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You can now summarize long-winded LinkedIn posts with this handy (and funny) Chrome extension

LinkedIn can be a handy tool, but it’s often full of long-winded posts that take forever to get to the point. Now, there’s a handy Chrome extension that can summarize long LinkedIn posts and maybe give you a bit of a chuckle too.

The brainchild of designer Soren Iverson, “LinkedIn TLDR” is a Chrome extension that uses AI to summarize LinkedIn posts that are too long. An option appears above posts to shorten them down to just a sentence or two.

The idea was originally just a fun joke – Iverson’s profile on Threads is full of truly brilliant satirical ideas for the apps and services we all use – but turned into an extension with the helpful of developer Kingston.

The extension lives up to its origins in that, in part, it’s satirical. The default mode for the extension will summarize a LinkedIn post with a bit of satire thrown in. For instance, Iverson shared a demo on Threads that took the infamous LinkedIn post of someone proposing to their girlfriend and “what it taught me about B2B sales” and summarized it with some hilarious jabs.

Post by @soren.iverson
View on Threads

But there’s also a “serious” mode which will summarize the post more literally, which does seem useful given how verbose some posts on the platform can be.

I’ve been playing around with the extension for a bit and, while it’s definitely not as fast as the demos suggest, it’s super fun.

“LinkedIn TLDR” is available on the Chrome Web Store for free, and it only asks permission to view and modify The extension notably only works on posts in the home feed, though.

More on Google Chrome:

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Ben is a Senior Editor for 9to5Google.

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