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Google hit with $5 billion EU anti-trust fine over Android, company set to appeal

Google Chrome Android

Google has been ordered to pay a record-breaking fine by the EU regulators over anti-trust violations relating to the pre-installation of the Chrome browser and associated Google Play Services on devices running Android. The fine may not even be the biggest punishment doled out by the EU today however…


Google’s new workplace, community rules aim to moderate the debate of 80k employees

Google is well-known for maintaining an open company culture that encourages frank discussion and expression. It most recently played a role in the petition signed by over 4,000 Googlers to stop Project Maven. However, there are issues associated with that open atmosphere and Google last week established new rules for internal discussion and workplace conduct.


Larry Page and Sundar Pichai’s roles within Alphabet, Google clarified in SEC letter

Last November, the Securities and Exchange Commission asked Alphabet to further clarify its unique corporate governance structure. Implemented in 2015 as part of a massive reorganization, the SEC wanted insight into the decision-making process within the parent company and its “Other Bets.”


Google rebuts ‘extremely flawed’ NYT report that reveals, quantifies gender pay gap

Over the past year, Google has been dealing with an accusation from the Department of Labor that its women employees are paid less than men. An investigation by the New York Times today, bolsters the U.S. Government’s claim with an analysis of pay data. Google has long denied the Labor Deparment claims and vehemently countered the Times today.


Waymo & Other Bets to legally become Alphabet subsidiaries w/ creation of new ‘XXVI’ holding company

Nearly two years after the reorganization was announced, Waymo, Verily, and the “Other Bets” are now legally Alphabet subsidiaries. Before this, the companies were all technically considered subsidiaries of Google. However, thanks to a new XXVI holding company the structure revealed in 2015 will soon be in effect.


Google & Sundar Pichai condemn extremism in Charlottesville and terrorism in Barcelona

Sundar Pichai

In an email to employees today, Sundar Pichai condemned the extremism in Charlottesville and spoke out against the terrorism that took place in Barcelona only a few hours ago. In response to the more recent event, Google activated its SOS Alert feature, while Pichai made note that Googlers in Spain are safe today.


Author of Google’s anti-diversity document fired as Sundar Pichai notes Code of Conduct violation

The author of the viral anti-diversity document has been fired from Google and comes after Sundar Pichai’s first address on the issue. Following statements over the weekend from the VP of Diversity and others at the company, Google CEO Sundar Pichai penned a memo to employees that surfaced today. It notes that portions of the anti-diversity document violate Google’s Code of Conduct, with the CEO returning from vacation to hold a town hall later this week.


Anti-diversity document written by Google employee encounters mass internal criticism

In recent years, Silicon Valley has made strides towards improving gender and racial diversity, but it is still not the industry’s strong suit. Reflecting how issues are still present is a document circling within Google that decries and calls for an end to the company’s equality efforts. This manifesto of sorts has gone “internally viral,” with many employees now awaiting Google’s response.

