HighScape hat dies direkt geteilt
Moderating this webinar was an honor and a pleasure! It was very interesting to see how software and electronics are key technology enablers for value creation, and how the value delivery along the entire product lifecycle can positively be impacted! In the webinar, we've also discussed the "Software-Defined Component", which will in the end be a building block in the Software-Defined Vehicle of the Future. These components are expected to provide local intelligence while including sensing and control capabilities to support the evolution of the SDV of the future. Looking forward for the next steps and the further collaboration between the E-VOLVE cluster, all partnering projects and the SDV-community. #evolve #sdv #collaboration #innovation SmartCorners HighScape EM-TECH project Armengaud Innovate GmbH
We've seen mobility e-volv(e)ing! 🚗 Today, the E-VOLVE cluster webinar took place and it is time to thank our presenters, moderator, organizers and of course all participants for a very interesting and insightful webinar, where 7 projects presented their "Smart components for the Software-Defined Vehicle of the Future". We are looking forward providing you the recordings very soon and invite you to follow all projects and us to further "see mobility e-volv(e)ing". #webinar #thankyou #cluster #sciencecommunication #sdv #horizoneu #HorizonEurope #electricmobility