separately. Values act as the guide of the realm of human being to do well for the betterments of others. Actually, it is the mirror of elegant persons for the witty society. The things of values indicators considered as fairness, humanitarian, aesthetic, reasonability and well control which are maintained keeping with the norms of the society as well as of the state. The impact of values based education increase the family bonding, accomplish the society harmony and integrate the stare in the foremost stable position. Moreover, legalistic matters, religions, social backgrounds, education and cultural environments have the vital impact on vales education. The human minds are equipped with the values by the long term practices in changing behavior by the systematic following in religious deeds, proper education and rehearse decent cultural activities (Miah, 2009). A valued educated man can identify which is right and which is wrong for the others and he can sacrifices the best to keep uphold the right as well as the dignity if any argumentative situation raised. The values of education to be developed in individual’ minds from their childhood are very important tasks. In this perspective, the educational institutions should play a most vital role to give value education to the children from the school level (Lakshmi & Pall, 2018).
The new graduated novices are most important human resources for the fulfillment of the requirements not only of different sectors of the country but also of the family as well as of the society.
Islamic university is an important higher education field of the south east region of Bangladesh. Every year it produces thousands of graduates who spread out country wide as well as worldwide for service. If this huge number of graduates students are not provided with values education the collective nature of education would be futile. This study is an attempt to make the students awareness of values education to provide actual and sound services in the respective sectors.
2. Objectives of the Study
The present study is an attempt to evaluate the attitude towards values education of the students of Islamic University (IU), Kushtia, Bangladesh. The specific objectives of the study are as follows:
1) To know the level of perceptions of the components of values education among IU students;
2) To realize the requirements of the components of the value education to the students;
3) To evaluate the impact of the selected components on the perceptions of values education of the students; and
4) To provide suggestions and recommendations to enrich level of realizations of the components of values education of the students.
3. Materials and Methods
Descriptive and experimental research designs were followed to explore the causes and effects of the attitude towards values education of new graduated students of the university (Islam, 2011). Based on a closed end structured questionnaire with five points Likert sacle was used with the help of Google format, where 53 recent graduate students of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh eagerly participated and provide the required information during the time period from August 2020 to October 2020. The collected information was compiled and tested the reliability and validity. Data were analyzed by applying the different statistical tools and techniques such as mean, mode, co-efficient of variation, correlation, regression, ANOVA test and Chi-Square test. The analyses and interpretations are done with the help of SPSS survival manual (Pallanet, 2001). The continuous independent variables were X1 = Practices of inborn divine virtues, X2 = Acquired positive moral qualities, X3 = Affection to the place of birth and place of growth, X4 = Positive thinking to help others, X5 = Respect to human dignity based on human rights and justice, X6 = Willing to build peace in the community, X7 = Eager to resolve conflict non-violently in unavailable situations and X8 = There are no mental responses to illegal opportunity.
4. Analyses and Interpretations
Table 1 displays the results of the reliability statistics, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis of selected variables under review. The minimum values of agreed level of 3 variables (X3, X4, and X8), 4 variables (X1, X2, X6 and X7), and 1 variable (X5) are found 1, 2 and 3 indicating strongly disagreed, disagreed and no comment respectively with those variables. The maximum value of every 8 variables is 5.00 representing strongly agreed. The mean values of the included variables are found lower of 3.21 to higher 4.15. The modes values of the maximum 7 variables are 4.00 expressed agreed; only the variable X1 shows the value 3 indicates no comment. Lesser rate of co-efficient of variation (CV %) representing more constancy while greater value of the same indicated less homogeneity of the beliefs of the respondents are assessed in these concerns. Here each of X5 and X6 is the lowest value of CV (18%) indicates better uniformity and X8 shows the highest CV (37%) leads to worst uniformity of the agreed level provided by the respondents. The value of Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.87 indicating good position in measurement of the degree of internal consistency and the included variables have a suitable reliability for analysis of the undertaken study. The coefficients of correlation of each of 8 variables have significant association with the modal perceptions of values education given by
Table 1. Measures of the selected items.
Sources: Number of respondents (N) = 53; Accumulated from field survey; calculations of the measurements are done with the help of SPSS version-22; Strongly Disagreed = 1, Disagreed = 2, No Comment = 3, Agreed = 4 and Strongly agreed = 5, Cronbach’s Alpha value > 0.87 Good, ** correlation is significant at 1 percent level, * correlation is significant at 5 percent level with overall mean perceptions of the respondents at 2-tailed test.
Table 2. Chi-square test of perceived agreed and disagreed level of respondents.
Sources: Number of respondents (N) = 53; Assembled from field survey; calculations of the measurements are done with the help of SPSS version-22; Tablevalue of Chi-square (c2) with degree of freedom 1 at 5 percent level of significant = 3.84; expected frequency = 26.5 and * significant at 5 percent level.
the respondents. The R-square, adjusted R-square and significant F(8, 44)-Ratio [ANOVA] are estimated as 89%, 86% and 42.26* respectively imply best fit of the regression model. The significant positive impact of the independent variables X2 (0.51*), X4 (0.19*) and X8 (0.13*) have been found on the dependent variable of modal perceived agreed level of the students. The rest of the independent variables have the positive insignificant influence on the same except X6 (−0.40).
Hypothesis Testing
H0: There is no significant difference of perceived agreed and disagreed level of respondents for each case of the selected variables under study.
The above Table 2 reveals the chi-square test of perceived agreed and disagreed level of respondents under study. The calculated value of Chi-square (c2) for each of variable X2 (8.32*), X4 (15.87*), X5 (11.79*), X6 (23.11*) and X7 (8.32*) is greater than table value of Chi-square (c2 = 3.84) with degree of freedom 1 at 5 percent level of significant. So the null-hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. On the other hand, for each of X1 (0.02), X3 (1.53) and X8 (0.68), the Null-hypothesis (H0) is accepted under available circumstances.
5. Major Findings
The minimum values of agreed level of 3 variables (X3, X4, and X8), 4 variables (X1, X2, X6 and X7), and 1 variable (X5) are found 1, 2 and 3 indicating strongly disagreed, disagreed and no comment respectively with those variables. The maximum value of the every 8 variables is 5.00 representing strongly agreed. The mean values of the included variables found lower of 3.21 to higher 4.15. The modes values of the maximum 7 variables are 4.00 expressed agreed; only the variable X1 shows the value 3 indicates no comment. Lesser rate of coefficient of variation is represented more constancy while greater value of the same indicating less homogeneity of the beliefs of the respondents assessed in these concerns. Here each of X5 and X6 has the lowest value of CV (18%) indicates better uniformity and X8 shows the highest CV (37%) leads to worst uniformity of the agreed level provided by the respondents. The coefficients of correlation of each of 8 variables have significant association with the modal perceptions of values education given by the respondents. The significant positive impact of the independent variables X2 (0.51*), X4 (0.19*) and X8 (0.13*) have been found on the dependent variable of modal perceived agreed level of the students. The rest of the independent variables have the positive insignificant influence on the same except X6 (−0.40). The calculated value of Chi-square (c2) for each of variable X2 (8.32*), X4 (15.87*), X5 (11.79*), X6 (23.11*) and X7 (8.32*) is greater than table value of Chi-square (c2 = 3.84) with degree of freedom 1 at 5 percent level of significant. So the null-hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. On the other hand, for each of X1 (0.02), X3 (1.53) and X8 (0.68), the Null-hypothesis (H0) is accepted under available circumstances.
6. Identified Problems
From the above results of major findings imply that the attitudes of the resent graduates’ are positive in agreed level towards the various components of values education but in most of the cases are not provided the fulfillment of the requirements of valued oriented personal. Based on analysis, interpretation and major findings the identified problems are: The most of the students are not learned to practice of inborn divine virtues such as love, peace, mercy and compassion in a reasonable extend; Level of acquired positive moral qualities of recent graduated students, such as respect, humility, tolerance, responsibility, cooperation, honesty and simplicity are not in acceptable position; Level of affection to the place of “birth” and “growth” are not reflected appropriately as they provided their opinion; Agreed level of positive thinking of the respondents to neither help others physically, mentally and financially are not satisfactory position; Level of respect to human dignity based on the concepts of human rights and justice are not reasonable; Willing to build peace in the community is not remarkable as it reflected through the opinion of the selected respondents; Level of agreed level of eager to resolve conflict non-violently in unavailable situations is not remarkable and the mental responses to illegal opportunity are not implying in fear position sufficiently.
7. Conclusion
To fulfillment of the requirements of valued oriented personal it is necessary to build up the human resources not only of different sectors of the country but also of the family as well as of the society. The parents, family members, community associates, teachers and the proper authority should be made better realizations of the components of values education that must be taught to the students from the beginning. In these regards, the following suggestions and recommendation are to be provided:
8. Suggestions and Recommendations
1) It is necessity to born and brought up the child in extended family to have the better feelings by practicing of inborn divine virtues such as love, peace, mercy and compassion.
2) The students should be involved in household activities and grouped works by which they can help others where their feelings of respect, humility, tolerance, responsibility, cooperation, honesty and simplicity will be developed.
3) The frequency of communications should be increased to enrich the students’ affection to the place of “birth” and “growth” appropriately.
4) The students should be taught throughout properly planed educational curriculum by which they can build up with positive thinking to help others physically, mentally and financially.
5) The students should be made clear understanding and feelings what are ought to do or not to do according to the human rights and justices.
6) They should be learned the outcomes of the execution of peace, violence and conflict from boyhood.
7) The religious knowledge and activities should properly maintained by the students to enhance mentality abstain from illegal opportunity.
8) These types of valued based education related research should be done continuously in the different classes of students in schools, colleges and universities for the assessment and proper action.