Internationale Umfrage bestätigt die Notwendigkeitkeit unserer Arbeit bei cyclebee. 🚲 wir arbeiten an der besseren Informationsauffindbarkeit für Radtourismus 🚄 Und an der leichteren Planbarkeit von Rad + Öffi
❓ What do cycling tourists want? We have some answers! 💡 🚲 Last year we carried out an online survey for cycling tourists with a special focus on the Danube Region, in collaboration with the Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm. 🧐 We collected more than 5,000 responses from Europe and beyond, and now publish some interesting findings. Our 5 recommendations: 1️⃣ Develop cycling tourism in the Danube Region further, to benefit from its high potential 2️⃣ Increase the quality of cycling infrastructure in the Danube Region to support the growth of cycling tourism, including sections close to public transport hubs 3️⃣ Improve the cycle-friendliness of public transport to increase cycling tourism 4️⃣ Provide sufficient capacity for carrying bicycles on public transport (especially trains and buses) 5️⃣ Improve online information on cycling tourism and public transport, including for international audiences. 👉 Interreg Danube Region Programme #A2PT #Active2PublicTransport #interregdanube