Optimal Error Estimates of the Crank-Nicolson Scheme for Solving a Kind of Decoupled FBSDEs ()
1. Introduction
The existence and uniqueness of the solution for nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) were first proved by [1] . Since then, BSDEs have been extensively studied by many researchers. At the same time, many appli- cations have been found. In [2] , Peng obtained the relation between the back- ward stochastic differential equation and the parabolic partial differential equation (PDE). By using the relation between the BSDE and PDE, a four step scheme was proposed in [3] . In [4] , some simple numerical schemes were proposed for BSDEs and half-order convergence error estimates were proved. In [5] , Zhao et al. proposed some new kind of high accurate numerical method for BSDEs, which the scheme with second order convergence rate was first proposed and analyzed in [6] [7] and [8] . However, In [6] [7] [8] , the authors only proved the schemes were of high order convergence for solving y and z with the generator f not depending on z. In [8] , the authors proved the errors measured in the
sense are of high order convergence in solving y and z. In [9] , the authors rigorously obtained the error estimate of Crank-Nicolson scheme for solving generalized BSDEs, and theoretically proved the high convergence rates for solving y and z. In this paper we consider the following decoupled FBSDE
where the generator
In this paper, we will consider the BSDEs (1.1). Under weaker conditions, we proved the Crank-Nicolson scheme has second-order convergence rate for solving the decoupled FBSDEs. In Section 2, we introduce some preliminaries and notation, and introduce the scheme in Section 3. In Section 4, we prove that the scheme is of second-order convergence in solving y and of first-order convergence in solving
for the FBSDEs (1.1).
2. Preliminaries and Notation
Let T be a fixed positive number and
be a complete, filtered probability space on which a standard Brownian motion
is defined. Note that
is the natural filtration of the Brownian motion
and all the P-null sets are augmented to each s-field
. We denote
as the standard Euclidean norm in
) and the set of all
-adapted and L2-integrable processes valued in
, respectively.
A process
is called an L2-adapted solution of the BSDE (1.1) if it is
-adapted and L2-integrable, and satisfies (1.1). Now we introduce the following notations.
: the set of continuously differential functions
with the partial derivatives
uniformly bounded for
: the set of continuously differential functions
with all of its partial derivatives
of order up to and including
have the poly- nomial growth.
: s-field generated by the Brownian motion
starting from the time-space point
. When
, we use
to denote
: the mathematical expectation of the random variable X.
: the conditional mathematical expectation of the random variable X under the s-field
, i.e.,
. When
, we use
to denote
Throughout this paper, C is a generic positive constant depending only on
, T, and upper bounds of functions h,
and their derivatives, moreover C can be different from line to line.
3. Schemes for BSDE (1.1)
We will give a brief review on the schemes proposed in [10] for solving the BSDE (1.1).
For the time interval
, we introduce the following time partition:
, and let
. From (1.1), it is
easy to obtain that for
. Taking the conditional mathe-
matical expectation
on both sides of (3.1), we get
The integrand
on the right-hand side of (3.2) is a deterministic smooth function of time s. We may use some numerical integration methods to accurately approximate the integral in (3.2). In particular, we use the trapezoidal rule to approximate the integral on the right hand side of (3.2) and obtain
. Then
is a com- pensated Poisson process with mean zero and variance
. Now multiply (3.1) by
, and take the conditional mathematical expectation
on both sides of the derived equation, we obtain by the Itô isometry formula
Based on (3.5), we have
Based on reference Equations (3.3) and (3.6), for solving the BSDEs (1.1) we introduce the following scheme.
Scheme 1 Given a random variable
, solve random variables
backwardly by
4. Error Estimates
In this section, we will estimate the errors
norm, where
is the solution of the BSDE (1.1) and
is the solution of Scheme 1. For the sake of simplicity, we only consider one-dimensional BSDEs (i.e.,
). However, all error estimates we obtain in the sequel also hold for general multidimensional BSDEs. Let
. In our error analysis, we will use the constraint on the time
partition step
Let us first introduce the following lemma. Its proof can be found in the reference.
Lemma 1 Let
be the truncation errors defined in (3.4) and (3.7), respectively. If
Here C is a positive constant depending only on T, and the upper bounds of
and f and their derivatives.
Theorem 1 Suppose
. Let
be the solution of the BSDE (1.1) and
be the solution of scheme 1. Assume
Then for sufficiently small time step
, we have
where C is a constant depending on
, T, and upper bounds of functions h,
and f and their derivatives.
Proof. Let
, and
. The Equations (3.10) and
(3.6) give
Subtracting (3.9) from (3.3) gives
By the Hölder inequality (see [11] for details) we get
Then by the inequalities (4.6) and (4.7) we have
. Inserting
which satisfies the Equation (4.4) into (4.5) leads to
By the Taylor expansion (see [11] for details) we get
is a positive number which values in
. Thus, from the Hölder inequality, (4.9) and (4.10), we deduce
where L is the Lipschitz constant of
with respect to y. Then by the
inequalities (4.11) and
, we have
The Equation (4.4), the inequalities (4.6), (4.12) and
Multiplying both sides of (4.13) by
Now by the inequalities (4.12) and (4.14) we get
such that
in (4.15), and using the estimate
we deduce
By Lemma 1, we have
. Taking mathematical expectation on both sides of (4.16), then for sufficiently small
, we have
. The terminal conditions
, the time step constraint (4.1), and the inequality
lead to
. The proof is completed.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we study the error estimate of the Crank-Nicolson scheme proposed in [10] for solving a kind of decoupled FBSDEs. Under weaker con- ditions than that in [9] , we rigorously prove the second order convergence rate of the Crank-Nicolson scheme.