Articles | Volume 11, issue 7
Research article
17 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 17 Jul 2018

CALIPSO lidar level 3 aerosol profile product: version 3 algorithm design

Jason L. Tackett, David M. Winker, Brian J. Getzewich, Mark A. Vaughan, Stuart A. Young, and Jayanta Kar

Data sets

CALIPSO data and information National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Short summary
The CALIPSO level 3 aerosol profile product reports globally gridded, quality-screened monthly mean aerosol extinction profiles retrieved by the spaceborne lidar, CALIOP. This paper describes the quality screening and averaging methods used to generate the product. Impacts of quality screening on reported quantities are evaluated, in particular the change in aerosol extinction profiles and aerosol optical depth. The paper thereby provides guidance on the use of CALIOP aerosol data.