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Google Sans

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‘Google Sans’ font is coming to Chrome OS

Google has slowly been overhauling its countless products with a fresh new look called the Google Material Theme. One piece of that design language is its font, namely Google Sans, which the company told us at I/O is a size-optimized version of Product Sans, the font it uses for its logo.

Now, it seems Google Sans is — unsurprisingly — coming to Chrome OS.


Now we know: Google Sans is actually a size-optimized version of Product Sans

We’ve talked a lot about Google Sans over the last few weeks, most notably in our speculation about so-called “Material Design 2”. It’s popped up in the source code for lots of Google’s more recent website updates, as well as within many apps using what we now know is Google’s new Material Theme.

But until today, we didn’t know what the difference was between it and Product Sans…

