Founders journey for Pack to the Future™ - the eCommerce shipping app that's unfu*king the damage done by a whole lot of plastic that the industry ships products with.
My big week broken down into numbers:
1 - investors in the pipeline (on purpose)
0 - social media posts for the brand (😫)
127 - days until we launch the SaaS
6,209,000 - the number of packages I'm hoping to ship in sustainable packaging in 2025.
I'm still juggling that fact that my wife left me (for a month, she's back on Monday) and my ability to be a father and a startup founder.
This week we tested out our merchant-facing savings calculator that I'll be pushing ad spend through, to build out our pipeline prior to launching (now looking at Feb/Mar '25 for launch).
The questions are easy to answer and the math behind the results makes quite the impact.
We are polling eCommerce merchants to find out:
1. How many orders they ship each month
2. What is their average cost to ship each order
3. What percentage of their orders ship in <5kg mailer bags
4. What is their website url
From this, we've been able to strengthen our datalake for our AI model to crawl and learn about products and shipping habits.
I asked these questions to one merchant that I've known for years (and built their website).
Entering their details into the calculator, their monthly savings are exciting (see the screenshot) 🤩
They will be potentially removing 140kg of single use plastic from their shipping process EVERY month, and saving a really healthy $9,900 on their shipping related fees (optimising their shipping costs, removing their packaging costs and reducing their platform costs).
For clarity, they ship over 7,000 orders a month.
Investor wise, I'm in due diligence with one VC as I type this.
The VC money isn't life changing but the network and the flow on is positive.
I could pull the money out of the equity on my home, or sell a car and retain my shareholding but the balance is the growth I can gain from their involvement with my brand long term.
Social media wise, I'm burnt out. I'm a marketer at hearty and right now, putting my face in front of a camera and sharing my brand on social channels is far from where I want to be spending my time. This will change next week though, I've got backup coming in the form of my wife being home to free me up.
I've got this amazing permission-based funnel for sharing the brands that use our products on our social accounts - I've just been too under the pump to create the content.
Lastly on this week's numbers - 6,209,000 packages in 2025. That's out there!
I'll unpack that more next week. It's going to be amazing to see that eventuate but it's a lofty goal.
Got questions? ask in the comments.
#startup #founder #ecommerce #shopifyapp #fundraising