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StatCounter: Chrome now the world’s most popular browser, beating out Internet Explorer

Google Chrome is considered by many to be the essential tool driving their daily work. All of us at 9to5 swear by it and that seems to be the status quo among most of our readers. Despite its popularity, Chrome has always been overshadowed by Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, which comes pre-installed on all Windows computers shipped. However, times are changing. According to StatCounter, Chrome passed Internet Explorer during the week of May 14 to May 20 to become the most popular browser in the world. It looks like the Chrome team will be celebrating today.

The Verge pointed out that Internet Explorer still has a commanding lead in the United States, with a 37 percent to 26 percent lead. So where is all the growth coming from? Other regions like South America, India, and Europe are starting to rank up even more Chrome downloads, where as countries like China, Japan, and South Korea are still being lead by Internet Explorer.

As time goes on, I think we will see the market change to where Chrome has a commanding lead. Its Omnibox paired with tab syncing make it a one-stop-shop solution for every browser user’s needs.

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