The Regional Tax Policy: A Review in Greece
Nikolaos Varotsis, Ioannis Katerelos
Regional Tax, Public Finance, Tax Policy, Tax Reform, Sociocentric, Decentralization
Modern Economy,
Vol.10 No.8,
ABSTRACT: The continuing ineffectiveness of the tax reforms in
Greek economy raises concerns about the
need for a meaningful restructuring of the structure of fiscal administration. Tax
restructuring that enhances regional, local or European taxation by weakening government taxation can be a key factor in reforming the tax system. The degree of tax decentralization of the tax policy applied is likely
to improve the fiscal order and management and, on the other hand, it can be
strengthened tax revenues by enhancing tax compliance. The main purpose of this
paper is to emphasize that the decentralization of taxation to a more socially
acceptable regional fiscal policy can lead to an acceptable tax reform in the
case of the Greek economy. A reform of the revenue management at local,
regional, central and European level with
a more socio-centric fiscal expenditure mix is more desirable.