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Sundar Pichai

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Live Blog: Sundar Pichai testifies to Congress on Google’s dominance, antitrust concerns

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The House Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law today is hosting a hearing on “Online Platforms and Market Power.” In addition to the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, and Facebook, Sundar Pichai will be testifying about Google’s Search and advertising dominance, as well as antitrust concerns from Congress. Follow along as we highlight the most interesting questions and answers.

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Sundar Pichai argues ‘Google’s continued success is not guaranteed’ in opening antitrust statement

Google I/O 2021 announced

The chief executives of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook tomorrow will appear before Congress to answer questions about their market dominance. Sundar Pichai’s written statement was released this evening, and it provides a high-level overview of Google’s defense against antitrust allegations.

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Sundar Pichai on WFH: Why it currently works for Google, ‘too early’ to determine lasting impact

Google I/O 2021 announced

Tech companies are well-positioned to work from home, with Mark Zuckerberg this week announcing a permanent remote shift for Facebook. Those plans were praised by some and debated by others. In another interview this week, Alphabet/Google CEO Sundar Pichai shared his outlook for work at Google.


Sundar Pichai talks future Google Pixel plans, messaging, management during COVID-19

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Between the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing projects, and recent reports, things are kind of a whirlwind for Google at the moment. In an interview released today, Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai discussed the future of the Google Pixel lineup, progress of RCS, and how COVID-19 has been affecting Google’s business. Here’s the summary.

