Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE), Shenzhen, China 2016 The exterior skin consists of an outer layer of perforated metal panels and the actual climate envelope made from insulated glass. These elements form a dynamic surface, which is structurally independent from the mounting framework of the museum buildings. 1st photo by Duccio Malagamba 2nd photo by Shu He #coophimmelblau #wolfprix #dalianinternationalconferencecenter #deconstructivism #museumarchitecture #architecturedesign
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Wolf D. Prix & Partner
Architektur und Planung
operating in the fields of art, architecture, urban planning, and design.
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, founded in 1968 by Wolf dPrix, Helmut Swiczinsky, and Michael Holzer (left 1971) in Vienna, Austria. Since Helmut Swiczinsky retired in 2001 from the firm's day-to-day operations and his departure as a partner in 2006, Wolf dPrix is leading the studio as CEO and Design Principal. He is counted among the originators of the deconstructivist architecture movement. Coop Himmelb(l)au had its international breakthrough with the invitation to the exhibition “Deconstructivist Architecture” at MoMA New York in 1988. The studio has a multicultural team from more than 15 countries and is over 150 people strong. With over 50 years in practice, Coop Himmelb(l)au is an expert in developing and executing complex, timely, and highly meaningful projects in the fields of architecture, urban planning, design and art worldwide. The studio is globally recognized for its innovative design approach and stands for a design that is dynamic, multi-layered, and complex. Coop Himmelb(l)au is currently working on a wide range of international projects throughout Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Recently completed works include the Nefertiti - Luxury Hotel Tower in Changsha, the BelView Tower in Vienna and the SCA Arena Sports and Concert Complex in St. Petersburg. The studio has been nominated to undertake the design of the Architectural Statement of Al-Maktoum International Airport in Dubai.
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Externer Link zu COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Wolf D. Prix & Partner
- Branche
- Architektur und Planung
- Größe
- 51–200 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Vienna
- Art
- Privatunternehmen
- Gegründet
- 1968
- Spezialgebiete
- Architecture, Design, Art, Urban Planning und Artificial Intelligence
Spengergasse 37
Vienna, 1050, AT
Beschäftigte von COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Wolf D. Prix & Partner
As Coop Himmelb(l)au's semantics and style are not homogeneous, one of the main challenges was how to design the Deep Himmelblau network so that it learns the correct semantic representation of the projects without biasing the network toward a more prevalent style represented by a particular project. Our network's feature maps and feature extractors are designed to learn how to semantically align distributions, thereby improving the network's ability to understand the underlying semantics represented in the input dataset. Furthermore, the multimodal (images, segmentation maps, depth maps, text, 3D, etc.) training ability of the node-based network contributes significantly to the improvement in learning the correct semantic representation. (c) Deep Himmelblau #coophimmelblau #wolfprix #architecturecompetition #deephimmelblau #generativeai #creativeai #diffusionmodels #aiarchitecture #artificialintelligence #designresearch #machinelearning #parametricarchitecture #deeplearning
UFA Cinema Center, Dresden, Germany 1998 Cinema is no longer merely a machine for illusion and emotion, but also an urban meeting place, and as a strong, clearly legible form, it defines the new urban space. The determinant element of the design—the expression of liveliness—is underscored by the design of the system of access and circulation. The individual cinemas are entered from behind glass façades via stairways, ramps, and landings, which make it possible to see the stream of viewers from outside. Photos by @duccio.malagamba #coophimmelblau #wolfprix #ufakristallpalast #ufadresden #deconstructivism #dresdenarchitecture
Rooftop Remodeling Falkestrasse, Vienna, Austria 1988 The Falkestrasse loft conversion, in the inner city of Vienna, was the first realized deconstructivist building in the world, gaining international recognition for its new kind of architecture. "There are no alcoves or turrets on the roof, no context of proportions, materials or colors but, instead, a visualized line of energy which, coming from the street spans the project, thus breaking the existing roof and thereby opening it." Wolf dPrix Photos by @duccio.malagamba #coophimmelblau #wolfprix #falkestrasse #deconstructivism
Dalian International Conference Center, Dalian, China 2012 Developed along the two main urban axes, the program defines the shape of the building, the inside literally pushing out and deforming the metallic skin of the building. The perforated aluminum slats of the exterior shell provide daylight to the inside, and give the building its striking sculptural appearance. The slats opened in some of the public areas offer selective views of the city and the bay of Dalian. Photos by Shu He #coophimmelblau #wolfprix #dalianinternationalconferencecenter #deconstructivism #architecturedesign
Beulah Propeller City, Melbourne, Australia 2019 The proposed building, with its dramatic silhouette, reflected the vitality and creativity of the city and was designed as a destination for local, national, and international visitors. The vision for Beluah Propeller City was the creation of a vertical city composed of multiple functions intertwined in a fluid gesture of vertically linked public spaces. The “Gestalt” of the structural, material, and functional components of the design was designed to create a memorable and unmistakable icon in the cityscape. Renderings by #coophimmelblau #wolfprix #melbournearchitecture #architecturecompetition #archilovers #designboom #archdaily #architecturemodel #architecturedesign
Some quotes by Wolf dPrix: ‘What is architecture? Architecture is Yes!’ ‘Everybody is right but nothing is correct’ ‘In just two days tomorrow will be yesterday’ #coophimmelblau #wolfprix
Pavilion 21 MINI Opera Space, Munich, Germany 2010 The key design task for the Pavilion was to transform sound sequences into architecture elements and to develop sound reflecting and absorbing properties through their pyramid-like shape: a soundscape. Hence, a modular light-weight construction with outstanding acoustic properties was created, which offered a place for 300 sitting and 700 standing spectators. #coophimmelblau #wolfprix #pavilionarchitecture #soundscaping #jimihendrix #purplehaze #parametricarchitecture #computationaldesign
We are currently looking for a System/Network Administrator to join our team in Dubai, UAE. Check all details on and apply via #coophimmelblau #wolfprix
Pavilion 21 MINI Opera Space, Munich, Germany 2010 The design of the pyramids resulted from the abstraction of music into spatial form. As a starting point, a sequence from the song “Purple Haze” by Jimi Hendrix and a passage from “Don Giovanni” by Mozart were transcribed. Through the analysis of frequency sections from these pieces of music and in combination with the computer generated 3D model, the sequences are translated into pyramidal “spike constructions” by means of parametric “scripting”. Music becomes space. Photo by @duccio.malagamba #coophimmelblau #wolfprix #pavilionarchitecture #soundscaping #jimihendrix #purplehaze #parametricarchitecture #computationaldesign