Classroom Assessment Practices


This research on the phenomenon of classroom assessment practices in secondary school education. There are issues of lack of clear guidance and lack of awareness. Therefore, this study aims to explain how teachers practice in classroom assessment among secondary school teachers. It used a Fundamental Research type Explanatory Research to collect data from 30 study participants. It uses interview, observation, and document content analysis techniques. Furthermore, it analyses data using an inductive with N Vivo Version 11 computer software. The findings found that teachers mostly use teacher-centered strategies. Moreover, most teachers practice conventional approaches. Then, the teacher uses the methods of the project, try to succeed, peer, practical, group, collaborative, class, and individual. Additionally, most teachers use quiz techniques, question and answers, training, open-ended questions, and closed questions. Finally, some teachers are using the reward trend and fostering a sense of responsibility among students. It has implications for the quality of assessment, students, and the body of knowledge of the education science, namely the aspects of assessment, testing, measurement, and evaluation.

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Sheikh, A. and Manap, M. (2024) Classroom Assessment Practices. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 12, 239-258. doi: 10.4236/jss.2024.123018.

1. Introduction

To illustrate the scope of this research, this section aims to clarify the background of the study. In this regard, the main thing that prevents the successful implementation of a curriculum is because the teacher has a lack of understanding of the content of the curriculum and how to assess it. This has to do with the input of skills and knowledge that the teacher has. The issue is that teachers lack literacy in classroom assessments (Afalla & Fabelico, 2020) .

This is because teachers are less adept at implementing pedagogical integration (Doolan, Piggot, Chappman, & Rycroft, 2019) . Explanatory research of this basic type of research has been used to analyse patterns, formulate hypotheses, and find a more complete understanding of the needs and practices of classroom assessment in secondary school education. In this regard, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization or UNESCO has developed the Sustainable Development Goals. It aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education. It promotes lifelong learning opportunities for teachers or educators to increase the number of qualified teachers (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2021) .

Next, this section deals with the statement of the problem. Ideally, teachers should be positive about assessment practices in planning, building items, administering tests, scoring them, analyzing evidence, applying assessment information, and reporting tests. However, in reality, some teachers have an unparalleled attitude between the perception of classroom assessments and their actions towards classroom assessments. In addition, there is a constraint issue in the teacher’s daily routine. Among the dominant constraints are time constraints, class sizes, learning resources, skills, attitudes, uncertainty, insecurities, and low perception of classroom assessments (Black & Wiliam, 2018) .

As a result of the phenomenon, weak pupils will continue to be left behind or continue to be sidelined, the teacher’s teaching weaknesses are not fixed, and teachers are more likely to put the blame on students alone (Shams & Iqbal, 2019) . Based on studies by Black & Wiliam (2018) and Shams & Iqbal (2019) , it is clear that there is an issue of weakness of teacher practices in classroom assessment. So, the suggestion is that we conduct this research to explain on the phenomenon of teacher practice in classroom assessment among secondary school teachers.

Moreover, the purpose of this section is to state the objectives of the study. We conducted this research to explain on the phenomenon of teacher practice in classroom assessment among secondary school teachers.

In addition, the meaning of this section is to state the question of this study. We conducted this research to answer the following study questions, namely how is the phenomenon of teacher practice or tactics in the assessment of classrooms in secondary schools?

Moreover, this section is aimed at setting the limitations of the study. The general purpose of this study is to express the phenomenon of classroom assessment requirements and practice or tactics of teachers in classroom assessments in secondary schools. In this regard, state secondary school teachers became the main focus of the study. Respondents were also among the Principal, Senior Assistants, Supervisors, and Senior Subject Teachers, and teachers. The location of the study covered the rural and indoor areas of the city in the district of Selangor, Malaysia.

It includes this section that deals with significant studies. This research is important because it benefits various parties. This study has an interest and relevance to the education and learning of teachers. It provides an opportunity for teachers to reflect to improve the assessment practices in the school where they work. In addition, public or private educational institutions that organize courses related to educational competency and assessment practices can compare what is being practiced with what this research explores.

Further, to some individuals who are interested in furthering research in this field, this study is a turning point in that direction. Furthermore, the state education department can assist the institution in designing an effective training program in the aspect of educational assessment to further enhance the level of professionalism of teachers. Besides, this study is significant because it contributes to the body of knowledge. In this regard, this study is significant to meeting the needs of the educational science body, namely the aspects of assessment, testing, measurement, and evaluation.

The study is expected to identify specific techniques in the assessment. The results of this study are expected to provide significant information to improving the assessment practices of secondary school teachers. Then, this research is significant because it has diverse implications. The implications of the practice are in the form of relevant training program. It aims for improvement, i.e., especially in areas that are closely related to the Teacher Training Program, whether pre-service or in-service training or Staff Development Program. The state education department under the Staff Training Portfolio can use the results of this study to design internal courses, workshops or periodic courses for the teachers in the aspect of classroom assessment. Thus, the teachers can be trained or retrained to improve the quality of the secondary school curriculum assessment practices in the future. Implications for the theory of the basis for developing a model of teacher training programs and learning modules for teachers of secondary schools.

The purpose of this section is to describe the operational definitions of a variable, i.e., the practice of classroom assessment among teachers.

The practice of classroom assessment among teachers. According to Frey (2018) , classroom assessment is a performance-based assessment, built by teachers, and in formative form. In this study, the practice of classroom assessment among teachers refers to five constructs, namely strategies, approaches, methods, techniques, and trends. A strategy is a complete scheme to achieve success in a situation. In addition, an approach is a way of dealing with something or a way of doing things. Furthermore, a method is a system for doing things. While, technique is a way of doing activities that require skill. Finally, is a trend, which is a general development in a situation of how an individual behaves in the direction of change or development. We elaborated on classroom assessment practices among teachers using three types of techniques, namely Interview Techniques, Observation Techniques, and Document/Artifact/Archive Analysis Techniques. We elaborated on classroom assessment practices among teachers using three types of study instruments, namely Semi-Structural Interview Questions, Structured Observation Checklist, and Document/Artifact/Archive Analysis Checklist. Next, processed qualitative data in the form of transcript records use N Vivo Version 11 computer software.

2. Literature Review

2.1. The Model Underlying the Study

The first thing to consider, models related to this area of study. The purpose of this section is to elaborate on the model of assessment. It designs an assessment strategy that will be implemented to achieve the objectives of a curriculum or educational or training program. It contains a scientific and systematic procedure or framework for performing an operation or procedure. Furthermore, it covers the physical framework or framework of perception of a thing or thought. It is a mechanism that serves to increase the efficiency and efficiency of an organization.

The opinion of McKenney & Reeves (2019) is that the assessment covers the conceptual, physical, and operational aspects. Like Shams & Iqbal (2019) , it can be agreed that an assessment contains elements of testing, measurement, and evaluation. A test becomes a measuring tool for an assessment. The level of measurement is marked by quantitative measures, while the assessment is about the quality of a test including student achievement, teaching effectiveness and compatibility of a curriculum. It covers the aspects of reliability, validity, governance, and practicality of the test. This should be considered by every teacher when planning tests in the classroom.

We strongly believe that according to the assessment perspective, the concepts of validity, reliability, and fairness are used to ensure the adequacy of test instruments, data collection procedures, and assessment of student achievement data. Validity can be formulated as the extent to which a test measures what should be measured. Valid assessments produce data that can be used to make decisions at various levels, from the improvement and effectiveness of teacher teaching to improve student performance. Reliability measures the consistency of a test. It is about the extent to which degree the test results of students are consistent with the same test results at different times and places, checked by different examiners for the same item or assignment. Reliability to determine the similarity between different tests in one administration. That is, retesting the same test as the original test, and the difficulty of the test is equally persistent every year.

Many examples from formal assessments that reliability takes precedence (Wesolowski, 2020) . While Tazewell (2018) stressed that an assessment should use a formative assessment and based on feedback informing the students of the learning objectives early in the learning process involving a formative assessment.

We agree with the ideas of researchers such as Shams & Iqbal (2019) , McKenney & Reeves (2019) , Tazewell (2018) , and Wesolowski (2020) because it is true that the assessment covers the conceptual, physical, and operational aspects.

2.2. Past Studies Related to this Research Question

What is most important is the results of past studies related to this question of study. The meaning of this section is to analyses some relevant research results. In this regard, we have highlighted several journal articles, books, and doctoral theses on the practice of classroom assessment among teachers.

The Practice of Classroom Assessment among Teachers. In this matter, assessment activities carried out by a teacher repeatedly and continuously in the classroom will become a practice, patterning the climate of assessment, and ultimately creating a certain culture of assessment. The classroom assessment culture will only have a positive impact on learning if it adheres to certain characteristics (Jeff, 2018) . According to Horwath (2020) , a simple strategy is how a person plans to achieve a goal or direction, including missions and recommendations. Strategies can be divided into three main component types, namely resources, activities, and actions to achieve the goal.

Further, Tauritz (2019) has explained, the strategy includes strategies before, during and after evaluation. According to Campos (2021) , practicality refers to the need to administer a test, whether in terms of curriculum and program requirements and what is the purpose for which a test is held, which is practical in terms of approach, method, technique, and background of the students. According to Kaufman (2019) , the task of the teacher in addition to the task of teaching and learning is to carry out the assessment that is part of the educational function. Moreover, El Karfa (2019) states that the using of homework, worksheet, and summative assessment is a trend.

According to Meador (2019) , most teachers use quiz techniques, simple questions and answers, training, open-ended questions, and closed questions. Furthermore, Couros (2021) has stated that feedback from assessments is used to improve student learning and teacher teaching. According to Steele (2019) , teachers use feedback to improve teacher learning and teaching. Furthermore, the concept of classroom assessment has to do with teaching and learning styles. It can be embodied in various strategies, namely tests, exams, and projects to assess students (Looney & Cumming, 2018) .

When the research results of El Karfa (2019), Couros (2021), Looney & Cumming (2018), Horwath (2020), Jeff (2018), Kaufman (2019), Campos (2021), Meador (2019), Stelee (2019) , and Tauritz (2019) are carefully studied, it can be seen that teachers’ practices or tactics in classroom assessment are in terms of strategies, approaches, methods, techniques, and trends.

3. Methods

3.1. Research Design

We have used Explanatory Research of the Fundamental Research type. It is to investigate how the phenomenon of classroom assessment practices in secondary school education (Flynn & Uttley, 2021) . It helps us analyze patterns, formulate hypotheses, and find a more complete understanding of the classroom assessment requirements and practices in secondary school education. Exploratory research is qualitative research to study phenomena and to report a full explanation to answer the “how” questions about the state of the phenomenon (George & Merkus, 2023) .

In this regard, we have used data collection methods that correspond to this research question, namely literature review methods, interview methods, and observation methods. We have implemented Explanatory Research in accordance with the procedures proposed by Kandy (2023) . There are five steps, namely: Step 1: Developing Study Questions; Step 2: Formulate the Hypothesis; Step 3: Design Research Methods or Methodologies and Collect Data; Step 4: Analyze the Data and Prepare the Results of the Report; Step 5: Interpret the Results and Provide Recommendations for Future Research.

3.2. Study Variables

This research has a variable, i.e., the phenomenon of the teacher’s practice or tactics in the classroom assessment.

3.3. Study Instruments

We have built and used three types of study instruments, namely Semi-Structural Interview Questions, Structured Observation Checklists, and Document/Artifact/Archive Analysis Checklists.

Semi-structural interview questions. It consists of two parts, namely Part A which consists of 12 demographic question items of the study participants. The structured interview items of the teacher’s practice phenomenon that we built contain elements of how to handle classroom assessments, namely portfolios, Problem-Solving-Based Learning, and cooperative learning, as well as rational elements of a practice used by teachers. Then, we used N Vivo Version 11 computer software to process the data in the form of transcript records.

Structured Observation Checklist. It consists of two parts. Part A consists of 12 demographic items, and Part B consists of 10 checklist items to identify the teacher’s behavior at the actual time and situation. The observation checklist form we built contains elements of portfolio assessment types, Problem Solving-Based Learning, and cooperative learning as well as elements of teacher practice, namely, elements of strategies, approaches, methods, techniques, trends, and assessment aids. Next, we used N Vivo Version 11 computer software to process the data in the form of transcript records.

Document/Artifact/Archive Analysis Checklist. It consists of two parts. Part A consists of 12 demographic items and Part B consists of 11 document/artifact/ archive checklists. The checklist of this document consists of Syllabus, Textbooks, Teaching Records, Test Specification Schedule, Past Examination Questions, Student Answer Script, Item Analysis, Scoring Scheme, Meeting Minutes/Circular Letters, and Student Performance Record. Moreover, we used N Vivo Version 11 computer software to process the data in the form of transcript records.

3.4. Validity of Study Instruments

The validity of qualitative study instruments is also ensured before collecting data. The validity element of the instrument is seen from the aspect of variability, and the authority of the information collected is used to support the findings of other studies. Credibility in relation to the validity of the construct is explained by the evidence, that the constructs studied are considered to be included in the same theory. As for the validity of the content of this study instrument, the specialist needs to evaluate it in terms of four elements, namely the strength, adequacy, coherence, and clarity of the study instrument (Fernandez-Gomez, Martin-Selvador, Luque-Vara, Sanchez-Ojeda, Navarro-Prado, & Enrique-Miron, 2020) . Therefore, to guarantee the validity of this study measuring tool, we take the following steps, namely 1) We refer information from the literature review to determine that the coverage of the questionnaire really covers the field studied, 2) We ask the experts to review the first draft of the question item to assess whether it covers the dimensions studied, comment on the contents and constructs, ensure that there are no pushing elements or overlapping questions, 3) We make a thorough plan of how the session will be conducted, i.e., determine how it is conducted and determine the interview participants before an interview session is held, 4) We build interview questions based on research objectives, 5) We set the date, time, and place, 6) Before the interview session begins, we briefed the interview procedure for the interview.

3.5. Reliability of Study Instruments

The reliability of studies lies in our skills in making observations, recording, coding, and ourselves as study instruments. It’s more of an aspect of honesty, authority, and coherent data. To improve the reliability of this research instrument, we took the following steps, namely 1) We collected evidence to support the claim that the findings of the studies would be the same if the same studies were repeated; 2) We controlled bias in the way we made self-reflection and did not recognize it outright and did not include it in the study design; 3) We made sure that all theories, models, taxonomy, and highlights of past studies and compatible with interview question items, observation checklist items, and document content analysis checklist items.

3.6. Study Population

We used the total target population to estimate the number of participants in this study. In this study, the trait of the study population was homogeneous. The study population had an identical or similar trait in terms of culture, environment, school ethos administered by the State Department of Religious Education. Therefore, we selected a target population with typical common characteristics of 583 teachers. They consist of female and male teachers who are responsible for Selangor State Religious Secondary School, Malaysia. They consist of teachers of various categories and grades, among which are the Headmaster, Senior Assistant Teacher, Senior Subject Teacher, Supervisor Teacher, and Assistant Teacher (Islamic Education Division, 2018) .

3.7. Study Participants

We used random sampling techniques to select study participants who were trained teachers. Next, we identified a total of 30 study participants from the target population. A total of 25 study participants underwent semi-structural interviews, five study participants underwent observation sessions and collection of archive/artifact/document materials.

3.8. Data Collection Procedure

Before visiting the school to interview and observe the study participants, we first obtain official permission from the Department of Education. After the department has issued a letter of authorization to conduct research in the school under its administration, we request the cooperation of the managers of the schools concerned to determine the relevant dates, places, and participants of the study. We conducted this review process carefully to ensure the reliability of the findings. Therefore, data must be collected in accordance with standard procedures and valid means to ensure that the findings are of high validity and reliability. We use a phenomenal approach because it focuses on the importance of experiences that a person or phenomena go through, which can be observed and shared by others. The purpose of the phenomenon study is to get as close a picture as possible of a phenomenon that exists against anyone involved in a situation (Eleanor, Tomaszewski, Zarestky, & Gonzalez, 2020) . We collect this research data using several techniques, which include observation techniques, interview techniques, and document/artifact/archive analysis techniques. All these techniques coincide with the procedures presented by Creswell & Creswell (2022) , namely, 1) We determine the types of data collected whether it is observation, interview, document evidence or audiovisual materials; 2) We build interview protocols and observation checklists; 3) We establish appropriate techniques for recording data and data collection in the field; 4) We conduct studies ethically; and 5) We are aware of issues that arise regarding location, population, and study participants.

Observation Techniques. For this purpose, i.e., to explain on the phenomenon of teacher practice in classroom assessment among secondary school teachers, we used observational methods on five study participants aimed at studying the behavioral development of study participants or groups of individuals in which independent study participants performed naturally studied behaviors. Before the session took place, we had prior approval from the school and the teachers involved. We observe and record the behavioral information on the teachers concerned while conducting the Teaching and Learning process and Classroom Assessment using the checklist form. This procedure is in line with the views of Yara & Kimberley (2018) who say that we need to observe and record information based on the set of activities identified using a structured checklist. In this context, we observe the teacher teaching the pupils in the classroom and realize he is being watched.

Interview technique. We obtain data in direct contact with participants in a face-to-face manner using current semi-structural question items, not questionnaires. Before that, we schedule an appointment to determine the date, time, and place where the interview session will take place. We conducted the interview after the teachers had finished school hours so as not to interfere with the implementation of the Teaching and Learning process. It is carried out in a suitable location that is far from noise interference. Immediately before the interview session begins, we give a brief briefing and ask participants to read the instructions on the semi-structural interview form in advance. In this regard, we chose to use the group interview technique using face-to-face open-ended questions. The total number of participants in each group is 10 people. According to Kosar (2020) , the number of study participants of seven to ten was sufficient for group interviews. This interview is conducted to collect data on the teacher’s practice in the Classroom Assessment as found in the semi-structural interview instrument. During the interview, we verbally read the interview questions. Study participants did not have to answer verbally, adequately recording their answers on the space provided in the form.

Document/Archive/Artifact Analysis Techniques. We obtain data from document sources from Teaching Record Documents, Syllabus, Textbooks, Test Specification Tables, Past Examination Questions, Student Answer Scripts, Item Analysis, Scoring Schemes, Meeting Minutes/Circular Letters, and Student Performance Records as stated in the document/artifact/archive checklist. We have informed the school to suggest the name of the teacher who will be observed. The teacher was told to prepare the documents prepared and hand over to us after the observation session. According to Jones (2021) , information in archival form involves a collection of documents consisting of broadcast letters, annual reports, financial reports, memorandums, uniforms, photo photographs, and organizational charts of an organization.

3.9. Pilot Study

We conducted a pilot study to assess an important component of the actual study, namely 1) The main steps in the actual study were evaluated such as the number of study participants and the criteria of the study participants; 2) Resources-assess problems with the time and resources that may occur during the actual study such as how much time the actual study will take to complete, whether the use of some equipment will be feasible or whether the instrument selected for the actual study has reliability or not; and 3) Management-problems with data management and with our team members involved in actual studies such as problems with collecting all the data necessary for future analysis, whether the data collected is highly variable and whether data from different schools can be analyzed together. Once we have finished conducting a pilot study to assess the extent to which the question item is suitable for collecting accurate information, there is clarity, and not out of scope, we make corrections in case of blurred items, irrelevant items, or elusive items. After the interpretation of the results, we conclude that the actual study can be carried out without changes to the protocol. The number of pilot study participants was five. The composition of the study participants is as per Table 1.

3.10. Data Processing

We have analyzed the data using the Induction Approach. It is a process of analyzing data that does not involve a theoretical framework established earlier. We use a theme-based content analysis method that sets out four steps, namely (a) Step 1: Identify themes or categories (ideas, concepts, terminology, keywords) that can be obtained from the transcript. This process of identifying is subject to open coding. The purpose of identifying these themes or categories is to choose relevant and necessary words or phrases. The next step is to collect the words and phrases in that theme or category on blank paper in the form of a table or mind map and start cutting out the information over and over again. This process is known as the data reduction process; Step 2: The resulting categories will be reviewed to make sure there are no similar categories. This process of associating between categories and sub-categories is called axial coding; Step 3: The exposed data is then interpreted based on science (theoretical principles) and experience. Preferably, the reviewer engages a third party such as a peer or “critical partner” to verify it; Step 4: Start writing (parsing or formulating) the study findings to answer the study questions. It should be linked to the findings of the initial study, if any. Step 3 and Step 4 are the processes of formulating and validating.

Before qualitative data is analyzed, several rules need to be adhered to. Qualitative data is data based on words, observations, images, and symbols. We must decipher the exact meaning of the information or data. Therefore, according to Bhatia (2018) , there are many steps to conducting qualitative data analysis, namely 1) We familiarize ourselves with the data, namely by reading the data repeatedly to find the right pattern and then transcribe the data; 2) We refer to the objectives of the study whether the data collected can answer the study questions or not; 3) We build a study framework, i.e., create a code or index to identify broad ideas, concepts, behaviors, and phrases and code them with that data; and 4) We identify data patterns and relationships, determine themes, identify more answers to questions, identify data trends to group, and identify subsequent researchable zones; 5) We carry out data opt-out techniques, data presentation, inference, and review; 6) We carry out a data opt-out process throughout the data collection period to facilitate work after data collection and when analyzing data; 7) We refer to theoretical frameworks and past studies intended for coding because code is important to make it easier for us to retrieve data, organize data, and subsequently rearrange according to specific categories or groups; and 8)

Table 1. Pilot study participants.

We use data exposure techniques in the form of mind maps to make it easier for us to analyze data. In this case, we use an inductive approach and a deductive approach to determine a particular code. For the deductive approach, we prioritize code based on the conceptual framework of the study. Whereas, for the inductive approach, we build code that is emergent or that appears while analyzing each segment in the data.

Data from Interview Techniques. We analyzed the qualitative data of the semi-structural interview results using six steps, i.e., 1) Set a category/theme/code; 2) Get the answers of the study participants and record as they answer. Rearrange their answers in the form of a table. Then, we use a different color (highlighter) and start with the encoding process using the code prepared earlier in the right column of the answer, or we mark it on the edge of the transcript for data reduction purposes; 3) Arrange the data so that it is easy to view (data display) using maps. Mark the same information or data or can be entered into one category; 4) Analysis of Study’s Data/Results. We sort information by category based on priority hierarchy involving our collaboration partners/partners/critical partners to ensure that the categorization performed is reliable or has high trustworthiness (axial coding); 5) Data Interpretation. We perform interpretations through data analysis thanks to those who are experts or capable of performing interpretations well. When performing qualitative data analysis, we consider the frequency of the appearance of data such as bullish phrases, question and answers, tests, quizzes, exams and others; and 6) Study Report. In the report section of the study, we linked it to relevant past studies.

Data from Observation Techniques. We carefully review all information, read all observation posts, mark important information from the post, review the data, and sort it by code or category of information taken for analysis. Next, we specify the code for each category.

Data from Document/Artifact/Archive Analysis Techniques. In this study, data from documents such as in the documents/artifacts/archive’s checklist were analyzed to support information from interviews and information from observations. According to Ministry of Education, Malaysia (2018) , the relevant documents consist of the Syllabus, Teacher’s Teaching Records, teaching and learning documents, past student answer scripts, and examination answer schemes.

3.11. Research Ethics

In this regard, we adhere to the recommendations of Resnik (2020) stating that there are five fundamentals of research ethics. First, it does not interfere with any personal rights of the study participants. Secondly, it does not create physical, mental or moral risks. Thirdly, it is not deceptive to get data from study participants. Fourth, researchers applied for their consent while using them as study participants. Finally, the results of the study can be used in diverse situations.

3.12. Work Schedule and Study Duration

This section about the length of time we conducted the study. We use Gantt Charts to manage research activities. The research used a 32-week time.

4. Data Analysis and Finding

The findings of this study are based on data we collected through interviews, observation techniques, and content analysis techniques guided by research questions. We analyze data using an inductive approach, which is the process of analyzing data that does not involve a theoretical framework established earlier.

Findings Based on Study Question: How Is the Phenomenon of Teacher Practice or Tactics in Classroom Assessment in Secondary Schools? In relation to this, we use the method of content analysis based on themes. All data from the annotation in the form of valid transcripts are summarized in Tables 2-6.

Next, we organize information in Tables 2-6 by category based on a hierarchy of priorities to ensure that categorization has high reliability. N Vivo Version 11 output print is described as Figure 1.

Eventually, we perform the analysis through the interpretation of the data in Figure 1 with the advice of expertise, as follows:

The findings found that teachers mostly use teacher-centered strategies. Moreover, most teachers use a variety of approaches. It includes the use of induction, deductive, behavioral, social, constructivism, collaboration, and eclectic approaches. In this regard, most teachers adopt the most conventional approach, which is the inductive approach. In turn, most teachers use a cognitive approach. Then, the teacher uses the methods of the project, try to succeed, peer, practical, group, collaborative, class, and individual. Meanwhile, many teachers use the method of trying to follow individual methods successfully. A little from the teacher who uses the class method. Additionally, most teachers use quiz techniques, simple question and answers, training, open-ended questions, and closed questions. Some teachers use written tests and mind maps. Moreover, most teachers use homework trends, worksheets, and summative assessments. Finally, some teachers are using the reward trend and fostering a sense of responsibility among students.

Table 2. Use of strategy.

Table 3. Use of approaches.

Table 4. Use of methods.

Table 5. Use of techniques.

Table 6. Use of trend.

Figure 1. Information by category based on hierarchy.

5. Discussion and Conclusion

5.1. Discussion

The discussion and conclusion of the research were based on the data we analyzed in a themed analysis. It contributes as a whole and implications to this field of study.

The Phenomenon of Teacher Practice or Tactics in Classroom Assessment. The findings found that teachers mostly use teacher-centered strategies. Moreover, most teachers practice conventional approaches, namely inductive, deductive, behavioral, social, constructivism, training collaboration, and eclectic approaches. Furthermore, most teachers practice an inductive approach. In turn, most teachers use a cognitive approach. Then, the teacher uses the methods of the project, try to succeed, peer, practical, group, collaborative, class, and individual. Meanwhile, many teachers use the method of trying to follow individual methods successfully. A little from the teacher who uses the class method. Additionally, most teachers use quiz techniques, simple question and answers, training, open-ended questions, and closed questions. Some teachers use written tests and mind maps. Moreover, most teachers use homework trends, worksheets, and summative assessments. Finally, some teachers are using the reward trend and fostering a sense of responsibility among students.

5.2. Conclusion

In relation to the practice of the teacher in terms of the strategy of the method, most teachers practice the method of trial and error and the class method. These findings are in line with the results of a study conducted by Looney & Cumming (2018) which found that the concept of classroom assessment is related to teaching and learning styles, and it involves various strategies, namely tests, exams, and projects to evaluate students.

Moreover, in relation to teacher practice in terms of technical strategies, most teachers practice quiz techniques, simple questions, and drills. These findings are in line with the findings of a study conducted by Meador (2019) which found that most teachers use quiz techniques, simple questions and answers, training, open-ended questions, and closed questions in line with the concept of classroom assessment that values feedback to improve learning and improve teacher teaching.

While about the practice of teachers in terms of trend strategies, most teachers practice homework, worksheets, and summative assessments. These findings are in line with the findings of a study conducted by El Karfa (2019) which found that the use of homework, worksheet, and summative assessment trends meets the trend of integrating classroom assessment into teaching and learning.

5.3. Implications of the Study

This research has several implications. In particular, the findings of this study have implications for theoretical, schools, quality of assessment, students, and the body of knowledge.

Theoretical Implications. The findings of this study suggest that theoretically, a knowledgeable person will act because of knowledge of their skills. However, the teacher acts not because of knowledge, as if the teacher could not transform the knowledge of the declaration into functional knowledge. In terms of teaching and learning, theoretically the teacher must adapt the theory of learning into the classroom assessment as classroom assessment is part of the teaching and learning process. However, the teacher did not explicitly do so.

Implications to the School. The findings of this study show that the level of practice of teachers is low. Therefore, the school should be prepared to coordinate an effective classroom assessment system through the school examination and evaluation units to provide classroom assessment guidelines to teachers so that teachers can uphold the principles of good practice of classroom assessment at all times. A special committee on classroom assessment should be established to monitor and provide the latest information to teachers in the aspect of classroom assessment.

Implications for the Quality of Assessment. The findings showed that the quality of classroom assessment practices of teachers is at a level of need for improvement. Therefore, to improve the quality of classroom assessment practices, teachers must orient themselves or be oriented by institutions to strengthen the quality of classroom assessments in schools so as not to drop out. Teachers should have strengthened their knowledge, conceptual, and skills on how to handle effective classroom assessments. Teachers must be able to not only integrate assessment into pedagogy effectively, but also integrate High-Level Thinking Skills and diverse intelligence into classroom assessments.

Implications for Students. The findings showed that teachers did not incorporate classroom assessments into deliberate, planned, and holistic teaching and learning. It has a direct impact on student learning. The level of competency and the level of classroom assessment practices of secondary school teachers have a direct impact on student learning. Students who are assessed by an unstable teacher of knowledge and skills will perform actions that are also unstable. It may make an inaccurate decision on the actual performance of the student. Teachers need to make a paradigm shift to make an impact on the authority of classroom assessments.

Implications for the Body of Knowledge. The findings showed that teachers had low levels of practice based on the quality standards of contemporary classroom assessment practices as obtained from past theories, models, and studies. This indicates that the quality of good classroom assessment practices is in line with the theories, models, and findings of previous studies. It confirms that the information is part of an authentic body of knowledge in the field of testing, measurement, evaluation, and assessment.

5.4. Recommendations

This study recommends several programs, namely teacher practice standards and advanced research recommendations.

Classroom Assessment Practice Standard. The findings showed that the standard of teachers’ classroom assessment practices is at the level it requires improvement. Therefore, organizations need to organize courses or provide course input in terms of classroom assessment. It encourages teachers to attend conferences, conventions, forums, seminars related to classroom assessments.

Advanced Research Recommendations. From the findings, this study can be used as a basis by other researchers to conduct further studies on different focus groups, learning institutions, and organizations to look at different scenarios. Further studies can be focused on teacher competence and student performance, or the relationship between the quality of teacher practice and the student’s teaching and learning process, the effectiveness of the integration of teaching and learning with classroom assessment and its implications for holistic human construction. In addition, other researchers can conduct experimentally advanced studies to compare the effectiveness of conventional assessments with classroom assessments.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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