Geometrical and Numerical Approach to Solve Transonic Gas Equation ()
1. Introduction
Consider the transonic gas equation
The study of gas dynamics is often associated with the flight of modern high speed aircraft and atmospheric reentry of space exploration vehicles; however, its origins lie with simpler machines. At the beginning of the 19th century, investigation into the behavior of fired bullets led to improvement in the accuracy and capabilities of guns and artillery. As the century progressed, inventors such as Gustaf de Laval advanced the field, while researchers such as Ernst Mach sought to understand the physical phenomenon involved through experimentation the model equation gas equation. Lie groups lie at the intersection of two fundamental fields of mathematics: algebra and geometry. A Lie group is first of all a group. Secondly it is a smooth manifold which is a specific kind of geometric object. The circle and the sphere are examples of smooth manifolds. Finally the algebraic structure and the geometric structure must be compatible in a precise way. Informally, a Lie group is a group of symmetries where the symmetries are continuous. A circle has a continuous group of symmetries, we can rotate the circle an arbitrarily small amount and it looks the same. This is in contrast to the hexagon, for example. If you rotate the hexagon by a small amount then it will look different. Only rotations that are multiples of one-sixth of a full turn are symmetries of a hexagon. Lie groups were studied by the Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie at the end of the 19th century. Lie was interested in solving equations. At that time techniques for solving equations were basically a bag of tricks. A typical tool was to make a clever change of variables which would make one of the variables drop out of the equations. Lie’s basic insight was that when this happened it was due to an underlying symmetric of the equations, and that underlying this symmetry was what is now called a Lie group. Lie groups are ubiquitous in mathematics and all areas of science. Associated to any system which has a continuous group of symmetries is a Lie group. The symmetry Lie groups and invariant solutions for the wave diffusion in gas and the transonic equation were obtained by Ames, R. J. Lohner [1] . After their work, Torissi and Valenti [2] applied the infinitesimal group analysis to a second-order nonlinear wave equation telling a non-homogeneous manner. Bluman and Kumei [3] deliberate the wave equations with two and four-parameter symmetry groups and the corresponding invariant (similarity) solutions. Peters and Ames [4] applied Lie group method to the nonlinear dynamic equations of elastic string. Group invariant solutions for a second-order hyperbolic wave equation including an axially transported speed and nonlinear terms were constructed by Fung et al. [5] . Ozkaya and Pakdemirli [6] accurate exact solutions of accidental vibrations of a fiber moving with time-dependent velocity. Simple examples of Lie groups contain translation, rotation and scaling. Lie groups and infinitesimal generators can be logically prolonged to act on the space of independent variables [7] [8] [9] . Sami H. Altoum, studied Lie group and RK4 for solving nonlinear first order ODEs [10] . This article is organized as follows: In Section 2 we state the main problem. In Section 3 introduced some preliminary definitions related to Lie group. In Section 4 A Lie group method approach is purposed to obtain exact solution. In Section 5 we recall a solution obtained see [10] . In Section 6 a pdsolve maple method is proposed as technique to get an analytical solution. In Section 7 a central finite difference method proposed to solve transonic gas equation. In Section 8 a high order finite difference method is proposed as technique to show that there is no unique solution of transonic gas equation. Finally we conclude.
2. Problem
we focus in our study to the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition on
, when
denotes the boundary of the domain
. For simplicity we will use homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. Up to now there is now way to solve equation manually. So that Lie group technique will be introduced and used as tools to compute a nonzero solution of (2). Furthermore, numerical approach based on central finite difference method will be introduced and a high order accurate finite difference method will be used to show that no unique solution can be found.
3. Preliminary
3.1. Definition of a Group
Consider invertible transformations in an n-dimensional Euclidean space
defined by equations of the form
. It is assumed that the vector function
is continuous, together with its derivatives. It is also assumed that the coordinates
of points x and
are referred to the same coordinate system. Since the above transformation is invertible, there exists the inverse transformation:
We denote T to above transformation and
the inverse transformation. Accordingly, T carries any point
into a new position
, and
into the original position x. The identical transformation,
denoted by I. A function
is called an invariant of group G of transformations
if F remains unaltered when one moves along any path curve of the group G. In other words, F is an invariant if
identically in x and a in a neighborhood of
3.2. Infinitesimal Transformation
Given 1) parameter group G of transformation
Let us expand
into Taylor series in the parameter (a) at
, then invoking the initial condition
, we arrive to infinitesimal transformation of G [10] .
Geometrically, the infinitesimal transformation (4) and (5) defines the tangent vector
at the point
therefore the tangent vector field of the group G denoted by
and written as a first order linear differential operator
3.3. System of Differential Equation
Consider a system of equations in
where x in
. The system (7) is invariant with respect to a group G of transformations (3) [11] .
Theorem 1 (cf [11] [12] ) The system (7) invariant under group G with infinitesimal generator X if and only if
where the symbol
means the value
of on the manifold M. The system of (7) is said to be invariant with respect to group G of transformation
, or that Equation (6) admits G as a symmetry group if
, whenever x solve Equation (7). Geometrically it means that transformations of the group G carry any point of the variety M along this variety. In other words,
, the path curve of the group G passing through any point
lies on M. Consequently, M is an invariant manifold for G.
3.4. Determining Equations
Theorem (1) provides the infinitesimal criterion of symmetry group of differential equations. The system of DE is,
is invariant under the group with an infinitesimal generator X if an only if
where X is extended to all derivatives involved in (9). We give three methods to solve transonic gas equation to get exact solutions, the first method using Lie groups, second method using classical solution of PDEs and third method using finite difference.
3.5. Prolongation
We need to supplant the slightly hazy notion of a system of D.E. by stiff geometric target specified by evanescence of particular functions. To do this we need to prolong the basic space, representing the independent and dependent variables under consideration, to a space which also represents the various partial derivatives occurring in the system [13] .
of p independent variables, there are given by:
order partial derivatives of f. We derive kth employ the multi-index notation
Consider the case
has coordinates
has the single coordinate u. The space
is isomorphic to
with coordinates
, since these represent all the first order partial derivatives of u with respect to x and y. Similarly
has the coordinates
, representing the second order partial derivatives of u, and in general
, since there are
order partial derivatives of u. We have the heat equation
. Here, note that there are two independent variables
, one dependent variable, u, so we have the underlying space
with coordinates
. Since the heat equation contains a second order partial derivative, we consider the prolongation of the 2-jet, namely to the set
which has coordinates
3.6. Lie Algebra of Operator
A Lie algebras of operators, is a vector space L of operator
with the following property. If the operators
are elements of L then their commutator is
is bilinear and skew-symmetric also an element of L. The dimension (dim L) of the Lie algebra is the dimension of the vector space L. We use the symbol
to denote an r-dimensional Lie algebra.
is their linear combination,
with constant coefficients
. In particular,
, hence
3.7. Main Variables and Total Derivatives
In differential algebra we deal with an infinite derivatives
. The variables
are systematic in the subscripts
. The main operation in the calculus of differential algebra is the total differentiation given by the following
The total derivatives
act on functions involving any finite number of variables.
In particular, letting
one obtain:
are called independent variables and
differentiable variables with the successive
Hence the total derivatives written by:
We will use a generator of a point transformation group
Extended Equation (14) then
also we can deduce
4. Lie Group
We introduce a geometrical method based on Lie group technique to solve transonic gas equation, namely problem (2).
Considering symmetry operator in the form (15) with unknown coefficients
to be found the determining Equation (10)
where we substitute
see (23), (25), (27) from extended generators calculation of symmetries of PDEs, with two independent variables and set
. Then Equation (29) contain the variables
depend only upon x, y and u. Accordingly we isolate the terms containing
and those free of these variables, and set each term equal to zero. So, the terms containing
, lead to following equation
The same argument applied to the terms containing
then Equation (29) reduces to
Thus Equation (29) is split into the over determined system of linear PDEs (30) & (32). The computation shows that the general solution of this system is given by:
Finally we can deduce the solution u from Equation (31)
we can write u after simplification
So we have six arbitrary constants
. Thus we arrive at the six-dimensional Lie algebra
spanned by the operators.
is the linear span of the operators (33),
, from (11), the commutators
, of the basic operators and satisfy (12) for a Lie algebra. The result becomes directly visual if the commutators are disposed as in the following Table 1.
5. Analytical Solution
The exact solution of non-linear PDEs, (2), given by see [10] .
The solution will be:
1) Let
u is the solution of (2). Then the function.
are arbitrary constant, is also a solution.
2) Solutions
6. Pdsolve Maple Method
The first and second method proposed to study more precisely to find the solution of transonic gas equation. The pdsolve routine usually introduces new functions to express the solution for the indeterminate function. The examples below illustrate the use of pdsolve in solving a single PDE. For examples related to solve the transonic gas equation. Any arbitrary constants introduced while separating the variables are represented as
and are global general solution of the second order PDE (transonic gas equation) is
The following is the solution computed by pdsolve automatically. The approach used in this example serves also to address nonlinear equations of the form (2) with homogenous boundary conditions. This document describes how pdsolve can automatically adjust the arbitrary functions and constants entering the solution. In order, to determine the coefficient involved in (35) we will introduce some boundary conditions on
, where
is the domain of computation. At first step: Let us, use Dirichlet homogeneous boundary condition and
. The system of equation obtained after applying the boundary conditions is:
this system is solved using Maple 18, we get the following result:
l Trivial Solution: in case
we remark
we have null solution
l Non-Trivial Solution:
Then the nontrivial solution is
Figure 1 presents the shape of curve of transonic gas equation.
7. Central Finite Difference Method
Let us consider the two-dimensional nonlinear PDE equations:
and the boundary conditions being:
The finite difference schemes take the form
Figure 1. Pdsolve curve of transonic gas equation.
Figure 2 presents central finite difference solution of transonic gas equation.
Figure 3 presents the interior points of solution of transonic gas equation.
8. High Finite Difference Method
The key step in solving our PDE numerically using finite difference methods is to replace the derivatives with so-called “finite difference Method”. Here is an example of the centered finite difference stencil for the second derivative:
The stencil is “centered” because u is evaluated at an equal number of points to the right and left of the point where we want to approximate the derivative. The coefficients
are specified such that error is
. That is, we solve for error, expand in a Taylor series in h and then we choose the coefficients such that the first 5 terms in the Taylor series vanish, i.e.
if and only if:
Figure 2. Central finite difference solution.
this lead to:
Note that the last term on the RHS is just the leading order term in the error; terms with higher powers of have been omitted [14] . The power of h in the leading error term is called the order of the stencil.
Figure 4 presents the lattice points of transonic gas equation.
Now we approximate the first derivative
the same method as second derivative can be done we obtain
We will seek a solution on a rectangular region of the plane
subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions:
Since, the number of equations is less the number of unknowns parameters, for this reason we cannot have a unique solution for our differential equation. This leads to an open question, what can we do in our case or how can we change completely the PDEs in order to get a solvable system with unique solution. Our code, will be included in the appendix, and it’s available for any boundary conditions that can be introduced.
9. Conclusion
In this paper different methods were discussed. More precisely, we have considered a Lie group approach to get an analytical solution; this solution can be viewed as old approach that gives us a solution. To understand our problem we introduced different numerical schemes were proposed and we arrive to no unique solution that can be founded.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.