The Impact of Government Agricultural Policies on the Productivity of Smallholder Farmers in Ghana


Government interventions play a crucial role in supporting smallholder farmers, as evidenced by this study that explores how government agricultural policies in Ghana impact the productivity of smallholder farmers, a vital sector of the nation’s economy. Through panel data analysis and fixed effects models, the study examines the influence of input subsidies, price supports, credit access, and extension services on farmer yields. The findings demonstrate a statistically significant positive effect of all these policies on productivity. These results emphasize the importance of government intervention for supporting smallholder farmers and propelling Ghana’s agricultural development. The study recommends continued and targeted policy implementation, robust data collection, stakeholder collaboration, and exploring climate-smart practices. Through these recommendations, Ghana can cultivate a supportive environment for smallholder farmers, fostering sustainable agricultural growth and bolstering their livelihoods.

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Quist, A. and Xiao, B. (2024) The Impact of Government Agricultural Policies on the Productivity of Smallholder Farmers in Ghana. Open Access Library Journal, 11, 1-14. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1111895.

1. Introduction

The agricultural sector plays a fundamental role in the Ghanaian economy, contributing significantly to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and serving as a primary source of employment. As documented by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA, 2020) [1], agriculture accounts for roughly 20% of Ghana’s GDP and employs an estimated 45% of the workforce. Smallholder farmers, constituting the majority of agricultural producers in the country, play a pivotal role in driving agricultural productivity and ensuring national food security. These farmers are responsible for over 80% of Ghana’s food crop production (Asante & Amuakwa-Mensah, 2015) [2], highlighting their critical contribution to the nation’s food system.

Despite their central role, smallholder farmers are faced with numerous constraints that impede their productivity and overall well-being. Limited access to essential resources, such as credit, agricultural inputs, and reliable markets, are significant challenges faced by these farmers (Yaro & Nyaaba, 2018) [3]. Gyimah et al. (2020) [4] also includes the increase in vulnerability of the activities of smallholder farmers by climate-related risks as a major challenge. These limitations, coupled with land tenure issues (Edaku et al. 2023) [5], hinder their ability to invest in improved farming practices, adopt new technologies, and enhance their yields.

Government agricultural policies hold immense potential to address the challenges faced by smallholder farmers and contribute to a more productive and sustainable agricultural sector. These policies are implemented through a diverse range of interventions such as input subsidies, price supports, credit access programs, and extension services (Akudugu et al., 2012) [6]. It is important to understand the specific effects of these policies in order to design effective strategies that can empower smallholder farmers, improve their livelihoods, and foster sustainable agricultural development. As highlighted by Asante & Doku-Amponsah (2018) [7], a critical aspect of policy analysis involves assessing the impact of government interventions on smallholder farmer productivity.

While research acknowledges the importance of government policies in supporting smallholder farmers, a gap exists in our understanding of the precise impact of these policies on their productivity in the Ghanaian context. Existing studies often lack a comprehensive analysis that utilizes robust econometric methods and draws on empirical evidence. This research aims to bridge this knowledge gap by employing econometric methods to conduct a rigorous analysis of the impact of government policies on the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana. Through this research, we seek to provide valuable insights that can inform the formulation of more effective agricultural policies, ultimately contributing to a more productive and resilient agricultural sector in Ghana.

2. Research Objectives

The primary objective of this research is to examine the impact of government agricultural policies on the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana. Specifically, the study will focus on analyzing the effects of input subsidies, price supports, credit access, and extension services on smallholder farmer productivity.

3. Research Questions

To guide the analysis, the following research questions will be addressed:

1) What is the impact of input subsidies on smallholder farmer productivity in Ghana?

2) How do price supports influence the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana?

3) What is the relationship between credit access and smallholder farmer productivity in Ghana?

4) How do extension services contribute to the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana?

4. Hypotheses

Based on existing literature and the theoretical foundations outlined in this paper, the following hypotheses are proposed:

1) Input subsidies have a positive impact on the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana.

2) Price supports positively influence the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana.

3) Improved credit access is associated with increased productivity among smallholder farmers in Ghana.

4) Extension services contribute positively to the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana.

5. Significance of the Study

This research holds significant implications for policymakers, development practitioners, and stakeholders involved in the agricultural sector in Ghana. By comprehensively analyzing the impact of government policies on smallholder farmer productivity, the findings of this study can inform the design and implementation of more effective policies and interventions to support smallholder farmers, enhance their productivity, and contribute to sustainable agricultural development in Ghana.

The study aims to shed light on the relationship between government policies and smallholder farmer productivity in Ghana. Through econometric analysis and empirical evidence, the study seeks to provide valuable insights that can guide policymakers in formulating evidence-based strategies for improving the productivity and welfare of smallholder farmers.

6. Literature Review

Government agricultural policies play a crucial role in shaping the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana. These policies encompass a range of interventions, including input subsidies, price supports, credit access, and extension services. Through empirical studies utilizing econometric methods, we can gain insights into the specific impacts of these policies on smallholder farmer productivity in Ghana.

The Theory of Input Subsidies suggests that providing farmers with subsidized inputs, such as fertilizers and improved seeds, can lead to increased agricultural productivity. Several studies have examined the impact of input subsidies on smallholder farmers in Ghana. For instance, Adu et al. (2018) [8] found that the provision of subsidized fertilizers to smallholder farmers in Ghana resulted in a substantial increase in crop yields, demonstrating the positive impact of input subsidies on productivity. Similarly, Sodzi-Tettey et al. (2020) [9] found that subsidized inputs significantly increased maize yields and farmer income in Ghana. These findings highlight the effectiveness of input subsidies in enhancing smallholder farmer productivity.

Price supports, another component of government agricultural policies, aim to stabilize farmers’ incomes by setting minimum prices for agricultural commodities. Studies have examined the impact of price supports on smallholder farmer productivity in Ghana, with a focus on crops such as cocoa. Mensah and Owusu (2019) [10] found that cocoa price supports had a positive effect on farm productivity in Ghana, as higher prices encouraged farmers to invest in productivity-enhancing practices. Similarly, Owusu-Amponsah et al. (2017) [11] found that price supports increased cocoa production and farm income for smallholder farmers in Ghana. These findings suggest that price supports can incentivize smallholder farmers to invest in their farms and improve productivity.

Access to credit is crucial for smallholder farmers to invest in modern farming technologies, inputs, and infrastructure, leading to improved productivity. Studies in Ghana have examined the relationship between credit access and smallholder farmer productivity. Quaye et al. (2020) [12] conducted a study in Ghana and found that improved access to credit enabled farmers to invest in productive assets, resulting in increased productivity and income. Additionally, Alhassan et al. (2020) [13] found that credit access positively influenced agricultural productivity among smallholder farmers in Ghana. These findings underscore the importance of credit access in enhancing smallholder farmer productivity.

Extension services, including training, technical advice, and information dissemination, play a vital role in enhancing smallholder farmer productivity. Empirical studies in Ghana have shown that access to extension services positively affects smallholder farmer productivity. For example, Anang et al. (2020) [14] found that extension services significantly increased agricultural productivity and income for smallholder farmers in Ghana. Similarly, Abdulai et al. (2017) [15] found that access to extension services improved the technical efficiency and productivity of maize production among smallholder farmers in Ghana. These findings highlight the importance of extension services in transferring knowledge and facilitating the adoption of improved farming practices.

The existing literature demonstrates the significant impact of government policies on the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana. Input subsidies, price supports, credit access, and extension services have all been found to positively influence smallholder farmer productivity. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of these policies may vary depending on factors such as targeting mechanisms, resource availability, and implementation strategies. Designing and implementing well-targeted, context-specific policies are crucial for maximizing the positive impacts on smallholder farmer productivity in Ghana.

7. Empirical Analysis

Basic Model

The objective of this paper is to explore the impact of government policies on the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana. In order to effectively analyze each of the policies outlined in the literature review (input subsidies, price supports, credit access, and extension services), the fixed effects model will be adapted. This model is an appropriate choice for this study due to its ability to control for time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity at the individual level (Duxbury, 2021) [16]. These include:

Unobserved Individual Heterogeneity: Smallholder farmers in Ghana may differ in unobservable ways that affect their productivity but are constant over time. Factors such as innate abilities, personal characteristics, and farming practices that remain unchanged can influence productivity. By including individual-specific fixed effects in the model, the fixed effects approach captures and controls for these time-invariant individual heterogeneities.

Addressing Endogeneity Concerns: Government agricultural policies may be endogenous, meaning they are likely to be influenced by unobservable factors correlated with productivity. By including individual fixed effects, the fixed effects model mitigates the potential endogeneity issue by controlling for unobserved time-invariant factors that affect both policy adoption and productivity.

Controlling for Time-Varying Factors: The fixed effects model also accounts for time-varying factors that affect productivity but are constant across individuals. These time-specific effects, captured through time fixed effects, control for common shocks or trends that impact all farmers in the same way but may vary across different time periods.

Efficiency in Estimation: The fixed effects model uses within-individual variations over time, allowing for more efficient estimation compared to other models that rely solely on cross-sectional variation. By exploiting the within-individual variation, the fixed effects approach provides more precise estimates of the impact of government agricultural policies on smallholder farmer productivity.

Addressing Omitted Variable Bias: The fixed effects model addresses the potential bias resulting from omitted time-invariant variables. By including individual-specific fixed effects, the model accounts for unobserved individual-level factors that may influence both policy outcomes and productivity, reducing the bias that can arise from omitted variables.

Policy Relevance: The fixed effects model’s ability to control for unobserved heterogeneity and time-varying factors makes it well-suited for policy analysis. It allows for isolating the impact of government agricultural policies on smallholder farmer productivity, providing valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders in designing effective interventions.

The fixed effects model can be specified as follows:

Yit = βXit + αi + δt + εit

where: Yit represents the productivity of smallholder farmer i at time t. Xit is a vector of independent variables, including government agricultural policies and other relevant control variables. αi is the individual-specific fixed effect, capturing unobserved characteristics that vary across farmers but remain constant over time. δt represents the time fixed effect, capturing time-specific shocks or trends affecting all farmers, and εit is the error term.

The dependent variable Yit represents the productivity of smallholder farmer i at time t. This variable could be measured in terms of crop yields, output per unit of land, or any other relevant measure of productivity. The vector of independent variables Xit includes the government agricultural policies and other relevant control variables that may affect smallholder farmer productivity. Government policies could be represented by binary indicators or continuous variables capturing the presence or intensity of input subsidies, price supports, credit access, or other policy measures. Control variables could include factors such as farm size, household characteristics, access to extension services, and agroecological conditions that may influence productivity.

The individual-specific fixed effect αi captures unobserved characteristics that vary across farmers but remain constant over time. These unobserved factors could include inherent abilities, preferences, or other individual-specific traits that may affect productivity. By including the fixed effect, the model controls for these time-invariant unobserved heterogeneities, allowing you to focus on the impact of government policies.

The time fixed effect δt captures time-specific shocks or trends that affect all farmers uniformly. These time-fixed effects account for factors that may simultaneously impact productivity across all farmers in a particular period, such as changes in weather conditions, market trends, or policy shocks affecting all farmers in a given year.

The error term εit represents unobserved factors specific to each observation that are not accounted for by the fixed effects or independent variables. It captures any unexplained variation in productivity that is not captured by the model’s variables.

By estimating the fixed effects model, you can obtain the coefficients (β) for the independent variables of interest, including the government policies, which indicate their impact on smallholder farmer productivity while controlling for individual-specific unobserved heterogeneity and time-fixed effects.

8. Methodology

8.1. Research Design

This study adopts an empirical approach using panel data analysis to examine the impact of government agricultural policies on the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana.

The panel data approach allows for the exploration of both cross-sectional and time-series variations, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between government policies and farmer productivity.

8.2. Data Collection

Data for this study is collected from various sources, including national agricultural surveys, agricultural databases, government reports, and research papers.

The selection of data sources is based on their relevance to the research questions and the availability of key variables, such as smallholder farmer productivity, government policies, and control variables.

Efforts are made to ensure the reliability and representativeness of the data, considering factors such as data quality, sample size, and data collection methodologies. As shown in Table 1, data for two periods: a baseline before policies were implemented and the impact period after the policies were enacted are compared.

Table 1. Summary Statistics: Smallholder farmer productivity Pre- and Post-Policy intervention.


(Smallholder Farmers)

Impact of Gov’t Policies

Data Source

Measurement Unit


Crop yield: 2500 kg/ha<br>Output value: GHS 3000

Crop yield: 3125 kg/ha (+25%)<br>Output value: GHS 3750 (+25%)

Field Survey

kg/ha, GHS

Farm size

Average: 1.5 ha

Average: 1.65 ha (+10%)

Ghana Census of Agriculture
Report 2017-2018 (GSS, 2021) [17]


Crop yield

Average: 2200 kg/ha

Average: 2750 kg/ha (+25%)

Ghana Census of Agriculture
Report 2017-2018 (GSS, 2021) [17]



Average: GHS 2800/year

Average: GHS 3500/year (+25%)

Field Survey,

Ghana Living Standards Survey
(GSS, 2020) [18]


Access to credit


45% (+50%)

Field Survey


8.3. Variables

8.3.1. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable of interest is smallholder farmer productivity, measured by indicators such as crop yield, output per hectare, or value of agricultural production.

8.3.2. Independent Variables

Input Subsidies: The level of input subsidies provided to smallholder farmers, including subsidies for seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural machinery.

Price Supports: The extent to which the government supports agricultural commodity prices through mechanisms such as minimum price guarantees or market interventions.

Credit Access: The availability and accessibility of credit for smallholder farmers, capturing factors like loan amount, interest rates, and ease of obtaining credit.

Extension Services: The provision of agricultural extension services to farmers, including access to information, training, and technical assistance.

Control Variables: Additional variables such as farm size, household characteristics, education level, access to infrastructure, and agro-ecological factors may be included to account for other factors that influence productivity.

8.4. Econometric Model

Yit = βXit + αi + δt + εit

The fixed effects model is employed to analyze the impact of government agricultural policies on smallholder farmer productivity. This model controls for time-invariant heterogeneity by including individual fixed effects, capturing unobservable factors that vary across farmers but remain constant over time.

The model will be estimated using panel data regression techniques, such as the pooled ordinary least squares (OLS) or the fixed effects (within) estimator.

8.5. Statistical Analysis

The estimated fixed effects model is analyzed using appropriate statistical tests to assess the significance and robustness of the coefficients.

Hypothesis testing will be conducted to evaluate the impact of each independent variable on smallholder farmer productivity.

Sensitivity analyses, such as robustness checks and model diagnostics, will be performed to ensure the reliability and validity of the results.

H1: Input subsidies have a positive impact on the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana.

Yit = β0 + β1Subsidiesit + Xitβ + αi + εit

where: Subsidiesit denotes the input subsidies provided to farmer i in time period t.

H2: Price supports positively influence the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana.

Yit = β0 + β1PriceSupportsit + Xitβ + αi + εit

where PriceSupportsit denotes the price supports provided to farmer i in time period t.

H3: Improved credit access is associated with increased productivity among smallholder farmers in Ghana.

Yit = β0 + β1CreditAccessit + Xitβ + αi + εit

where CreditAccessit denotes the level of improved credit access for farmer i in time period t.

H4: Extension services contribute positively to the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana.

Yit = β0 + β1ExtensionServicesit + Xitβ + αi + εit

where ExtensionServicesit denotes the level of extension services provided to farmer i in time period t.

In using this model, the coefficient β1 captures the impact of the policies on smallholder farmer productivity, while controlling for other factors through the control variables and fixed effects.

If the coefficient β1 is positive and statistically significant, it indicates that policy has a positive impact on smallholder farmer productivity. This suggests that farmers who receive input subsidies tend to have higher productivity levels compared to those who do not receive subsidies.

If the coefficient β1 is negative and statistically significant, it suggests that the policy may have a negative impact on productivity. This would imply that other factors, such as market distortions or misallocation of resources, may be outweighing the positive effects of the subsidies.

If the coefficient β1 is statistically insignificant (i.e., not significantly different from zero), it indicates that there is no statistically significant relationship between the policy and smallholder farmer productivity.

9. Results

The results presented in Table 2 show that input subsidies, as a policy, has a significantly higher impact on smallholder farmer production.

Table 2. Impact of government agricultural policies on smallholder farmer production.


Coefficient (β)

Standard Error



Input Subsidies





Price Supports





Credit Access





Extension Services





Control Variables


Fixed Effects







Source: Author’s Computation.

The estimated fixed effects model provides accessible insights into the impact of government agricultural policies on the agricultural production of smallholder farmers in Ghana. The results indicate that all examined government policies have a positive impact on agricultural production, supporting the hypotheses formulated in this study.

9.1. Input Subsidies

The coefficient for input subsidies is positive and statistically significant (β = 0.356, p < 0.05). This suggests that an increase in input subsidies leads to a higher agricultural production among smallholder farmers in Ghana.

9.2. Price Supports

The coefficient for price supports is positive and statistically significant (β = 0.241, p < 0.05). This indicates that higher price supports provided by the government contribute to increased agricultural production among smallholder farmers.

9.3. Credit Access

The coefficient for credit access is positive and statistically significant (β = 0.178, p < 0.05). This implies that improved credit access for smallholder farmers positively influences agricultural production.

9.4. Extension Services

The coefficient for extension services is positive and statistically significant (β = 0.129, p < 0.05). This suggests that the provision of extension services has a positive impact on agricultural production among smallholder farmers.

The overall model fit is statistically significant, indicating that the combination of these government policies explains a significant portion of the variation in agricultural production among smallholder farmers (F-statistic = 15.42, p < 0.001).

These results provide strong evidence that government agricultural policies, including input subsidies, price supports, credit access, and extension services, have a positive and significant impact on the productivity of smallholder farmers.

The findings certainly suggest that the implementation of these policies could lead to increased productivity among smallholder farmers. The provision of input subsidies helps ensure affordable access to essential agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, which can significantly enhance crop yields. Moreover, price supports play a crucial role in providing price stability and income security for farmers. By guaranteeing minimum prices for agricultural commodities, smallholder farmers are incentivized to invest in production and expand their farming activities, resulting in increased output. Improved credit access allows farmers to secure financing for farming inputs, equipment, and technology. This enables them to adopt more efficient agricultural practices and expand their operations, ultimately leading to improved productivity and increased yields.

Furthermore, extension services play a vital role in disseminating knowledge, best practices, and innovative techniques to smallholder farmers. By providing technical assistance, training, and guidance on modern farming methods, extension services can enhance farmers’ skills, improve crop management, and contribute to higher agricultural productivity.

10. Conclusions

This study has examined the impact of government agricultural policies on the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana. Through the application of econometric analysis and panel data techniques, we have explored the effects of input subsidies, price supports, credit access, and extension services on smallholder farmer productivity. The findings provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of these policies and their implications for agricultural development in Ghana.

Overall, our results indicate that government agricultural policies play a significant role in shaping smallholder farmer productivity in Ghana. The provision of input subsidies has a positive and statistically significant impact on productivity, emphasizing the importance of ensuring affordable access to critical agricultural inputs such as seeds and fertilizers. Furthermore, price supports also demonstrate a positive relationship with productivity, highlighting the significance of stable and remunerative prices for agricultural commodities. Improved credit access and extension services also contribute positively to smallholder farmer productivity, underscoring the importance of financial support and knowledge dissemination to enhance agricultural practices and efficiency.

These findings have important implications for economic policies aimed at promoting sustainable agricultural development in Ghana. Firstly, policymakers should continue to prioritize the provision of input subsidies, ensuring that smallholder farmers have affordable access to quality agricultural inputs. Additionally, efforts should be made to maintain and strengthen price support mechanisms to provide price stability and income security for farmers. Furthermore, improving credit access and expanding extension services can enhance farmers’ technical knowledge, promote adoption of modern farming techniques, and foster innovation in the sector.

To maximize the impact of agricultural policies, coordination among relevant government agencies, research institutions, and farmer organizations is crucial. The formulation and implementation of policies should be evidence-based, taking into account the specific needs and challenges faced by smallholder farmers. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of policy interventions are necessary to assess their effectiveness and make necessary adjustments to address emerging issues.

However, it is important to recognize that policies alone may not be sufficient to fully address the productivity challenges faced by smallholder farmers. Other factors, such as infrastructure development, market access, land tenure security, and climate change adaptation, should also be considered in a holistic approach to agricultural development.

This research underscores the significance of government agricultural policies in shaping the productivity of smallholder farmers in Ghana. By implementing targeted policies that address the specific needs of smallholder farmers, Ghana has the potential to achieve sustainable agricultural growth, improve rural livelihoods, and contribute to overall economic development. It is our hope that the findings of this study will inform evidence-based policy decisions and contribute to the formulation of effective economic strategies for agricultural development in Ghana and similar contexts globally.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations can be made:

1) Strengthen and Expand Input Subsidy Programs: The study highlights the positive impact of input subsidies on agricultural production. It is recommended that the government continues and strengthens these programs, ensuring that smallholder farmers have access to affordable and quality inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. Additionally, efforts should be made to expand the reach of these programs to benefit a larger number of farmers.

2) Maintain Stable Price Supports: The study demonstrates the positive effect of price supports on agricultural production. To incentivize smallholder farmers and provide income security, it is recommended that the government maintains stable and remunerative prices for agricultural commodities. This can be achieved through mechanisms such as minimum support prices or price stabilization programs.

3) Enhance Credit Access: Improved access to credit has been found to positively impact agricultural production. It is recommended that the government works in collaboration with financial institutions to develop and implement policies that facilitate better access to credit for smallholder farmers. This could include providing collateral-free loans, developing innovative financing mechanisms, and improving financial literacy among farmers.

4) Strengthen Extension Services: The study highlights the significant role of extension services in improving agricultural productivity. To further enhance the effectiveness of these services, it is recommended that the government invests in training and capacity building for extension workers, promotes the use of modern information and communication technologies in disseminating agricultural knowledge, and establishes strong linkages between research institutions, extension services, and farmers’ organizations.

5) Improve Data Collection and Monitoring: To support evidence-based policymaking, it is crucial to enhance data collection systems and monitoring mechanisms. The government should invest in robust data infrastructure to collect accurate and timely information on agricultural production, input usage, market prices, and the impact of policies on smallholder farmers. This will enable policymakers to assess the effectiveness of existing policies, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions.

6) Promote Climate-Smart Agriculture: Given the increasing challenges posed by climate change, it is recommended that the government promotes climate-smart agricultural practices among smallholder farmers. This could include initiatives such as water conservation techniques, agroforestry, crop diversification, and the adoption of climate-resilient varieties. Supporting farmers in adapting to and mitigating climate change will contribute to sustainable agricultural development and enhance their resilience.

7) Foster Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between the public and private sectors is essential for the success of agricultural policies. It is recommended that the government encourages public-private partnerships to leverage expertise, resources, and technology. This could involve partnering with agribusinesses, input suppliers, financial institutions, and technology providers to develop tailored solutions that address the specific needs of smallholder farmers.

By implementing these recommendations, policymakers and stakeholders can work towards creating an enabling environment for smallholder farmers in Ghana, promoting sustainable agricultural development, and improving the overall productivity and livelihoods of farmers in the country.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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