ShapeDiver is a self-service, cloud-native, SaaS platform that helps individuals and businesses build applications based on parametric CAD models made with Rhinoceros 3D and Grasshopper.
Our clients use our technology to create very cost-efficient 3D product configurators and internal collaboration tools that help them automate, modernize and improve their design, production, sales and marketing efforts.
Our platform has over 5,000 registered users from 95+ countries. We work with companies from over 15 different industries, such as Furniture, Jewelry, Medical Devices, Apparel, and AEC, ranging from SMBs to Fortune 500 companies.
ShapeDiver is an online platform that simplifies hosting and sharing Grasshopper files online.
We provide the tools and scalable infrastructure to help you transform your library of Grasshopper files into powerful and shareable online applications.
Share the full power of your parametric design files with partners, clients, and other non-technical stakeholders wherever they are while protecting your IP.
📊The charts and graphs in Grasshopper are not enough!
Grasshopper offers some out-of-the-box options to create graphs. However, they are not customizable and can only be visualized on the canvas. Some Grasshopper plugins provide some solutions but are mainly locked to the Rhino Grasshopper context.
What if we need to present those graphs to no-Grasshopper or Rhino users❓
What if we need complete custom graphs❓
David Mans has the solution 🚀. He has developed the plugin Graphics+ (Link below in the comments). This plugin has all the tools you need to create any graphics you want from scratch using the power of Grasshopper. You can:
✏️Draw curves and text.
🎨Add fillings and strokes with different styles.
🔗Attach metadata, hyperlinks, and even tooltips.
🖼️What is the output?
The plugin's “Drawing Viewer” component allows you to visualize the result on the canvas or, even better, export it as an image or an SVG file.
🧐What are SVG files? Why are they a better solution?
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML format that defines two-dimensional vector graphics. They are widely used for graphics, icons, logos, and illustrations because they can scale without losing quality.
💡The best part? Modern browsers entirely support them. This means you can open the SVG file on any device, visualize the graphic, navigate via the hyperlinks, and see extra info via the tooltips.
🔄What if you want to update those graphics in real time?
ShapeDiver App Builder has you covered. It fully supports SVG files generated on the fly using the Grasshopper definition parameters and displays them in the app menus.
🎥In the video below, Graphic+ generates a radar chart, a bubble chart, and a tornado chart, which are then exported as SVG and linked to the app builder's right container (The link to the app is below in the comments).
🤔Do you want out-of-the-box charts?
If you do not want to create complete custom charts from scratch, App Builder also offers out-of-the-box area, bar, line, and round charts, all available in the ShapeDiver Grasshopper plugin. At the end of the video below, you can see those options in action!
Do you find this plugin useful? Would you like to learn more about the Graphics+ plugin? What about getting the Grasshopper file? Let me know in the comments❗⬇️
Stop Overusing Solid Operations in Grasshopper! 🚫🛑
Learning to optimize Grasshopper definitions is crucial for creating powerful, flexible, and scalable tools. I've been creating Grasshopper definitions for years at ShapeDiver, during which I have learned some simple tricks for saving computation time, which I want to share with you:
1️⃣ Avoid solid operations:
Solid operations (like Solid Difference) should be the last resort. They require more computation time, especially with free-form solids. If they are really needed, consider alternatives like the Split Brep intersection, which can be more efficient.
2️⃣ Use planar geometry:
Points, lines, and planes compute faster. 🎥 The video clip below explains this concept. It is part of an extensive video tutorial with examples and downloadable Grasshopper definitions. 👉 The link to the full video is in the comments section ⬇️
3️⃣ Leverage Physical and Mathematical Intersect tabs:
These tabs contain components that offer simpler and faster computations. As you move to the left on the Intersect tab, operations become simpler and faster.
4️⃣ Simplify geometry:
Simplify the geometry as much as possible, for example, to planar curves or even points. Detect the specific parts of your geometry that need to be involved in the operation and separate them from the rest of the geometry that will remain intact.
☝️ Remember, the best solution isn't always the one with the fewest components but the one that optimizes computation time.
💡 There's almost always a way to optimize your definitions! It might take more components and logic, but the payoff is worth it. The goal is to reduce computation time for the end-users of your definitions.
Have you discovered other ways to achieve faster computation times? Share your experience in the comments❗⬇️
🟦 ShapeDiver <> Speckle: We closed the loop!
At the end of last year, and with the help of the Speckle team, we built a way to send data from ShapeDiver applications to Speckle streams... and beyond, thanks to the gorgeous list of connectors that Speckle built!
In other words, since then, data from your online #parametric#applications is free. But we did not want to stop there.
After a few more weeks of collaboration, bug fixing, and ironing out, it is now also possible to pull data from Speckle streams and use it directly as inputs of ShapeDiver applications. This relationship goes both ways, using the Synchronous Sender and Receiver components.
➡️ Read more about the integration and find tutorial definitions to get started here:
📺 And keep an eye out for the upcoming webinar!
🤫 Spoiler: there is one more integration step brewing. We will soon enable #webhooks from ShapeDiver models, enabling full #automation! Synchronize data to your streams, trigger ShapeDiver automations, and generate new versions without leaving the Speckle platform.
➡️ Interested? Comment below to be among the first to test ShapeDiver automations!
Have a look at the twisted tower example, with a twist! 🪢
One of last year’s features I'm most proud of is the drawing tools. The drawing tools allow you to draw points and lines in a web browser. At first, you might think the setup for this would be complicated, but with the ShapeDiver App Builder, you can achieve it all from Grasshopper, without writing a single line of code.
While some use cases for the drawing tools are quite clear, like drawing an outline for a building, others might surprise you. In the video below, I first use the drawing tools to draw a shape that serves as the outline of a building. I don’t use the resulting polyline directly but instead use the points to create an interpolated curve. In a second input, I use the same drawing tools with different settings to place points in the scene to sprout some trees.
Try it yourself:
While you might say that no one would do this in a real AEC application (and you’d be right about that), it just shows how easy this feature is to use. In Grasshopper, you simply get the points that were placed, that’s it. You can do whatever you want with them, in my case, I sprouted some trees.
For now, we support three types:
- Points
- Open Polyline
- Closed Polyline
But soon, there might be more, like NURBS curves! ➿
What else would you want to draw? What creative use cases can you think of? 🌐
App Builder is helping us accelerate ShapeDiver adoption within the AEC industry
ShapeDiver has always been about empowering computational designers to deploy their work to wider audiences outside the wonderful but relatively small community of power users of specific CAD software.
This worked quite well early on for product designers who were able to contribute to many great product configurators and other sales-oriented tools. However, for a while, we struggled to find traction within the AEC companies - specifically architects and engineers.
In hindsight, it makes sense: When you plan to build an online configurator, you assume you will have to do web development work. Using ShapeDiver made such projects more efficient and, in many cases, possible, even if some web development work remained.
On the other hand, an engineer whose company is paid for his project work typically does not have the time and resources to think about web development, let alone get the approval to pay for external resources to work on a small internal tool.
Therefore, a key to improving adoption within the AEC community was to make our users independent and self-sufficient. With the introduction of App Builder, they can build their tools purely in #grasshopper3d without any coding or outside help. This makes building project-specific or general tools much more feasible and allows our customers in the field to quickly onboard many more colleagues than before.
I’m excited about building on this progress in 2025 by finishing our full integration into Speckle.
Thanks to everyone who contributed valuable feedback to this breakthrough. We rely on you to keep the good suggestions coming! A special shoutout to the team at CORE studio at Thornton Tomasetti for their continued support in this effort!
The Text Tag 3D component just got super fast in the ShapeDiver viewer 🚀
Want to know how?
While the old approach definitely wasn’t bad, there was still quite a bit of room for improvement. In this blog post, I’ve detailed what the initial issue was and what has changed with the new approach (keywords: pre-computing and instancing). I was able to make these changes fairly quickly, but the improvements are significant. If only all tasks were like this!
Link to the blog post ->
Do you have any ideas for further improvements? Let me know! 🌐
CTO and Co-founder at ShapeDiver | Cloud applications based on Grasshopper and Rhino Compute
We announced it a few weeks ago: the official ShapeDiver App for Shopify just landed 🚀🛬
This closes the loop: From Grasshopper to e-commerce without coding. Unlimited product configuration. Be among the first ones to give it a try. The integration can be used for free on Shopify development stores, and we offer a 14 day free trial period on public stores.
I am adding links to the documentation and the Shopify app store below in the comments.
👉 Original announcement:
👉 Fully compatible with iJewel3D 💍:
Let your diamonds (and user interface) shine! 💎✨
At the end of last year, I presented our partnership with iJewel3D, which allows us to combine the power of Grasshopper with stunning web-based jewelry renderings. However, these renderings can be overshadowed if they are not placed in a pleasant user interface that matches your brand.
With App Builder, ShapeDiver UI-builder framework, and iJewel3D, you can improve the surroundings of your jewelry in two ways:
1️⃣ Setting up the scene:
iJewel3D offers a playground (Link in the comments) where you can easily set up the scene of your model by adding a ground, shadows, lighting, custom camera position, HDRI maps, and more. After you finish the setup, you can easily download a file that can be connected to your app via a simple URL query string.
🎥 See how much difference a custom scene makes in the video below, where the ring is presented with ground, shadows, and an improved camera angle. A logo also appears while Grasshopper is loading, signaling to users that the app is processing. 💡
👉 Link to the configurator in the comments.
2️⃣ Customize the user interface:
App Builder has a default theme that styles the elements added to the user interface via Grasshopper. This theme can be greatly edited via a JSON file, where you can define colors 🎨, fonts, the size of the containers, the look of sliders, and how the theme style changes based on the device.
🎥 In the video below, you can see the before-and-after effects of applying a custom theme. The layout of the bottom container has changed so that it covers the entire width of the screen; its height was reduced, and the content was aligned to the right. The colors and look of the user interface were also changed to match the brand.
📚 Want to learn more? Link to the documentation in the comments.
🤔 Do you think a well-designed user interface significantly impacts how jewelry is perceived online? Leave your comments below!